Attracted to a Honey Pot in Germany

With Anglia and Alexandra’s whereabouts in Germany unknown to the British and the Italians, the German honey pot is defended already in advance!

Secret Location

In Italy, an election is planned for September this year after the failure of the government run by Simon Magus, the one who, as former manager of the European Central Bank, is an expert in the creation of hot-air credit created out of nothing. This fake credit is used to fund primarily the bankrupt state of Italian financial affairs both at treasury and private-sector banking level.

This is one good reason why Mädel doesn’t want Italian agents following her around and trying to get to her economic policies in Germany, hence the secrecy around her location after moving there last month.

Another very good reason she is not on the radar can be traced back to the recent scene in the City, where Boris Johnson has resigned after failing one hundred percent in everything he undertook since entering 10 Downing Street. Mädel doesn’t want uk relics hounding her down!

In the most recent Party page The Last British Act: Boris Departs, we read: “Boris wasn’t the only person to quit British affairs in early July 2022: Mädel also quit, Alexandra at her side, and went to Germany!

Dwindling Pension Funds

The era of City paper investments for future personal pensions introduced in the 1970s by the Thatcher regime is being overcome by falling share values and impossible public debt. Government bonds and shares cannot keep up with inflation and offer very low interest returns, and, in the case of the former, risk default. If British pension funds are not living up to the promises, then that’s too bad.

Toxic Debt

Among various things Freundin does not want, one is City bankers going to the Land of the Rhine trying to hook Germany onto an investment scheme in derivatives, whereby British mortgages obtained at rip-off prices would be sold to German financial institutions in an attempt at emptying the honey pot through a City bankers’ scam.

The British housing market was used as a pyramid scheme, and with house prices already five times higher than they should be, they can no longer be increased. Consequently the derivatives scam based on toxic debt should have run its final course. Mädel once told me that Germany should avoid the City’s derivatives like the plague: investing in Buckingham palace is not an option.

State Bankruptcy

An insolvent state should declare itself bankrupt, that’s what Freundin was announcing in 2017 when she finished school, and this was part of her financial policy. In a recent letter to me, she wrote that Germany should not be called upon to bail out bankrupt countries, which instead should ask their own wealthier citizens to pay up from any surplus they might have squirrelled away. After all, the public debt of this or that country is meant for its own public to see to, not the German public.

German Wirtschaft

Mädel refuses point blank to work for the uk or for the EU, and that includes the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ who dismally failed in their project. She is never going to apply her skills without a contract, and until her Hun has his castle in Germany and has raised the German flag there, she will not even consider coming back to England!

Knowing I came from Germany at her request and helped her raise the English Flag for Sovereign England, Freundin is helping me by making sure I get back home to the German Mother’s land.

This is today’s Party presentation.


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