Two Cathedrals, Two National Churches

There are only two possible destinations for the Hun, and when he arrives, Angela will eventually come too, either to a chalet or to a villa.

One Road Out, Two Possible Destinations

Readers will be aware that Angela changed her plans and decided not to wait till Doomsday for her brother to follow the East-West road to Aachen but to go to Italy instead.

The only other option would be taking the above-mentioned road to Aachen and then straight on to Switzerland. But this would depend on the German-Swiss deciding whether they are interested in the Rhine Church.

That said, I still do not know if the Swiss-German Church has the same, a similar or a different Cornerstone to the German, and Angela refused to answer me because she would need to be in Switzerland herself to find out, and even if she had an inkling at this point, there’s no answer forthcoming.

Here is today’s Party tune.


Knowing that a certain person is sitting there on a fence listening in and ascribing to himself whatever information comes along and trying to replace her with whoever he’s working for, Angela is the person who would rather wait to see how far his bluff will take him on his free ride on the carousel.

As it stands, she refuses to even comment on the Dome-Cathedral I saw in the vision that was associated to Switzerland. It appeared in view just after I saw the Italian Cattedrale, but was closer. Only the Swiss State can decide if they are interested in choosing between Angela and a Halloween pumpkin, and that means whether to believe the German-Swiss Lady or the Hoax She had clearly exposed and that has been amply written about here at The Party.

Talking of the Italian Cathedral …

Having betrayed the Italian spiritual Mother and tried condemning to the void the cornerstone of Her church after hiding away the foundations, only the Italian State can decide if they want Angela back again or if they want to ignore the Lady who denounced them for betrayal.

My sister didn’t even tell me if she still has a copy somewhere in Italy of the pages they once took and hid, and if she hasn’t, then she’ll need to get back to Italy to restart the compilation of a new set of pages in Italian before even progressing to the Italian cornerstone that is built above the foundation.

A Pumpkin Instead

Halloween Man wanted to add one more item to the Seven Wonders of the world, and that was a pumpkin. Now he’s sitting there wondering what to do, and while he’s figuring out his next move Angela isn’t going to help him in his investigations.

This brings us back to the alliance of several empires: the Byzantine, the European Union and the uk, and how they thought they could ram national churches into pigeonholes and replace Holy Mother and Child of any nation with an assortment of holy and founding fathers of human origin and with a human monarch in place of Jesus God’s Son.

Breaking the Law on Privacy

What the Secret Agency there is sitting on is nothing less than the very foundation on which the Italian Church is built, and I’m referring to the written pages they received by post and ignored, and the others which they took and hid after spying where, legally, they have no right to spy: in other people’s houses.

As sister Hun’s brother, I’m making sure the seat on which they are sitting gets so hot, they will have to stand up and expose what they’ve been hiding. I’m doing this because one of our Readers who follows Party publications is the Italian spiritual Mother, and She has also commissioned several of our editions.

So while some may be merrily spying in other people’s abode, they chose to overlook that someone is also looking in on what they are doing and is carefully following their every move. And I’ve already explained who let the Antichrist into Italy to target Angela and how much they received for it.


No Lady In High has ever threatened me with blackmail. I’ve always given the precedence to Angela and put her interests above my own from the day she appeared to the world. Whatever the Italian State Agency has been using as a tool against me, they need to remember that receiving Thirty Silver Pieces in return for letting in the Antichrist to knock Angela down in Italy – and being exposed in public for it by the Mother of the Italian Church, is the result of a case in the High Tribunal which has already been presented here on Party pages.

Contrary to what the British spokesperson claimed, Angela cannot be blackmailed, imprisoned, bugged, drugged … which we know from la Santa Madre Mexicana: No!


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