Whether Jews, Germans, Russians, the Bridge Is in Rome

One written text was sent by post to Rome, a reply never came, but for all that Italy slept, it’s still there.

A Kosher Supper

Alexandra expressed her intention in 2018 to research in Germany the historic relations between Germans and Jews and to use her knowledge of Jewish affairs both scriptural and historical to compile written pages based on her studies – much of which still needs to be carried out. She repeated this also on the present version of The Party post-April 2021. She too is in Germany since July 2022 and expects to receive one day a contract at State level. As I am her adjutant she’s awaiting my arrival.

Here is today’s Party presentation.

Hidden History

The Jewish history in relation to the Germans has been hidden away from Mankind, even though Yiddish, a language based on German, was the most spoken among the Semitic people referred to as Hebrews (Ebrei) in Italian, and Judeans (Juden) in German.

Alexandra will also be participating with Angela in the research into the German Rhine Church related to spiritual Jerusalem, therefore her future investigations into Jewish scriptural affairs are dependent on the German Mother getting Angela and her brother back. If one set of work cannot come to be, then neither will the other!

A Vital Bridge

An important bridge in Alexandra’s future studies is present in Angela’s foundation work compiled in Italy and that currently is lying under cobwebs in a dark corner in Italy where it was hidden away by the Italian State under previous governments.

Their sole concern was dedication to their Golden Calf project called ‘the European Union’, an enterprise run by a combination of foreign governments dictating laws over many countries by appointing dictatorial commissars elected by no-one and whose decisions, based on secret agendas, cannot be influenced by any form of democratic election.

One Church Depends on Another Church

Although Angela told me not to give away any clues to Halloween Man who uses prison keys to incarcerate and lock up, I can however state that the presence of the Russian church in Corso Imperatrice is essential in getting back this work currently deposited in a vault by the Italian secret agency. They placed it there in an attempt at disabling my sister in the name of Babylon and the golden sculpture they worship.

Basically, it’s also in the interests of the Russian Church that this bridge is not blown up by the people of the Italian State who are hiding away with their fingers crossed hoping that it all ‘just goes away’ and the world never finds out what they did. However it’s my duty to uphold the interests of my sister and to make sure she can get back unhindered to carrying out her mission. First of all, she needs this work back, it’s in Italy where they hid it away and it’s of essential importance in Church affairs.

In Prison

As a good brother Hun, I took her place in prison to prevent a pumpkin being placed on display where a bridge should be standing, one that is essential in the work that Angela and Alexandra need to accomplish and present. If Halloween Man had imprisoned her instead, it would have been over!

I keep telling him he cannot be a dependant on my sister, she has no obligation to financially support him and he cannot live on her shoulders, and that the same goes for his human monarchy. Unable to imprison her, he knows he has a lot of explaining to do to the recipients of two empty spaces – but that’s his problem not mine!

No Copies

Recently Angela has informed me that she has no written copy of her Italian pages, and if there are any, they are in Italy. If not, then the Italian State will have to hand over copies of the written sheets they received/detracted so my sister can get back to where she left off in Italy. This means making a binding work contract and therefore contacting her brother here, the Italian Mother’s requirements – including financial – having been already presented on Party space.

This puts a ball squarely in Italy’s courtyard! If they wish to ignore and challenge the Italian spiritual Mother’s decision and pretend it’s all false, at least I have obeyed Her request and made the case public.


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