The Versailles Treaty 2.0
Die Domkirche am Rhein kann nicht aufgegeben, verkauft oder verschenkt werden, egal was die EU Kommissaren behaupten.
The Treaty
Church and Wirtschaft are two different spheres, one pertaining to the work of Angela and Alexandra, the other to Freundin – whose restaurant I shut down in England. Going by Angela’s union flag, losing the Church was not an available option for England, for the English frame was coloured in, whereas losing Prosperity Market was acceptable in the event the British went to War against the Rhine Cathedral and the Italian Cattedrale, which they did.
In our recent Party page we have seen that with Mädel, the Golden Bell of Prosperity over Western Heights also crossed over to Germany – and to Italy too – on account of the Chivasso Axis. The German Holy Mother would later come along the East-West road and save the English Child, thus guaranteeing the future of the English Church*. The events have been presented and needn’t be repeated here.
The Wirtschaft
Mädel is currently cleaning up in Germany mit eisernem Besen to make sure the EU commissars do not get another go at trying to shut down the German Church that her friend Angela needs to research without hindrance.
These people got involved in her affairs in Serbia, then in Italy and later in England, they appear to have tried cancelling her commitments to the German Mother and apparently believed to have got away with it.
When Angela returns to Germany, it will be with her brother, Mädel knows this and as a good German Fräulein she’s striving for rapid success, convincing people that the future does not lie with a failed communist politburo made up of characters who elected themselves into seemingly perpetual power and decide what people have to bow down to and how high they have to jump.
Freundin knows that failing in England was factored in from the start but that doing so in Germany is not an option, otherwise the communist Politburo would shut down the Rhine Church. Once she has successfully completed her preliminary work, her Hun will return, and with him his sister Hunnin.
“Shut It Down!”
Seated on a see-saw, the EU commissars on one end and Whitehall on the other, they’ve been going up and down, one looking at the other saying: Don’t touch our EU dictatorship, the other looking back and saying: Don’t touch our uk human monarchy!, one going up, the other coming down – and then going up again as the one seated opposite comes down.
They agreed together to shut down the English Church and they agreed to shut down the Rhine Church Under the Full Moon. Working together, they claimed they’d take the Twelve Stars and place them on somebody’s head – whichever commissar is dictating the order of the day, and in return preserve a metal crown studded with looted diamonds for somebody else’s head.
A Wise Decision
This is what Mädel is up against, she knows the gravity of the situation and is fully aware that succeeding in Germany is essential if her friend Angela is to return to the Land of the Rhine and to Italy.
She is pleased to have given up the English restaurant for the German, not least because I took this decision for her, and when I later explained that Boris Johnson would have become the owner and transformed the place into something else, Mädel understood and accepted without reserve, saying So they wanted to transform the place into a City-banking den run by the Tory party and tell the Germans and the Italians how high they need to jump and how low they need to bow in front of a human monarchy!
Of-course I took the decision based on the tools that were available to me, and these had been supplied by the German Mother and the Italiana, both of whom were aware long ago what the British were up to, as too was the German-Swiss Lady who once showed me that I need to travel by train to Bern.*
Here is today’s Party presentation.
“Don’t Do It!”
While carrying out her mission in Germany, die deutsche Fräulein has been briefed on the actions of the commissars who exercise power through the European Central Bank. They are running after the Italian State waving cheques worth tens of billions of euro shouting Don’t do it, sell your church off instead! These financial titles are going under the false name of ‘pandemic recovery funds’ but in reality are bailouts using fake credit produced on a ventilator out of thin air.
In a past edition The Party has revealed that Italy’s share of this fake pandemic fund is many times higher than the amount Germany is meant to receive, I think it was eight times higher. Clearly it’s a financial bailout through the backdoor and not a recovery fund for Covid 19, as this flu was no less influential in Germany as it was in Italy, and Germany’s population is also larger than Italy’s.
This false credit created out of nothing is not repayable, it isn’t a loan and does not go on the public debt. It’s a packet of cheap and nasty sweet bon-bons with which the EU tyrants are hoping to entice the Italian State and its new government into reneging on the Italian spiritual Mother and Angela and surrendering the Italian Duomo.
The Golden Calf
In a recent S-mail text, Mädel wrote that, according to Wolfgang the German Army captain, there are so many individuals on an EU golden salary & pension scheme that the commissars are calculating on the EU becoming the new religion: a golden calf to which they will continue trying to sacrifice any and every national Church.
He knows that unless Freundin can succeed in bringing down this communist empire, neither Germany nor Italy will survive the satanic onslaught and this means the Swiss too will not see their Rhine Cathedral – or any other Dome that is of interest to the Swiss Confederation. He also told her that Halloween Man is still trying to infiltrate Germany, he too has his salary & pension scheme to see to and is concerned he may be left to explain why he tried replacing a Cathedral with a pumpkin and its seed.
On my part as the one who signed off the Versailles Treaty 2.0 by means of access to the Trojan Horse in England, I am confident that Mädel’s admirers and followers in German Land will believe her when she tells them that the German Mother and Child cannot be sold and sacrificed to the Golden Calf of Babylon.
I knew Mädel was promised to the German Mother if she failed in England, and as a good Hun I made sure she could only fail once which is why I activated the Trojan Horse when I did. However she cannot afford to fail in Germany, because if she did, the Church would fall and Babylon would prevail, and with it Halloween Man’s seed. This would mean a pumpkin in place of Cathedral with Dome.
In Mädel I trust: Sie wird Deutschland aus der Versklavung führen!
*1 The Irish and the Welsh churches are not part of the Versailles Treaty 2.0 because there were only two trains at Priory Station, each with one child only on board, and consequently two frames only had to be filled in by Angela. The other two frames being empty, they were never part of a precondition to work on the part of die Hunnin and therefore, contrary to the ecclesial bodies of the Germans, Swiss and Italians, had to remain empty by default.
*2 I found out that some of my Swiss francs have to be exchanged for later-issue notes and this needs to be done in Bern. These are my entire remaining savings which in my will I withheld for myself after dying in England.
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