Next Year in Jerusalem on the Rhine!

Our Party motto has been dear to us and gradually we are getting there.


When Freundin moved to Germany in 2022, Alexandra, who is a wanderer, went with her. Our expert in Jewish affairs, Alexandra feels at home in Germany, and since 2018 her motto has been Next year in Jerusalem on the Rhine!

She said England had become narrow for her, she needed to get out and was looking forward to working with Angela for the Rhine Church of the German Mother. As Doctor Alexandra’s adjutant, I’m looking forward to leaving the British prison and joining her on the Rhine. The plan is to move there from Italy once Angela will have returned there and completed her work for the Italian spiritual Mother, as is clear going by the Chivasso Axis.

This Party presentation song is dedicated to Alexandra.

Don’t Whitewash Angela’s German Identity!

Angela, as has been clarified at The Party, always said she’ll never become British and left two white spaces in the union flag to prove the point. She flatly refused to attend an English course they said would equate to an eleven-plus, and then, following her scoffing at their offer that she could become British by swearing an oath of allegiance to their queen, they declared She’s not British! – which I confirmed to them at the time.

I remembered how they had flung a pot of paint at her picture of the light-tower church in England and smeared satanic graffiti over it in front of her, and then the jeering faces of the notables from the councils as they stood there laughing at what had been meant to be an exhibition of young people’s talents.

Looking them in the eyes, I thought Keep your British!

Brexit Came …

Following Brexit, angry at her constant rebuffs, the police came to arrest my sister owing to her refusal to sign a document stating she was ‘working in the uk and spoke English’. Angela’s answer had been: Never work uk, not can, no sign nothing!, and she fled to Mexico.

Somewhere in a Party page I’ve written how a woman later came running down the street at me waving her arms and exclaiming What about the Irish and the Welsh?

Angela had gone to Mexico and I replied to her I don’t know, my sister left two empty spaces and escaped prison!

The plain truth is, die Hunnin never had a contract with the uk, which is why she signed nothing after Brexit and lost her entitlement to live or work in England. On my part, I told the police they don’t have an entitlement to lock her up in a prison and that she left.

Freundin in Germany

Living in England, Mädel never claimed to be British, however, after I made the Rainbow transfer and terminated her prospects of an English restaurant, she laid down her English avatar, which was the Anglian Cross, an authentically old English emblem from Aenglareich, the ancient kingdom of the Angles in East Anglia.

The British, who believed in Winston Churchill, had bitterly complained and turned down her offer to work, and so she left her English identity behind and took the avatar I gave her – the one we see above, and moved on to Germany, Alexandra going with her.

In my view, having chosen back then in England as her personal emblem the Anglian Cross, Freundin’s choice was similar to an Australian using an emu or a boomerang as a coat of arms, or a New Zealander preferring a kiwi for personal insignia. I saw nothing wrong with it, it was a part of ancient English heritage.

So We’re German, Right!

Alas things went the way they did, so Mädel accepted being German in compliance with her Hun’s wishes, even though it was the British who turned her down. However, the Germans have assured her that she is in fact Deutsch owing to her heritage and her looks, explaining to her that descendants of the Angles live in northern Germany and declaring Du bist heim ins Reich gekehrt!

I always told Mädel that the combination of her looks and her skills will one day make her successful, and seeing how she’d look me in the eyes with interest on hearing these words, I think she also took this to heart.

Durch deutsches Land …

Freundin is in Germany where she runs a private school teaching against the ills and woes of EU Communism while her Hun is sitting in a British prison. She always reminds people at the end of each lesson that no-one in Germany ever voted for an EU commissar.

Our modes of communication cannot be intercepted by any form of artificial intelligence and so the British will only know what we say to each other based on what I write here. Around the 23rd of April this year, that’s about half a month ago, Mädel announced that certain people in Australia will be having a difficult time.

She used the codeword ants to describe a situation as if referring to a colony, and the reference must have been to the anti-monarchists. However, the other day, Australia chose the status of being a British colony, its leaders swearing an oath of allegiance to the new king of Wales – the former prince of Wales.

At the time we agreed that Mädel is working for Germany and so it was better not to get involved in Australian affairs, which is why I didn’t bring this up at The Party two weeks ago.


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