A British Five Pound Note
“Let me get Mädel to Germany and I care not how many five pound notes the British issue”.
The Hun’s Plan in Germany
In today’s Party publication I’ll be looking at the implications of the above phrase, which I said in my heart in Germany following a dream in which I had seen Mädel at the door entrance to my room. At my words Komm her!, she had entered and come to me and then I greeted her, placing my hands gently on her arms.
Here is today’s Party song.
At the time it was clear that Freundin, who only ever called herself English, wanted me back in England where she was still attending private school. Later she would tell me that it was out of reciprocal love from the heart that we had met again in the dream.
Before leaving Germany, however, I had made my mind up for the day the British should attempt doing to her what the Italians had tried in Italy. Knowing they had an obsession for seeing how far a five pound note could get them, I calculated they’d try obtaining a bucket of gold for four pounds instead of five, or two buckets of gold for the price of one five pound note.
Bearing this in mind, it was my wholehearted intention to get Mädel – after she would leave school and be ready to start her career in economics – out of Britain and to the land where the Rhine flows.
Treated Like Convicts
In the last Party page A Special German Passport, we find: “I always trusted Angela’s superior wisdom, it prevented her brother rotting in a British prison”.
At the time when I was still in Germany, it had been clear to me they would try locking Mädel up in a prison to get to her policies, the Italians having informed them that she writes manuals – or at least had written one in Italian. But after I got back to England she asked me to take all the bugs out of her premises and make sure the door was locked to their prying and spying eyes and ears.
When my Freundin later finished school in 2017 and made her offer, the British did precisely what I had imagined they’d do: they were out to enslave her, trying to get her work for free and against her will.
While Mädel took it badly, I had already decided to up the ante and make a full exit out of Britain with Angela and Alexandra too, and it was just a matter of waiting for the day when Germany would understand the self-evident: that the days of the Italian godfathers in Europe were over.
Sod Brexit, I thought, there’s much more for Mädel to achieve when 27 other countries decide to leave the EU!
A Shadow Pulling Strings
Mädel is English and she got very fed-up with the British running after the English and sabotaging all that she ever tried doing. When she planned a special trade relationship between Sovereign England and Mexico, one that could have extended into having good trade relations con todo el nuevo mundo, including Canada and the USA, ‘the British’ came out again trying to exchange all this with a ‘global Britain’. And so I set about convincing her that sister and brother Huns have another solution to solving her problem.
Freundin’s sad face changed to a smile when I would tell her that people who wear lederhosen are likely to associate with Sovereign England, contrary to savages!
She doesn’t want a shadow creeping along pulling strings behind the scene, and consequently there’s no place for the ‘British’ getting to her work using spying methods while trying to trash the English.
My lederhosen proved superior and my argument won the day, convincing Mädel that the British would only ever try looting her.
Sovereign England, I explained to her, will prosper once we are im Lande des deutschen Volkes at the right point in time and on the right side of history!
When I last saw the shadow walking past in the street from the opposite direction, he had a very angry expression indeed, and en passant I said to him You haven’t got a pair! He didn’t reply, and a few days later Mädel left England for Germany.
I Left You Five Pounds
Readers of The Party will know that I was declared dead in the fall of 2018, by which time I had five pounds left in my bank account. It was a positive sum, therefore no debts were attached, and on disposing of my bankcard, I left this princely sum to ‘the British’ to cover the uk’s funeral expenses after it died on the last day of August 2019.
As a good Hun I told the Shadow to go rot!
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