German Holy Mother Versus EU Commissars
The commissars of the EU tried shutting down the German Holy Mother, and the driving force behind this form of communism was coming out of Italy and Britain.
From England to Germany
Contrary to the British who hated the Hun on account of his origins, Mädel, who is English, was always good to him and remained true, in the end moving to Germany to wait there for me in a place where the British cannot catch up with her.
The Party has explained how the British establishment attempted to cancel the work that Angela did for the English Church. Mädel was aware of this, and she also saw how they then tried preventing her friend Angela from researching the foundations of the German Church.
She knows they worked arm in arm with the commissars of the EU who were trying to impose their communist empire over national sovereignty of many nations, and that they went to War against Jesus, the Son of God and rightful King of the English Folk.
Seeing that Angela and her brother were loyal to the Fair Lady of the English nation and made sure that the English Church could never be cancelled into oblivion, Mädel moved to Germany in preparation of Angela Hun and her brother following her over. She did this for the German Holy Mother who the EU commissars, working with the uk, sought to cancel into oblivion.
The Malefic Ones
The previous Party page Surrendering Would Have Meant Losing Mädel, states “Mädel made sure I trusted her and never surrendered to the British uk”.
As is clear in the ‘divorce bill’ and the Northern Ireland protocols, the uk and the EU intended perpetuating themselves, and consequently the alleged friction between them over the Northern Ireland border is just a hoax intended by design to fool people into watching the two parties see-sawing up and down, Theresa May and Boris Johnson on one end, the communist commissars on the other, both sides giving each other attention and oxygen as on a ventilator.
These are the people whose intention was to cancel Sovereign England, and by extension the Reign of Jesus, Son of God, over any nation in the world. Their designated victim number one was the English Church of the English Folk.
The Demonic Empire Would Have Spread
Had they succeeded in taking over England, their next intended target was the German Holy Mother and Her Church, and finally, going by what we know from the Serbian Mother, they wanted to cancel the Russian Church too. Had they achieved these three goals, then they would have also cancelled the Serbian Mother and Child and obliterated Angela’s work as from its very beginning, starting from when she went to Valjevo in Serbia and received the spiritual church calendar.
It’s even self-evident that the Antichrist UK-EU axis wanted to win the War in England against the Son of God and rightful King, to then spread out and prevail in Germany too – see The Party’s reference to Moloch being infiltrated from Italy into England and then from England into Germany. This is the exact opposite of what Angela was doing, and it’s why their master is called the Antichrist, because they intend doing the exact opposite of the Saviour and replacing his Kingdom with that of their father, Satan. To achieve this, they sought to replace Angela with Moloch.
Five Pounds
Taunting the Hun with a five pound note, they said that Angela was just a liar and was incapable of publishing her book on the English Church Cornerstone, and it was all too clear to me that if she and I had approached anyone who promotes and publishes books, they would have got there before we did using their bugging systems. Or they would have intercepted the post, or got to the publisher later with a secret service warrant warning that publisher that police investigations are in course and that Angela and her brother are suspected criminals.
I have mentioned that when we were in Italy, the Antichrist was after Angela and out to sabotage her work after her last return from Serbia, and as her brother, I was aware of how they operate. And I also knew how they had operated on the Rotten Plank on the other side of the Adriatic Sea, and in Belgrade where they had set up a subsidiary branch.
The UK Antichrist and Italy
It was no secret to me that the Italians and the British were working arm in arm and that they had a plan to deport both my sister Angela and I to Italy to be locked up in a cell and tortured, but not before taking from Angela four completed frames of the union flag that only she can fill in.
Together with the Italian godfathers of the EU they had planned to cancel the Fair Lady and replace Her with Winston Churchill and their own kingdom’s queen, and in return the Italian godfathers would keep the EU.
Angela, as we know, left two frames empty, and this prevented the uk from deporting us both to Italy and from there to the Rotten Plank, as it became clear to them that the Fair Lady still had some cards to play.
So they waited in their slime, hoping that some day die Hunnin might just write some pages and fill in the two blank spaces of her union flag. In reality, though, such work would require travelling and expenses connected to research, and seeing that her brother has duty of care towards her, his bills would need to be covered too, and these can be quite substantial.
This contradicted with their five-pound-note and their no-contract policies, they became furious, but because Angela departed for Mexico in 2019, they were unable to lock her up in a British prison and apply torture methods.
Now they are standing around singing to the birds and making void promises intermingled with pleas to Uncle Sam, begging him to believe their lies.
The Serbian Holy Mother’s Alliance
While the British had an agreement with their Italian godfathers called A five pound Note, the Serbian Holy Mother had revealed an Alliance shortly after Angela’s last return to Serbia at Easter, and it’s as follows:
From Serbian Mother to English Mother, from Serbian Mother to German Mother, from Serbian Mother to Russian Mother. In every event there is a Holy Child and a national Church.
What the British did, is their problem, but Mädel had told me very clearly: So long as it does not detract from Sovereign England and the rightful Kingdom of Jesus, God’s Son!
This is why it’s important on the global chessboard to make a net distinction between ‘the uk’ and Sovereign England and to keep in mind the Holy Mother and Child Alliance. The servants of the uk never worked for the Fair Lady but for the kingdom they swear allegiance to. Those people shall never possess Angela or her work and they must never be allowed to exchange the Serbian Holy Mother of Valjevo for the lying Rotten Plank opposite Italy.
Sovereign England
It’s essential to remember that Sovereign England does not belong to the uk but is under the protection of the Fair Lady. The same Angela Hunnin who worked for the Fair Lady is waiting in Mexico to move to Germany to work for the German Lady.
Believing the uk police commander who entered the English House and lied will achieve no good, for no Holy Child would ever join Herod Antichrist’s servants, as these would sacrifice him in the name of their master.
If in doubt, just remember the fate of Moloch, the one the British tried infiltrating into Germany and who the German Holy Mother dealt with. When you have contemplated Moloch’s destiny, then remember that the Serbian Mother had made an alliance with the German Mother concerning Angela Hun, not Moloch and Satan and a five pound note.
And Now Back Home!
Angela completed her work in England years ago in accordance with the Serbian Mother’s Alliance, and now she’s waiting in Mexico, where she fled in 2019 to escape a British prison. She’s waiting to return home to Germany, which is where the east-west road in the Rhine area starts. In fact, on leaving Germany for England when she was very small, Angela kept a return-ticket as an insurance policy, and the German Holy Mother always kept the door open for her return – but only when I am there first.
Hail the German Holy Mother!
Here is today’s Party presentation.
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