Mädel’s Approach to German Foreign Affairs
Germany’s foreign affairs are not predicated upon antagonising the British Empire, but keeping it at bay.
British Provinces
Recently we have seen at The Party that in April of this year, Freundin got in contact informing me of a difficult situation in Australia concerning that province’s relations with the British. Consulting with each other, we both agreed that, she being in Germany, British affairs with overseas colonies are nothing we want to get mixed up in on Party space.
Involvement in internal problems of the British Isles came to a clean end in the Autumn of 2021 when the Rhine Scroll in Mexico passed from the English to the Germans and the Mexican Mother confirmed this in communion with one resolute No! to the Lady Britannia.
Whether referring to an Irish border, Hadrian’s Wall, Offa’s Dyke, the British Empire, regardless, the German Mother’s affairs alone became relevant in relation to economics. In fact, Mädel’s presence in Germany concerns the Wirtschaft, and as we have recently also seen, the German Lady made the defence of Aachen a priority to prevent British agendas being imposed over Her territory and more generally to forestall decisions being made by foreign governments or entities and foisted onto Germany.
No Foreign Laws!
This is the very same reason why Mädel is operating to terminate the presence of the communist empire of the EU in German life, proclaiming that the rule of the commissars is not democratic but unconstitutional.
One of the points she makes to the Germans during her lectures at private school is the repeat-referendum in the Republic of Ireland on whether to accept the EU. The result was contrary to the first referendum and the fruit of promises of foreign financial investments. This second referendum not only led to that country being bailed out for bankruptcy when the investments sparked off a financial crisis, but it also became binding on Germany.
In other words, because the Irish were told that their refusal to accept the EU was not valid and that they needed to vote again until the ‘yes’ result came up, therefore Germany had to bow down and accept being chained to the European Union based on the Irish repeat-referendum. This means the Irish, after being offered a substantial sum of money to go back and vote again, decided over the future of the German Folk!
As noted, Freundin has called out the unconstitutional nature of the EU and the insane attitude of the commissars and of the secretive group they belong to who dictate the destiny of many nations.
Bailing Out … Paying up … Bankrupt!
She has also been telling people that ever since the EU came into force, the Germans have been made to bail out one country after the other – Ireland being one example, for that system only brought financial bankruptcy.
She has also noted that the circulation of fake credit in the form of digital euros created out of nothing at the European Central Bank has been used since the 2008 financial crash to aid the people running the failed entity in continuing to hang on to power and impose their insane system on the economy of entire nations.
From Lodz to Lviv, From Odessa to Rostov-on-Don
The curriculum used in Mädel’s school steers clear of border disputes further east. These rest on issues that are old and date back centuries. Further to this, much suffering was imposed on Poles, Ukrainians and Russians under the tyranny of Stalin and his Bolshevism. People have been deported by their millions, ethnic communities being displaced and their history eradicated. She has been careful to avoid jeopardising Germany’s position and is fully aware of how events ran out of control as battlefield campaigns went one way or the other.
She knows that German government policy was previously hinging mostly on trade with other countries that are members of the EU, on trade with Russia and on trade with China. And Mädel also is aware that where the EU turns up, NATO comes with it hand in hand.
Therefore, when a private and secretive group of ‘founding fathers and generals’ decides to push sponsorship of expansion all the way to the Caucasus and beyond while at the same time getting involved in the South China Sea, the hitherto trade relations come up against the stark contradiction they were based upon.
Be Careful What You Wish for
While preparing her lessons, Freundin abides by a no-Winston-Churchill policy. He, as too was the case with Stalin, was the one who claimed to be everyone’s saviour and it was he who designed with Stalin the new ethnic-cleansing policies to be imposed over many lands following the second great war. These policies led to people being murdered in mass and many others rounded up and deported, whether in Germany, Latvia, Estonia, the lands inhabited by Poles and Ukrainians and formerly Poland, Sudetenland, Istria and many more regions.
Mädel has never celebrated VE Day and also knows that wars have decided the future of nations. Never having claimed to be British, her old English avatar – the one that was engraved on English spear tips but which she laid down on leaving England, was proof of this. Her sole concern in relation to the land she settled in is to serve the German Mother and to get her Hun out of the British prison so he can return with his sister die Hunnin, who currently is in Mexico.
German Identity
From Mädel’s perspective, she returned to the ancestral homeland of the Angles and the Saxons after being turned down by the British in England. Adding to this, her Hun is German because his ancestors are, and therefore his identity and soul are too.
Then there’s his beloved sister who always refused to become British and is needed by the German Holy Mother who is awaiting her return to the Land of the Rhine. This all fitted in with Alexandra’s aspirations, for she had been saying Next Year in Jerusalem on the Rhine.
And there we have it: Mädel migrating across the German Ocean to the Promised Land after receiving the promise she can work in the Wirtschaft, Alexandra going with her to the spiritual homeland of Jerusalem so dear to her, and Angela waiting to return to what was always her homeland. Three uniquely different backgrounds all converging on the same land!
You’re Not Getting My Swiss Francs
Having left the British my last five pounds, I was determined they are not getting one penny or one jot more from me, and this is the reason why I said and wrote nothing about Freundin’s reference to Australia in April 2023 but left it till after the 6th May and in the way she herself described it: a colony.
Having kept my Swiss francs, I had no intention of exchanging these for Australia. I don’t have any intention of forfeiting my German soul by purchasing a British province, it would have been betrayal of the German-Swiss Lady, and my train ticket to Switzerland along with the cathedral with dome would have been thrown away. That would be throwing good money after bad! Let’s face it, when I parted with my last five pound note, I did this for good, and by that I meant good riddance!
One day the Hun will walk out of the British prison and the time will come when he'll return with Hunnin Angela to German Land – and to Switzerland.
Here is today’s Party tune dedicated to returning home.
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