Mädel Is Not English Anymore

And then I saw her face – if they knew who they lost.

Breaking the Geneva Convention

When the British said I was deceased, I declared myself a prisoner of war. They had always treated me as the enemy but they had broken the Geneva Convention on pronouncing the Hun dead.

I had refused to do forced labour such as inhaling dirt and dust from old walls and climbing up ladders and onto rooftops for slave-labour wages, and I had also refused to worship their queen. Although they had already assured me I’d be sleeping under a bridge if I didn’t, however I didn’t anyway. So they sent the equivalent of a death penalty along with the Thug, and Welsh Hook and the Irish bus driver chipped in. On my part, for all I care, they being disciples of the Thug, they can join their master!

However, I told Freundin she won’t be working in England and pulled her out, saying Komm, Mädel, geh nach Deutschland, ich folge dir!

To those who have nothing, everything will be taken.

Sie Ist Deutsche

The German Holy Mother had saved the English Child by taking him to Germany and offered her the place in the Wirtschaft, and Freundin understood she could not turn down such an offer. Angela Hun too had already made clear where we are going. And being in Deutschland since July, Mädel now considers herself German. She has accepted that anything to do with England is Angela’s business, specifically regarding one day the publishing of her book on the foundations of the English Church – in Germany.

In our last Party print, The Spiritual Scroll of Jerusalem, I made once again evident:

The road between the Rhine and North Camp being bidirectional, it functioned in both directions: if one failed, the other was destined to prevail!”

And so Mädel chose the better dish, she chose life, moved on and has become German. Needless to state that her work will never be taken by the British City as this is a forgone conclusion. Of-course she won’t be working for the EU either as Germany cannot be under communism, just as Winston Churchill in his second version could not defeat the German Folk.

To those who have everything, everything will be given. We fought for the German Holy Mother!

Here is today's Party march.


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