National Ecclesiastic Supremacy

Angela has chosen the USA to stand up for the Fair Lady in place of the British who betrayed Her.

Angela and the National Church

Tonight’s edition at The Party is looking at the official invitation sent out by Angela from Mexico to the United States of America to stand up for the Fair Lady and in so doing enable my sister at some time in the future to carry out her studies into the origins of the Irish church.

According to die Hunnin, whose decision concerning America is narrated in our 23rd of June edition A Video Conference From Mexico, published in the current year 2022, a national church has ecclesiastic supremacy within its own right only in the name of the national Holy Mother and Child who, not being of human origin, are part of the Holy Trinity.

They Hate Angela

We have seen that the four national churches of the British Isles each have a distinct child, but the Spiritual Mother is the same, the One we at The Party refer to as the Fair Lady.

Owing to the opposition of the uk established powers-that-were to the Fair Lady and their campaign to prevent Angela dedicating herself to further studies into national churches, she could never commence her research into Irish ecclesiastic origins, not least because the uk was working with foreign powers and entities who hated Angela on account of her spiritual contacts.

They realised she had received the spiritual church calendar from the Serbian Holy Mother in Valjevo and used it within her own right, and they understood that die Hunnin does not bow down to mortal people claiming to have power and authority over the Holy Spirit.

Betrayal of the Fair Lady

The Party has sufficiently explained that Angela fled prison and torture at the hands of the uk police institutions in their various forms, that I her brother took her place in prison, that she will not come back here, and that the uk police will not get her future work on the Irish church if ever she got round to achieving it.

To date, it has been impossible for her to do her work owing to their insistence that her brother must never be allowed to receive the means to fund her even though he has duty of care towards his sister. Their obnoxious doctrine whereby she must never have a work contract in her own name and must be declared a liar instead meant Angela could only flee. The reason why I am in a British prison is to prevent them torturing and tormenting Angela while calling her a liar and trying to steal her work and redirect it towards their own presumed power and agenda.

Plain Truth

The truth of the matter is, unless her brother is in Germany as described in many Party publications – which I do not need to repeat here to oblivion – Angela will not come back, not now, nor ever, in which case there will never be an Irish church as she would have researched and presented it.

Similarly, there would never be a German Church – the One under the Full Moon, because she simply is not coming back here, Amen. And if ever she did, it would be from Germany after having achieved success for the German Holy Mother and Child and after the USA has officially contacted her brother in relation to a work contract for the Irish church. Full stop.

Not a Chance in Hades

There is not a chance in the entire underworld that Angela would ever trust the uk police, Whitehall and the Westminster regime, for those people would imprison and torture my sister and sacrifice her to their father Satan and their own monarchy of the Antichrist!

I her brother took her place in prison and am stating the facts as I know them from Angela, who assured me that unless we are both back in Germany, she will not come back at all. In Mexican dress, she looked me in the eyes and I promised never to betray her.

Here is tonight’s Party tune.

Handcuffs, Rack and Chain

When they came looking for her in November last year after discovering she had come to visit us for a while, Alexandra, who kept tabs on their whereabouts, had already informed Angela and she was gone again.

Wearing their hideous monkey boots, they went back to their police van and drove off without anyone in the back to ram into a prison cell. Mädel laughed at them from the upper window as they stomped off, and I was grinning from the downstairs lounge window as, with very angry expressions, they beat it.

Clean Hands

In the last Party print Mädel Isn’t Coming Back to England, it’s written: “I the Hun never had a work contract with the British and they never funded Angela, I want nothing of them and owe them nothing”.

Mädel always said she is English, and whereas I in the past may have erroneously believed there is such a thing as being British, she assured me that her identity always was and always will be English.

Freundin is now cultivating relations between Germany and Sovereign England while waiting for me and my sister Angela to join her there, where she shares a house with Alexandra. Wolfgang is protecting their location to make sure the Italians and the British cannot catch up and start hounding them. After all, there has never been a work agreement with Italians or with British, and seeing that Alexandra knew how to track the uk police movements in order to evade them and get out, if there is one thing she and Mädel don’t want, that is British and Italian agents turning up in Germany!


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