The Cornerstone of the Italian Church

From the series Memoirs of a Hun – Part 4

Either Switzerland or Italy

In today’s print I am making reference to the situation as it stood in our Party page In Communion In and Out of England dating to 25th December 2022. At that point in time there were two options for Angela to continue her studies, one in relation to a Church concerning Germany and (or) Switzerland, which was the closest, the other in relation to a Church in Italy, which, although further, had appeared first. Each of these Churches indicated the cornerstone that needs to be made manifest upon the foundations.

Angela’s work in England has been fully completed years ago as seen in our Mexican Events. Indeed there is no reason whatsoever that I should remain in England and the English Child is gone to the High House. Whatever the British think to the contrary is a figment of their imagination and a result of a severe delusional attitude.

Point d’or, point de Suisse

Logic would have dictated a reply from Germany or Switzerland enabling my exit from the transit room across the Strait of Dover in direction east, the road to Switzerland being available from Germany. This is also in accordance with what the German-Swiss Lady had shown me many years ago, that I would need to return from England not Italy. Spiritual logic however dictated that in the absence of interest, that leaves Italy.

There was no other option – including the idea of remaining a prisoner of the British. And my return to Italy will not be through Switzerland, something that has been also shown me many years ago by the Italian Lady.

So here’s our recent hit again dedicated to the Hun’s dispute with the British.


In our last Party edition The Defence of Aachen, I wrote “they don’t know, except for now that I’m writing it, that the German Mother made the defence of Aachen a priority”. In fact, over the past one and a half years, She made clear to me in communion, which was also written here at the time or shortly later, that in Germany Angela would be at risk of being co-opted into a political agenda, something that needed to be prevented, for her work is exclusively of ecclesiastic nature based on historical research.

My sister point-blank refuses to join or succumb to a political party or become the pawn in a grand scheme concocted by others. I had also been shown that the British intended marching through to Aachen, something equivalent to Whitehall and Westminster getting involved in German affairs and establishing an agenda. Only, this is forbidden by the German Mother!

So whatever it was the British establishment had in mind, what can I say: Just throw your beliefs away, because it won’t happen!

Praemonitus, Praemunitus

Some communion events from the Germans In High have not been published here for reasons of strategy, and one of these is that the German Mother showed me She has an alliance with Italy that will assure Her success and that of the German Child.

This is the reason why I did not take the no-response to the possibility of working for the nearest Church mentioned in the first link in this page as a tragic outcome, but considered it more likely to be a confirmation of dubious intent.

On Her part, the Italiana assured me that once I have a contract in Italy for Angela, the work will be exclusively concerning research into the Italian Church and its origins intended as the cornerstone, and that there will be two separate sums of money: one for me, and one for Angela’s research. This put paid to all my concerns and all I need do is wait for the Italian State to contact me here in the transit room next door to England, or in the immediate vicinity (in England).

Going by the serious implications of betrayal outlined by the Italian spiritual Mother directed at the Italian rogue secret Agency, my expectations are that the Italian government will not bow down to the British but will act according to national interests, thus bringing to an end the betrayal of previous state actors.

This time, there will not be a congregation of agents running from Castelnuovo Don Bosco and from different countries to Marmorito Santa Maria trying to evict the Italian Mother from Her own Church!

Happy to be a Hun

German Affairs

It is known through The Party that Freundin is in Germany by invitation of the German Mother putting an end to EU Communism and its nefarious interference in the national affairs of Germany and of many other nations – including Italy.

The Italiana is happy with this arrangement, the German Lady is proud of Mädel, and I her Hun take credit for my part in making the Rainbow transfer that shut down her restaurant in England and for convincing Mädel that her one and only available option was to move to Germany and get involved there.

Recently, she told me that getting mixed up in Australia’s affairs is not her business or mine, for if they wish to be a British colony they can, it’s their decision, whereas she’s happy tending to German business.


One day in the future, when Mädel has cleaned out the mess in Germany using an iron broom, and Angela has completed her work in Italy, I should be moving to Germanic land from Italy, probably by boarding a train in Chivasso headed in the direction of Tirol with die junge Hunnin sitting next to me looking out of the window.

Here’s our second Party musical presentation dedicated to the train heading north-east from Chivasso.

This page is in continuation of our last print Memoirs of a Hun – Part 3: The Defence of Aachen, linked to above.


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