A New Era for Germany
The Northern Ireland Protocol has nought to do with Germany and shall have null influence in German affairs.
Turning the Page on the EU
Today’s Party edition will summarise why the European Union is destined to fall due to the German Holy Mother who is waiting for Angela Hunnin’s return to Germany. Angela avoided a British prison by finding sanctuary in Mexico.
The Moloch Pact, which was put in place by the commissars and leaders of the European Union, including the British leaders who were part of that institution, prevented Angela from carrying out her research into the foundations of the German Church.
They understood that Angela proclaims sovereignty of a national church through Holy Mother and Child of a nation, and because this clashed with their plans for international communism, they said she had to be silenced.
Proclaiming divine guidance and divine supremacy in place of human godfathers and mortal founding fathers, her work proved to be contrary to the communist dictatorship of the EU leaders, which is why they wanted to lock her up in a British prison and systematically consign her work to Moloch.
In return, the Conservative party, through which Whitehall operates, worked out with the EU the ‘divorce bill’ and the Northern Ireland Protocol, both designed to perpetuate the diabolic pact between UK and EU.
Babylon the City Whore
Babylon the City and the failed godfathers of Europe had made a diabolic pact to destroy Sovereign England and the English Church Angela had worked for in the Name of the Fair Lady, and now they were out to bring Germany down to Hell.
When they sent the demonic Thug in early 2019, they did so in the name of their father Satan, who however proved to be destined to Hell at the very moment the Thug, through whom he operated, was about to cross into the room where Mädel and I were. In fact, a pre-emptive force which he did not see sent him upside down in a ball of fire and downwards into perdition. On the last day of August of that same year, Angela departed from what had become Sovereign England, whereas the kingdom of the Tanner’s son died.
As for Mädel, she believed that a new era for Sovereign England would start by way of a special trade relationship with Mexico, one that could extend to all the Americas, but Babylon the City had installed Boris Johnson and things went the way they did.
As a result of this, in October 2021, Angela, still resident in Mexico, gave the order to dedicate all resources towards the German Lady and Child.
End of the Moloch Pact
The crossroads pact that Italy made with the uk many years ago, which enabled the Antichrist to target Angela after her last return from Serbia, came to an end after the English Child left Folkestone for Germany to protect his German spiritual brother from the Hellhound – as narrated on Party space.
The German Holy Mother later had the Beast Moloch arrested and sentenced in Germany, imprisoned in England and then taken out the very next morning and crucified. From that time on, the Moloch Pact was destined to fail and, consequently, the EU will no longer be in a position to oppose Angela but instead must go the same way the UK went.
Angela is the one who upheld Easter, while Babylon the Whore and the EU godfathers were out to crucify her. Instead, their Moloch received that end and the Hellhound had to go! The Serbian Lady’s Alliance with the German Lady was about Angela going to Germany, not Satan. By inclusion, it was also about her two best friends going to Germany too. This came about when Mädel and Alexandra made their move to Germany in early July 2022 in preparation of Angela returning there.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
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