Intercepting Bletchley Park
Believing ‘the British’ instead of Angela is a bad choice, not a victory.
“I Hear You, Over and Out”
Bletchley Park was in the belief that Mädel could not leave England unless the Hun had first received gold bars from Germany along with German travel documents. This led them to keeping their focus trained on me, and owing to this lowering of the guard on their part, Mädel got out of England with Alexandra, who kept track of the whereabouts of the British police.
Finding a gap in the net after intercepting their messages, she gave the all-clear and Mädel picked up her suitcase and exited through the door, joining Alexandra at a rendezvous they had agreed upon. At the time this happened, I was walking past the police station distracting their attention reading from my Prayer-Book-for-Huns and making them feel confident.
This had helped Alexandra figure out where they were at that time and what thoughts were going on in their mind, and it helped her understand where they were not at that same point in time, and so she acted accordingly.
Strange Scenes in the Streets
So soon as they found out through Party space that they were gone, Bletchley Park was under shock and in disbelief and started making strange noises in public spaces. Having placed all their eggs in one basket, they had thought that all depended on gold bars and travel documents. It didn’t!
In fact, while that can be considered the case for me, it didn’t apply to Mädel. Having her own travel documents and being funded by Alexandra, all she needed was for the British secret service to fall asleep over their own exaggerated confidence.
Only a few days before she departed, their agents sitting on a pavement had asked me for five pounds. They were very confident, and at the time I was on my way to the shop to purchase a bottle of wine and told them I couldn’t afford a five pound note. Having a ten pound note, it wasn’t in my intention to share it with them.
But when they discovered Freundin was actually gone, their tune changed to incredulity. I laughed at them!
Here is today’s Party tune.
Uncle Sam appears to have given the British the benefit of the doubt and chosen to exchange Angela’s word for theirs. That’s fine!
Actually it’s too bad, because I explained that I personally have no obligation towards the Irish but only obeyed Angela who is in Mexico and intends returning home to Germany.
The German Holy Mother has two empty spaces of Angela’s union flag hanging out to dry in Germany. Not that there’s any ink in them to dry, though – after all they’re empty.
In The Party’s last publication German Holy Mother Versus EU Commissars, it is stated: “The commissars of the EU tried shutting down the German Holy Mother, and the driving force behind this form of communism was coming out of Italy and Britain”.
I’m sure America won’t be pleased at the prospect of enabling the Italians and the British in their quest to impose Communism in place of national sovereignty in Europe and in Ireland. That might be what Winston Churchill fought for, but it isn’t what Angela Hun and her brother are fighting for.
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