A Letter From English Mädel
It came by post, it came thick, it came pasted!
Now Let Me Tell You!
Today a letter came to me by S-mail from Freundin in Germany. She read the last Party post A New Era for Germany, in which it is written “The Northern Ireland Protocol has nought to do with Germany and shall have null influence in German affairs”.
Mädel, who is English and has never been British, has asked me to add another Party page specifying that she also believes in a new era for Sovereign England, and that the following also rings true: “The Northern Ireland Protocol has nought to do with England and shall have null influence in English affairs”.
Freundin explained to me that she doesn’t care for the Irish problems and doesn’t want other people chasing after her and tripping up all that she intends doing. She said that whether the USA is interested in Angela’s proposal concerning the Irish, or also not, does not concern her and won’t change her intentions for Sovereign England.
According to Mädel, the Irish clearly don’t like brother and sister Huns because we are Huns and that this makes them the complete opposite of her. She states that if they claim that Angela does not merit a response and that her brother is a waste of space, I should just leave them to go back to the demonic Thug who the British sent at us in January 2019 in England and leave them to their own devices.
Most importantly, she wrote, the Irish problem in its complexity has nothing whatsoever to do with the English or with the Germans, and she explained the only problem they have in my view is their resentment towards Angela Hun and this excludes them from any further comment on Party pages.
Keep the Five Pounds
Mädel reminded me that when the British declared me dead in 2018 and called Angela a liar, I left them a fully costed five pound note in my bank account to cover any outstanding expenses the British have in cancelling my name from their registers.
She wrote that I owe them nothing at all and when they come out with their pathetic noises in the streets, to ignore them and look the other way.
Mädel is English and doesn’t care about the British, and I recall that her last words to them on leaving England were Good riddance.
A Cold Winter and Other Trivia
Readers at The Party will be aware that the British exchanged Mädel’s good trading relations between Sovereign England and Mexico policy with Boris Johnson’s queen-worshipping uk-British claptrap, and they will have also noticed that Party space has long ago ceased even mentioning anything concerning what goes on in Britain, because at The Party we simply don’t consider it worthy of mention.
The Hun quite regularly used to find five pound notes and ten pound notes in the street, he’d pick them up and they’d go towards an extra treat. The last time he found a twenty pound note on the pavement he exclaimed Ah, I’ll double this!, and went and gambled it – and lost it. Ah well, he said, I wasn’t the first person to lose that twenty pound note!
It’s been some time now that no more notes have appeared to me on the pavement, people have become mean, the hard times are probably setting in and folks have stopped carelessly dropping money, or if they do, they bend down and pick it up instead of leaving it in the street.
The Hun stopped donating to food banks ever since they declared him dead in 2018! Sorry, he said, if I’m dead, that’s too bad, then you’ll go without!
Alexandra once taught me that if you try contacting someone or something, and it doesn’t interact with you, then it’s not worth it, just let it be!
I’ve stashed away some extra bottles of dark rum in case it gets cold come September. Otherwise the pantry is overflowing with goods and I’m running out of storage space. I had to throw out a sack of oats to make room for German chocolate-coated marzipan.
Since Mädel has gone, I have to wash my Wehrmacht uniform myself, and I’ve just purchased a packet of soapsuds. I also have to use the press myself to iron out the creases and remembered that Freundin always does that while the garments are still damp.
The Hun also polishes his own boots now!
Here is today’s Party presentation, dedicated to Mädel.
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