The Defence of Aachen

From the series Memoirs of a Hun – Part 3

Aachen Must Be Defended!

At The Party, some communion events with the German Lady from the past year and a half have been published in real time or shortly thereafter, whereas others haven’t, meaning the British don’t know everything from this period.

They don’t know, except for now that I’m writing it, that the German Mother made the defence of Aachen a priority. Going by convention, Angela’s return to the Rhine is in relation to her having been in Serbia and consequently approved by the Serbian Mother in Germany. Therefore it has nothing to do with the British!

The road from England to Aachen, however, was used by the German Lady to save the English Child and to get Alexandra and Freundin to relocate to German land on account of Angela returning to Germany at some point in the future. Because she is in Mexico, her return to the Rhine has nought to do with the British, hence they cannot march into Aachen by proceeding east from Dover.

The Chivasso Axis

When it became apparent that the German State wasn’t going to bother contacting me on account of Angela, the German Mother changed her plans in order to prevent the Britons marching into Aachen and taking over. Based on the Chivasso Axis, there is another road to German land, from Italy, one where the British – collectively of the British Isles – will not pass. After all She saved the English Child, taking him to Germany, hence he has no need to pass a second time from England to German land. Mädel in return migrated to the ancestral land of the English in Germany using her Hun’s avatar, for he had said to her: in hoc signo vinces!

Distinction Between English and British

The German Mother later made clear to me in communion that, after saving the English Child and considering the course of events that followed, it was none of her business to get mixed up in British affairs, which are better left to the British to sort out. In fact She made clear that the English Child cannot be exchanged for a version of British, not least because he has been taken up from the German House to the heavenly One where he’s safe, leaving his German spiritual brother in the lower House in German land.

The Understanding

The general understanding is that the English Child has been saved, brought to Germany and was later taken up to the heavenly House to safety, thus concluding the British problem and all British attempts at sacrificing the English Church.

The German-Italian agreement In High is based on the Italiana having blocked the Alpine way to British intrusion thus ensuring Angela’s safe return to Italy and her work there, and later her safe return to the Land of the Rhine from Italy.

This is reinforced by El Santo Padre Mexicano, as seen in our Mexican Events and his guaranteed access to Angela and Mädel (in whichever order) and Alexandra in Italy. The Hun will not go to Switzerland via Italy as the Swiss road must be from Germany.

Here is today’s Party music presentation.

Solving the British Problem

Not having heard either from the Germans or from the Swiss in regards to the church and dome that was closer and related to Switzerland, that left only the Italian road and the church and dome that was further away but which had been shown to me first, namely the Italian one, as seen in our edition Two Cathedrals, Two National Churches.

As we have already seen, the Swiss Lady also foresaw the British obstacle, as too did the German Mother whose Child is at risk of ending up in a stone Hell under ground in place of the Full Moon Church. Then we have la Santa Madre Mexicana who rejected the British with one word: No!

National Interests

The assumption on my part is that the Italian government will choose to believe the Italian spiritual Mother and allow Angela to return to Italy where her previous work in that country is being hidden away by those who imagined they could do a deal with the British. There is no deal and the deed has been exposed publicly in the way it has.

My sister needs to get her work back and to continue her studies on the origins of the Italian cornerstone. If not, then the cathedral and dome that appeared as described in the above-linked page cannot be presented.

This page is in continuation of our last print Memoirs of a Hun – Part 2: The Serbian Church Either Won, or Lost.


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