Holy Fathers, Founding Fathers, Generals and Spies
Having identified Angela as their prime adversary, they set out to bring her down – and failed!
Die Hunnin
When Angela was on the move, they slowly came round to realising how she posed a threat to Rome. If she threatens Byzantium’s power, they concluded, then she’ll move against Rome too.
In Belgrade, where someone had recruited the services of an aspiring fake state working for Rome, they tried humiliating my sister, they didn’t like her and hoped she’d give up. But Angela, who had gone to Valjevo from the start, went back there, finally returning there at Easter after passing from Greece and through Bulgaria.
The Byzantines didn’t like it, they contacted their Italian masters in Rome and set off alarm bells: She’s going about saying that the Serbian Holy Mother gave her the spiritual calendar, she humiliated someone in Belgrade by leaving him sitting, but we know that she depends on her brother’s finances: dry his funds out!
Back in Italy, Angela had with her the matrix for a national church, something they couldn’t take from her in the Swamp even though they stole her Serbian manuscript – which was just a paper script her brother had written from her notes while she had kept the beeswax version concealed.
Having fooled the Byzantine holy fathers, now she threatened the founding fathers of Europe who had plans to establish the EU empire all over eastern Europe – at that time this still hadn’t been accomplished. In fact, many countries that now are in the EU still had not joined up and they were out to confront sister Hun.
She’s going to march on Rome now, they said, we need to stop her!
Knowing that Angela had spiritual contact with the Italian spiritual Mother, I believed she’d be successful in her quest to secure funding for her research into the origins of the Italian national Church. But I hadn’t reckoned with the founding fathers of Europe who had their own empire to build.
However, the Italian Lady came to me many times in communion to assure me that those who threatened Angela were based in Britain and that the Italians were letting them in.
In England
Here in England, this is where the generals turned up, intent on expanding their NATO parallel empire of the European Union further east under operation Drang nach Osten, which would see Churchill’s armies turning up in lands where they had never been before.
In our most recent Party page When the Latvians Came, I wrote: “It was either England, or Germany”.
Knowing I’d never place my own personal demands above hers but instead would hold her interests higher, die Hunnin always told me that one day we will return to German Land if only we never forsake die deutsche Heilige Mutter!
So when the British offered me five pounds for four hours work, I grinned at them, after all I still had a reserve of silver Reichsmarks.
Soon after arriving in England, Angela had set out the plan: Sister only work for English and Scottishes*, not can give keys to Irishes* and Welsh, aware that so long as she held some keys in reserve, she could negotiate her way out of England and back home to Germany. Having always kept a return ticket indicating the way home to the Land of the Rhine, die Hunnin was determined never to be locked up by the British and held as their captive.
She accomplished her mission to create a new union flag, although leaving a piece missing from the Scottish key. Then the British announced that Angela and I would both be sleeping under a bridge if we didn’t secretly hand over a script on the Welsh church. They wouldn’t say it straight forward, but it was clear and evident what they were after.
That’s too bad, I thought, adding then the Welsh script will rot!
*Angela’s plural for Picts and Scots
The Irish
The British came running out with more: they secretly wanted a script on the Irish church. Meanwhile, Angela had made a work request in public to Germany on account of the German spiritual Mother, and the British sent the Thug forward calling her a liar and telling the Irish – for he had many disciples – that her brother was a failure waiting for someone to die so he could inherit their money. After which, he said, they will get a script. This was his official version.
That’s equally too bad, I thought, saying then the Irish script will go the same way the Welsh one is going!
Knowing that Angela by now was safe in Mexico, my thoughts were These people are deranged if they think I her brother could ever give them a script on research that Angela was never able to carry out because others got paid to prevent her working.
This is why I think the Irish should consider the term British as being a geographical denomination as in British Isles and accept her nation policy which defines the English as being distinct from the Scots, and the Irish as being separate from the Welsh.
If, to the contrary, they prefer the Tory party policy of the British Empire is here to stay: we are all British, then I guess there would never be an Irish national church, which brings us back to the Thug who they sent to call Angela a liar, an action which in turn led them to declaring her brother Hun as being dead. And this pitted Angela Hun against the British Empire: one came to stay, the other had to go, for either the British Empire was dead, or her brother was dead, but without him she won’t work.
I’ve said this before and I’ll write it again: If you want to believe Moloch who they pay instead of Angela who fled them, it’s freedom of choice, but I personally won’t be running after you! I chose to take her place in prison instead because she wants to get back home to Germany. Aber ich könnte euch entgegen kommen in Aachen.
This brings us to the last part of today’s Party page: the Thug was a key element in the spying operations run by Bletchley Park, they were furious and gave him a free range of action, so long as their spying operation prevailed. However it didn’t and they were unable to get over it.
He might as well have taught his Irish disciples that the Hun is waiting for the Irish to die so he can inherit their money, but even if it had been true, they still wouldn’t have got a script from Angela on the Irish church!
There is one more element in the distorted mindset of the British spy operators: they believed to have been given by Byzantium the holy spirit, and this was sheer nonsense. Desperately trying to cancel my name and hell-bent on locking Angela up in a prison to bug her work and then eliminate her, they were victims of a colossal hoax: Man hat ihnen ins Hirn geschissen!
Which brings us back to Angela’s last visit to Valjevo when she returned to Serbia at Easter: someone sitting in Belgrade never accepted it. He had been called out to provide proof that he possesses the Spirit, he couldn’t, and so they continued lying and cheating ever since, all the way to Buckingham palace.
In Conclusion
The Party has mentioned that the German Holy Mother took possession of the two empty frames of Angela’s union flag, and this was within the context of Her taking over in England once the Jerusalem Scroll had been assigned back to Germany in Autumn of 2021. The two empty frames are hanging in limbo in Germany somewhere near the Rhine river.
Here is today's Party song.
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