The Location of the German Scroll

The Location of the German Scroll

The British are trying to bug the sealed Scroll but they can’t achieve their aims.

Sealed Text

In tonight’s Party edition, I’ll be releasing some information revealed to me today directly by the German Lady, who, as we by now know, took over in England after having saved the English Child at the Cornerstone in Folkestone.

She referred me to our 29th April 2021 Party publication El Boligrafo Mexicano – Many Pens in Mexico, clarifying that, if I read carefully from the script, it will become apparent that the German Scroll which was found in the courtyard in the land of the Rhine many years ago, was transferred in the Spirit to Mexico on that same day as my sister Angela went there.

The discovery of this sealed text in Germany came about in occasion of a communion event many years ago before Angela and I came to England. Having reached and entered the German courtyard and arrived at one specific spot, I had uncovered but not touched it, the Scroll being taken directly by the Holy Mother of the English Folk who was with me. The sensation emanating from its presence was of sheer joy.

Angela arrived in Mexico during the night between August and September 2019. That very same day, after she had left England with suitcase in hand, a vision came to me in which I too had gone to Mexico.

It was Alexandra who later told me to write down every single detail of the vision there and then, word for word and not to miss anything, saying Some aspects will become clear in time.

The Detail

Obeying the German Mother’s request, I have just reread the print and come across the revealing part which confirms that the Scroll is in Mexico, and so I am reprinting it here.

In Part 4, under the subtitle La Santa Madre Inglesa, it is written:

At this point in time I was holding a bag containing a folder with written papers inside, and after sitting down in the arrival hall I saw a pen on a table next to me. As I looked there were more pens. So I stood up, laid the bag with written pages on the seat, took one pen and then went into an adjacent waiting area separated by an open space, as if to fill in a form. But there were no forms to fill in.

In this second waiting lounge, pens were becoming visible on counters as I looked! Another Lady was there at a desk – the Fair Lady (who I affectionately call Britannia) Mother of the English Folk. Wanting to return the pen I had taken from the first waiting area, I went towards her and said in Spanish: Este bolígrafo es vuestro. She smiled at me and repeated the words: Es vuestro.

On returning to the first room, I could not find the bag with the folder and written papers … I looked, and looked … and went back to the other room to search for it, and then back again to the first waiting lounge, and all the while more Mexicans kept arriving and were sitting around … and clearly the bag was gone! Then I looked to the original desk – the first one – and the Lady with dark hair I had spoken with at the start was still standing there, my passport in front of her”.

The German Scroll

The text in El Boligrafo Mexicano was written down while it was still very fresh in my memory and the clues are in the details, something Alexandra has always told me to look out for. So here we go:

The bag containing a folder, which in turn held written papers inside it, does indeed represent the Scroll that was hidden in the ground within the German courtyard and which I uncovered from its hidden place while in spiritual communion, and Angela Hunnin alone can read and understand its written contents owing to her spiritual contacts. This is the Scroll connected to the Church under the Full Moon in the land of the Rhine.

How she goes about her work is not always clear to me, but it’s bound with travelling and research: she knows where to go and where to look. Being the one who has duty of care towards her, I am often briefed by way of communion in order to understand the importance of her work. I’m the one who needs to make sure she is enabled in her studies by the relevant authorities, and in this case we are talking of the German State.

During the spiritual communion in the arrival hall at Ciudad de Mexico in September 2021, the written papers inside the folder, which in turn was inside a bag, were only ever present in the first arrival hall, on the left – or west – side, where the Mexican Lady stood, and they were not taken into the adjacent hall to the right, intended as to the east, where the English Lady was standing.

In Mexico Not England

This means, the English Lady had given the Scroll to the Mexican Santa Madre. As a result, the first pen and the other pens that immediately followed, appeared in the Mexican hall. Only later did more pens appear in the English hall.

The many groups of Mexicans who kept arriving in the western area seemed to have taken the Scroll, which, as seen, was in the form of many written pages kept inside a folder in a bag, for I could not find the bag anymore. As stated, the place where I had left it on a seat was in the Mexican waiting lounge where the Santa Madre de Mexico was present.

Concerning the English Lady, she said to me in Spanish that the pen was yours in the plural form. She didn’t say ours, that pen having appeared in the Mexican hall next door. Clearly, with the word yours, she was referring to my sister and me in Mexico, not to the English – for we had just left England, Angela with her suitcase, and I her brother in the spirit in a communion event.

However, I had to return to England once the communion was over, whereas she remained in Mexico, and this is how I her brother took Angela’s place inside a British prison! It was one of those occasions where I had been briefly present in the spirit with my sister, but not in the physical form, and that is how I left her before finding myself in the body in England and entering confinement behind bars.

The British Prison

Talking of this prison, one would think it’s obvious that I have not seen the contents of the German Scroll either when it was originally found, or in Mexico, and that only Angela has the spiritual capacity to study it according to its hidden words, I only helping her.

But the British police must have told the Germans they can bug Angela by holding me in prison to then secretly hand over to Germany what their “investigations” manage to reveal. Most importantly, they keep saying, he must never receive any funding for her research into the Scroll’s contents.

This means, should it be written in the secret script meant for Angela’s eyes, let’s say: When in Germany, go to such and such a place and find this or that document, she can’t, because a secret agent in Britain is getting paid to hold her brother inside a prison and sell off junk promises to Germany, cohorts of paid agents under his command all behaving like lemmings swearing allegiance to their queen and following his orders. I the Hun am being held a prisoner by the state institutions called ‘the uk’. They are cowards and liars and are lying to Germany, and the only persons with whom they have a contract are Beelzebub and Moloch.

Autumn 2021

It was in the autumn two years following Angela’s arrival in Mexico that she then came to visit us for a while, declaring we’d all be going to Germany. At that point in time, she explained that the spiritual Scroll is for the German Holy Mother in the name of Jerusalem. Angela is to carry out research into it in German land, I her brother helping her as is my custom. She then returned to Mexico before the police could arrive to bug her.

It was in this same period of autumn 2021 when, in communion, la Santa Madre Mexicana came to me and made clear that, for Her, I remain in esteem whereas only one word departed from her mouth for the English Mother: No!

At The Party, it has already been explained why. In our last publication German Holy Mother to Relocate From England to Germany, I wrote: “Something will give way in Germany, the British police hoax will collapse, and I’ll be out of prison and living low-profile in German land helping Angela carry out her studies”.

There is absolutely no contract for work between any British institution and me, and there has been no request on their part for me to carry out work other than to climb ladders holding buckets and risk falling down and breaking my neck.

In the closing lines of that same page I added: “The German State is aware I am here and cannot delegate the German Holy Mother’s affairs to the British police who are Her enemies”.

Here is tonight’s Party theme.


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