The Swiss National Churches

My assumption is that Angela had wanted to present in Switzerland sister-churches united in the same Faith. I asked her, but she looked away and didn’t reply.

Projecting Angela’s Intended Work into the Future

In the 25th December 2022 Party page In Communion In and Out of England, we have clear reference to the two Churches that Angela has intention of presenting following a long period of studies that still need to be agreed upon with the relevant State authorities. Whereas the one that appeared first is Italian, the assumption is on my part that the other one, namely the Rhine Church, has a common origin for the Germans and for the German-Swiss, although my sister won’t give me any specific information because her brother is in prison and this is in breach of her obligation to study.

Readers of Party pages will know that the integrity of the Swiss Confederation has never been put into doubt at The Party in either of its versions: pre and post 2021, for I mentioned the German-Swiss Lady and the French-Swiss Lady and the assurance that there is no intention of causing the Italian-Swiss to break away from the Helvetian Confederation. So it’s clear that Switzerland should have various national churches and remain one Country, and neither Angela nor I have ever suggested otherwise.

At Supper With the Swiss

So now we know Angela’s (intended) future plans in relation to the Rhine Church under the Full Moon: they encompass studies in – and for – various countries where the same ecclesial origins may be relevant but do not interfere with Switzerland’s sovereignty. For the same reason, her future research into the Italian Church will not detract in any way from Switzerland’s confederate constitution.

When I, as Angela’s brother, was invited to supper in communion with the Swiss, what I was shown corresponded to the Confederation and its integrity with distinction between the various ethnic components of the Country.

Helping Switzerland

This event has been mentioned here on Party space in previous editions, including how the German-Swiss Lady awaited my return, and as far as I can determine it has become clear from the above-linked page that the objective of Her interest is in relation to the Rhine Church under the Full Moon. But only research in Switzerland would ever reveal the answer.

Had the British won, Switzerland would have lost, because at the communion, which was before I left Italy for England with Angela, the German-Swiss Lady made clear to me that in England the British would make me end up without money to fund my sister’s studies in an attempt at imprisoning her. I am writing this page so that Halloween Man, who brought about precisely that which She predicted, cannot call the German-Swiss Lady a liar.


The cathedral with dome described in the above link associated with Germany and Switzerland was closer because it appeared prominently on Angela’s spiritual calendar and she had been hoping in a reply by way of a work contract to be presented to her brother, but then she decided to go to Italy instead.

Some months ago the German Mother accepted this way forward as a means of defending Herself from the British. While I didn’t illuminate on the details at the time in order not to give Bletchley Park insight, the Chivasso alliance was however presented here on Party pages.

Suffice it to say that if one road to Germany fails for sister Hun, then there is another, and the availability of different roads leading to the same land is not new to Angela, as we have seen with Serbia. I also think my sister may have given up waiting for a work contract that never came. But the German Mother did make good use of the East-West road to get Mädel and Alexandra out of England.

Here is today’s Party tune.

Changed Circumstances

Based on information that has come my way at a spiritual level some months ago, the German Lady has null obligation towards the Irish and the Welsh. The offer she had made, having been turned down, is no longer valid. Now it’s just a question of the Italian State terminating its contract with the British who the Italian spiritual Mother denounced as already mentioned.

Meanwhile Freundin is in Germany operating for the downfall of the European Union and she’s doing this by invitation of the German Mother. EU Communism has no place in Germany and the sooner this malefic empire has dissipated never to return, the better.


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