When the Latvians Came

It was either England, or Germany.

German, Not English

When The Party wrote about the arrival of the Latvians in England under the title The Latvians Visit the Hun, at the time I asked Alexandra, who was still in England, whether I should recount the entire communion or censor some of it, and her reply was that I need to reveal every single detail, saying everyone who knows you, also knows what music you listen to!

During the communion, the Latvian man, who was of brotherly appearance, knew perfectly well that the Latvian song he was playing for me to hear was well known to me, and he had no problems about it. He wanted to know what its linguistic similarities were in reference to the word land in Slavic, and I explained that, although there are similarities with Russian, it is definitely Latvian, and he was satisfied with my explanation, noting that I didn’t leave much for Lithuania. And to be honest, I’ve never listened to Lithuanian music.

It was later that someone who could have been his sister came to me and we established that England is not my homeland but Germany and that I’d be going to Germany and would meet Mädel there, who at that point in time had still not moved to Germany. And the Latvian girl didn’t specify that Freundin had to remain English either. In fact she didn’t!

No Secret

It’s no secret that the Hun’s family was on the other side during the war and that he’s no friend of Winston Churchill and Stalin, that the British always loathed him and that he doesn’t care! Most importantly, Angela Hun spoke her first words in German, and when we left Germany when she was very small, die Hunnin insisted on taking a return ticket with her, saying Ich kehre wieder!

On my part I left the British my last five pound note, which was all I had left in the bank, and kept my Swiss francs as a parachute to avoid Hell should they ever try deporting me to a cell in Italy while relying on what now should have become deviated Italian secret services desperately trying to cover up their own betrayal of the Italian Holy Mother who they seemed to have wanted to sacrifice to the British.

German Alliance With Italy

In our last Party publication The Italian Holy Mother and Angela, it’s written “It would have been unlikely Angela stayed for a while in Italy without having contact with the Italian Holy Mother”.

When Angela proposed an alliance to the west with Mexico, the British went and flung it down the drain, they had their crackpot in 10 Downing Street making wild and arrogant claims and doing arrogant things on the global chessboard, such as sending a war fleet about provoking world powers.

Most of all, they continued to officially deny that Angela ever worked with the English Holy Child and for the One English Church, and they officially declared her brother as dead, refusing to allow him access to any funding.

Once Angela had found out in Mexico that the Jerusalem Scroll had been given to Germany and not England in the autumn of 2021, from that time on the German Holy Mother started to take over in England. And now it’s too late for Uncle Sam to stand up for the Fair Lady because he chose not to but instead dedicated his intentions to doing a dirty one on the German Lady. She however showed me that it will fail, not least because the English Mother was no longer in a position of command.

What can I say? The Irish don’t get to holding the Mother of the German Folk to ransom, nor her Child. What She showed me was to the effect Wenn ich denen hinterher gehe, dann ist es um den Fall zuerledigen!

Trying to shove the Germans off didn’t go the way the Irish thought it would – which is good!

And More …

Adding to this, as mentioned in our above-linked Party print The Italian Holy Mother and Angela, She too isn’t going to be cancelled out of existence by the British who don’t even promote Angela’s work in England and officially tell others that her brother is dead. Being crazy people, they don’t get to shutting down Angela and her future arrangements with the Italian spiritual Mother, no matter who they had contacts with in Italy.

My sister of-course is staying in Mexico until she has the assurance she won’t be duped into ending up in a prison run by the British and any deviated agents they work with elsewhere. Unless it’s a state contract, she isn’t stepping foot outside of her safe haven offered her by La Santa Madre de Mexico.

Angela intends working low-profile with her brother in German Land and later also in Italy, and she isn’t going to surrender to the Irish who are secretly trying to force from her a script they aren’t getting.

However, they are more than welcome to try obtaining one from Moloch who the British tried exchanging Angela with or from the Thug of whom the Irish were the disciples and who had made weird promises to them, but this ‘script’ from Moloch or the Thug will not be bugged from Angela. Oh and I’m sure they also got paid for their ‘services’. But if you do insist on keeping her brother in prison, he’d willingly give you the pox if he had such powers, which he hasn’t.

And although she didn’t illuminate on how and when, Angela has to go back to the drawing board to work out a new agreement with La Santa Madre Mexicana for future research.


When all these events were taking place, the British were still saying: Our monarch is sacred, please don’t touch our queen, and leave the Hun to rot in prison.

But Ladies In High didn’t wait, they had matters to tend to, and whether it was keeping Angela safe from the British, saving the English Child from exposure, offering Mädel a new home and a place to work according to her skills, showing brother Hun his sister’s future commitments, deciding who the Jerusalem Scroll belongs to, the pages continued turning and new horizons appeared.

The Curse of Beelzebub

And the British woke up one day with nothing … just howling to the moon in the streets, sitting on the pavement or on stone steps whispering, calling one to another from nowhere to nowhere, squeaking comments that no-one else can hear. They inherited the Curse of Moloch who they called up from Italy and worshipped in Britain, calling it ‘god’ and then trying to inflict it on Germany, saying Exchange Angela for this Demon we offer you in her place!

And so the Scroll was given back to Germany from where it had been taken. Angela herself is from Germany, her first words were spoken there, and it was only evident that by trying to turn her work into a nothingness, the British were destined to lose.

I recall her opening her eyes and, looking straight into my eyes, pronouncing the sentence Heute ist Karfreitag, followed by a shudder.

Many years later my sister explained to me they wanted to sacrifice her to a Lie across the Adriatic Sea, one that would invalidate her return to Serbia at Easter.

And the British just carried on lying. Which is why I am sitting in prison waiting for the German delegation to show up.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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