Prosperity Going East or West?
Running around in the streets making noises won’t get Prosperity back, it went east from England to Germany!
The Last Hideous Acts
While the Italian godfathers of Europe were still stamping on national sovereignty in the name of EU communism, Whitehall was sending a war fleet across the oceans in the name of global Britain, drawing dire warnings from global powers while trying to act as the world’s policeman.
Meanwhile, the uk delusional ones deliberately knocked out Mädel’s plans for a future peaceful and non-belligerent trading alliance between Sovereign England and the Americas starting with Mexico.
The Huns Waited
Sister Hun and her brother were patiently waiting to see whether Mädel’s plans would take off, and because they didn’t – and after many tears shed, in the fall of 2021 hermana Angela came back from Mexico for a week and announced we were all going to Germany instead. It was a Machtwort and it wasn’t up for discussion!
I knew that my sister had left half the union flag vacant as a bargaining tool out of England to escape the British – whatever they are supposed to be, and my own plans were also about to pay off. In the last Party cover A British Five Pound Note, I wrote: “Let me get Mädel to Germany and I care not how many five pound notes the British issue”.
“Nothing to Be Had Here”
In The Party’s 4th February 2022 edition The Road From Aachen, under the chapter Prosperity here or there, we find:
“When the Hun returned to England, he came from Aachen where he had been staying. Mädel was waiting for me, and as she was still going to school, she expected one day to make a career in England. Shortly after returning to her, a vision came to me in which I found myself along the road from Germany to England, precisely in Belgium and not far from Brussels. Over me was Prosperity, it was undecided whether to go to England or to Germany from where I had just departed, and several times it went in one direction, to then turn round and travel on in the other: hin und her. Finally it decided for England, turned around again and went west.”
However, when Freundin later finished private school and came out with her work offer in 2017, people sent by the uk establishment went around insulting her, and Prosperity finally said: “There is nothing going here, let’s go back east!”.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
Now That She’s Gone
Now that Mädel has gone to Germany, which came about last month of the current year, the dead-uk establishment has been going around in the streets making noises and no doubt made some more false promises to America in regards to Angela and the Irish – alas to no avail.
Once the German Holy Mother had come to England to make Her offer to Mädel for the German Wirtschaft – as described here at The Party, it was just a case of Freundin making clear that she is English, never has been British and never will be, and that this is pre-conditional to her working in Germany.
Likewise, Sovereign England is pre-conditional to Angela ever researching the Irish church, which is what the USA will have to accept on making an agreement with her in the future! We already know that Angela is waiting to return to Germany after her brother is there.
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