Memoirs of a Hun – Part 1
In normal circumstances, a prisoner of war is released if another country has interest in obtaining his liberation. However, this honour was never bestowed upon me.
Seeing that the British took away one life of mine and are now intent on taking the next one too, I have decided to start publishing some memoirs for the current generation and for posterity to better understand the reason for my quest to leave prison – and England, going east.
Some of the information is already known from past pages published at The Party, some new information may come up, but nothing will ever be printed here that could help the British garner crucial knowledge in joining the dots – not so long as I am in prison.
A lot of info, coming as it does from the realm of the spiritual, is hard to prove, and this is the real reason why I took Angela’s place in prison, for my sister said she works with the Spirit but doesn’t perform miracles such as the Son of God did. The British establishment said they never saw the Spirit she claimed to work with and never saw a miracle and called her a liar, preferring to humiliate her instead, and this in my eyes made her into a vulnerable person.
Being her brother and the one who has duty of care towards her, I was at first their primary target, hence I was the first person they came to arrest. By the time they came to appreciate the vulgarity to which I treated them and the lack of Spirit I had to offer, Angela was already gone. Seeing her brother’s fate, and knowing it wouldn’t take long before they realised their mistake, she picked up her suitcase and quickly left.
So here is our Part 1 of the memoirs.
“She Must Be an Enemy!”
When in 2019 the British establishment decided to come for Angela and intern her, I knew that she would have undergone the kind of treatment reserved in some countries after WW2 for ‘collaborators’, that is, people in their own land who refused to pay allegiance to the foreign Winston Churchill, for she had defied the British and all their attempts at forcing her to celebrate VE day, meaning ‘victory over Europe’. Having already failed to conscript her into ‘becoming British’, there was no love towards her on their part.
As for Angela, she only had contempt for them and never missed a chance to lower their pride into the nearest muddy puddle. She never forgot the pot of paint they had flung at her presentation of the English Church and what they had scrawled over it with a dirty paintbrush.
“No, I’m the Enemy!”
Her brother, who had already been declared dead, took her place instead while she fled to Mexico. However I refused to carry out forced labour, which would have included climbing ladders to the top rung above the gutter of a rooftop holding in one hand a bucket of gravel and in the other a shovel while trying to balance myself, or removing dirt particles from walls and breathing them in so that the investigators might see how long it would take me to cough up and die.
In return for this stubborn attitude of defiance – for I had said to them: come and force me if you can! and they couldn’t – I was left to my own devices when in September 2019 I found that a virus had paid a visit to my lungs. Officially not existing, and always finding five pounds only on my bank account, that is, the same five pounds, I contacted Alexandra, who diagnosed my ailment as ‘a strange flu’.
What of It!
Being a man of Limburg, I made nothing of it except following Alexandra’s advice not to sneeze in public and to avoid talking to strangers. Some months thereafter at the end of December, the same flu in China became known to the world as Covid 19, although later it was discovered that the strain had already broken out in Italy around August 2019 – meaning the virus I got must have come from Italy.
Later, as people were receiving sums of credit created out of thin air on a City-bank ventilator and masked as ‘real money’ – also known as quantitative easing, my bank-stand still stood at the same five pounds only, for, after all, I was dead!
When contacting me by video from Mexico, Angela would cry tears with laughter when I told her that people were talking on the mainstream TV media locked up in cupboards. I described these to her as skype boxes emanating an echoing sound as someone lay on their back looking into a computer camera connected to the wardrobe draw they were hiding in so as to shield themselves.
Accusing Angela
At the time, the British didn’t seem to realise that the Anglian Cross was Mädel’s emblem not Angela’s, who, being German, didn’t use an English avatar! All I could say to the British was She worked for the English, she worked for the Scots, and she left two white frames for the British!
It’s Mädel!
Within time the British began focussing their attention again on Mädel whose sphere of creativity revolves around economics. It must have been hard for them to accept that they couldn’t listen in from behind the walls and piece together all that she knows.
Indeed they were expecting her to come crawling out in the street and begging for some five pound notes in return for handing over to them a file on economic policies. Instead of this, there she was leading a lifestyle that wasn’t much different to that of the royal families and their respective governments in exile in England during the second great war!
Doctor ‘Rothshield’ Alexandra
Eventually their suspicions fell on Alexandra, and it began to dawn on them that she was funding both Angela and Mädel, covering all their expenses and in so doing rendering vain every British attempt at starving Angela or Freundin into submission. When they began looking into where the money came from, Alexandra, who is a channeler, picked up the wavelengths of their investigations and knew she’d be receiving a visit by men in black wearing old-fashioned clothes and ‘working for the government’.
“Let’s Go!”
It was in July 2022 that Freundin and Alexandra quietly slipped out of England and made it over the Strait of Dover and on into Belgium, traversing the land and arriving in Germany somewhere in the vicinity of Aachen.
By this time Mädel was using her new emblem, the Black Cross, resembling the one used by the Luftwaffe, although it can also be associated with that of the German Army. And while she was going with her new identity to a new land previously unknown to her, Alexandra joyfully exclaimed that for her it was like going home – her motto having become Next Year in Jerusalem on the Rhine!, which is also the title of our last page as seen in the link.
Mädel’s Teutonic Cross
I’m Sorry! (Actually I’m Not)
It was always my opinion since 2017 that the British scored an own goal when challenging Freundin’s Anglian Cross, which was through and through English, for it wasn’t the one they fought against in the two great wars of the twentieth century.
In hindsight, though, I will accept that it may have been engraved on spear tips used by the English in the wars against the various British prior to the days of the Venerable Bede. But that’s often how nations have been founded, and without the Anglian Cross there would have been no England. After all, the English, crossing the German Ocean and speaking Aenglisch, landed in Britain and fought the British!
Brethren Relationship Lives on
Still, we need to remember that, in return for Mädel, the German Mother came to England and saved one Child only: the English one! He joined his German spiritual brother in the German House and later was taken up to the higher heavenly House out of harm’s way.
On her part and out of gratitude, Mädel now wears the Teutonic Cross – the one I gave her! Given, it isn’t the four-hooked Anglian Cross which the British fought against in the fifth and sixth centuries when Angles, Saxons and Jutes founded a new homeland, but it does look very similar to the one the British fought against in the two great wars. But that’s too bad, for had they not turned down her four-hooked English cross of original ancient bronze manufacture, this wouldn’t have happened!
Today’s Party music is dedicated to old-English orientated Mädel migrating back across the German Ocean to the ancestral homeland of the English: to Germany.
Part 2 of the memoirs is entitled The Serbian Church Either Won, or Lost.
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