Divine Motherly Love

From the series Memoirs of a Hun – Part 5


At the start, Angela left Germany and moved to England. Still very small, she later asked me to accompany her from England to Serbia, our destination being Valjevo. Following our first journey there and our arrival in Valjevo, we returned to Ancona, which is the Italian port city from where we had initially departed for Serbian land.

Then my sister, who was directing the operations, wanted to establish her Italian operational base in Liguria, so I found a villa there. From this point on, our double residence was in Italy and in Serbia, namely in Liguria and in Valjevo, and this is how the spiritual identity of Angela’s work became defined by way of location.

We were no longer resident in England but instead were passing between Italy and Serbia over a period of time. This explains why, following our last return to Serbia at Easter and our subsequent arrival back in Italy, Angela started doing her research into the Italian national Church based on her contact with the spiritual Mother also known here as Italiana.

Her brother being the one who funded all her travels and work, covering her expenses and my own, I am able to testify to this as being truthful.

An Alien Spirit?

The work achieved in Italy by die Hunnin is the logical and the spiritual consequence of her initial research in Serbia where she had contact with the Serbian Mother and received the spiritual calendar in Valjevo.

Now some people may have uttered that Angela carried something ‘alien’ from Serbia to Italy, but I reckon that depends on whether one considers the Spirit that comes from God to one nation as ‘alien’ to another nation.

But as I came to understand my sister, it became apparent that her dedication to a spiritual Mother always meant that this Lady identified with the nation for whose church she was working by way of research.

Brother Hun Asks: What Is the Truth?

I personally could not find anything inherently wrong with the Serbs as a people and as one nation, and so I went out and proclaimed in Italy that I could not find any basis for a charge against them.

And similarly I also found my way around in Italy: I could not bring myself to condemning the Italians to perdition when Angela was only trying to help them.

My personal take on some other people’s racial problems in relation to the Christian Faith is that it is misplaced. Angela never spoke to me about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ nations, however she will not be forced, bullied or coerced into exchanging one people for another.

Her work is directed as according to her spiritual calendar, and this will also explain in a fair and unbiased manner why she left two empty spaces in the union flag. There is a reason and I’d say it has to do with refusing to be locked up, bullied and placed at the British rack in the tower of London or an affiliate thereof.

Crucify the Hun!

Ultimately, as we know, when the day came for Angela to be arrested, tortured and crucified, I took her place in prison and she escaped. The British could not get her, and I assured her that no matter how much they try torturing me, she need not worry and must not fall for their bait. Just leave it to me and I will resist all their torments!, was my recommendation, and she shed a tear and departed.

Eventually I died in a British prison, but Prosperity having gone East after this, I got up and staggered away. Mädel departed for Germany to prepare her place in the Wirtschaft and with her went Alexandra in the quest for reaching Jerusalem on the Rhine.

The German Mother had come to England to save the English Child, taking him to the German House from where he later ascended to the Heavenly. Her words to him were Und du hast doch gewonnen, mein Kind, sie werden dich nicht aufopfern!

Here is today’s Party music presentation.

This page is in continuation of our last print from the series Memoirs of a Hun – Part 4: The Cornerstone of the Italian Church.


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