How the British Were Forever Disqualified
The British did something in England which the Italians had done in Italy while waging War on Holy Mother and Child.
Hail the German Holy Mother
Today The Party is revealing some displeasures inflicted upon the Hun while he was caring for his sister Angela. Readers know that we were staying in Italy for a while where the Hun had rented a villa by the sea not far from the Costa Azzurra in Liguria. In between our visits to Serbia, and after our last return from there, we stayed in my house. Angela was doing her work in Serbia, and later she did some research in Italy too, funded by her brother and basically dictating the agenda.
Here I am explaining how it came to be that the German Lady is the only One left standing in the dispute after the Italians and the British both disqualified themselves in the most spectacular of manners.
From Serbian to Russian
It has been established that the British reduced themselves to holding the Hun in prison in England after he took Angela’s place, she having fled to Mexico to avoid being arrested and tortured and forced to hand over written texts to the uk police & Co. who would then hide them away and trade the content off in the name of their queen while getting paid for it. Also, that the scheme could never have worked anyway as, without being funded by her brother, die Hunnin could never carry out her research as it involves expenses and travelling towards which they never paid a penny.
While she was in Italy, Angela was doing some work based on her spiritual contacts, which included the Russian Holy Mother and Her Son – this was after her last return from Serbia! In that time, she also did some excavations on Italian church history, and it was also in this period that the uk Antichrist paid her a visit in Italy, something I’ve explained on Party space in previous prints, with the specification that the Italians let him in after making a deal with him. I did not like what he did to my sister Angela and never forgot it.
We’re Throwing You Out!
Within this context, one day the Italian police appeared and shouted: Voi dovete andare, io non voglio più vedere le vostre facce qua!
Which was too bad! What had happened was, they had tried stealing the work of others, and I was fully aware they were after sister Hun’s work, secretly and in union with the uk. However, the Italians, like the British, never had a work contract with Angela and never contributed to funding her work.
In early 2019, the last words spoken by the Thug, who had been officially representing the British who had instructed and sent him, were: I’m going to throw you out onto the street, and he said this twice in a row as confirmation of the intention. This is how they played the very same card in England which the Italians had played in Italy. Except it wasn’t a game!
Turning to Mädel, I said to her: Those people are dead for me!
They had declared War on the German Spiritual Mother following the work requests to Germany coming from Alexandra and Angela in 2018, and, like the Italians had been, they were now fully void of any credit or trust whatsoever, for nothing could justify what they did and, furthermore, it was a direct threat to Angela, and by that I mean an existential threat.
Here is today’s Party tune.
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