A Scroll Too Far

In Italy, El Santo Padre Mexicano, after ringing the bell, waited till the door was opened from within. He didn’t break in.

Part 3 of the coded messages series.

I’m Sorry”

At the time when the Italians refused to reply to Angela’s work request in Italy before her second journey to England, she was very sorry, and, as noted, didn’t speak at all for a long time.

What my sister had presented in Italy was an introduction based on some research she had achieved, but the actual studies into the origins of the Italian national church is that which Angela never started, for they ignored her, placing their chips on Beelzebub and Moloch instead and sending these to England to try and obfuscate Angela.

To this day the Italians have never contacted me to ask about Angela. The Italian state doesn’t need to bother claiming they didn’t know, because they did and still do, but they never cared for the Holy Mother of the Italians and for Her church, instead allowing their British friends to declare the Hun dead and oblige Angela to flee to escape prison. That’s how much they care for their own spiritual Mother!

Here is today’s Party presentation.

In Chivasso

I can’t remember if I printed an edition at The Party on the pox that hit Chivasso, but it was on an occasion at some point in 2022 when the Italians In High confirmed their alliance with the German Lady in that city.

This event was preceded not much time earlier – I can’t recall whether days or weeks, by a surprise visit made by the Fair Lady to Italy where she entered a house without waiting for the door to be opened from within, and entering illegally, took the Italian scroll.

This is not the German one that had been taken for safekeeping by the Mexicans, but the Italian scroll in connection to Angela’s previous introductory work in Italy before her second attempt at entering England following Valjevo.

What happened has been shown to the Hun many years earlier by way of descriptive codes, and it was also predicted to him by his sister Angela who knew even more about it owing to her own spiritual contacts.

During our recent video connection yesterday evening, wiping a tear from her cheek, she said Brother not say too much what happened, let Britishes suffer!

So I won’t write too much about it and will let the British suffer instead. And because they don’t know what happened, they would either need Angela, or me, to tell them. She’s not here, and I make avail of keeping them in the dark.

Double-Edged Sword

After declaring me dead and sending the Thug to make an offer: Worship my queen or perish!, the uk police commander phoned me and implored me with these words: Please help me finish my investigations!

Look, Angela and I decided to leave you with a new set of investigations instead: go to Chivasso! But without me or sister Hun you won’t know what happened! She’s gone, and I’m in no hurry to help you investigate. When the Hun has something savoury to enjoy, he takes his time and enjoys it.

It has been mentioned here on Party space that the German Holy Mother has two empty spaces hanging in limbo in Germany and that the Irish and the Welsh need to surrender unconditionally to Her in Aachen. This revelation was preceded by the assignment of the Jerusalem Scroll back to Germany in autumn 2021, and the Italiana was aware of it. And knowing I wouldn’t forsake her to the British and their fake ‘investigations’, she took advantage of the knew reality.

The House rule prescribes that breaking into a divine Lady’s house is not permitted, but doing so and taking Her scroll is the equivalent to going nuclear. And there was only one way to immobilise that weapon! Hence the pox in Chivasso, an important secondary node in the transport system into and out of Italy if you’re trying to avoid the main routes to evade detection.

Such Scrolls Are Priceless!

In our last Party print More on Coded Messages at The Party, it’s been declared: “Duty of care requires I never allow them to humiliate Angela and declare her a liar”.

While I am in a position to recount what happened to the Italian scroll, sister and brother Huns chose to leave it in suspense, except that … it came at a heavy price. Which spiritual Mother would allow her Scroll meant for Angela’s eyes to be taken from under her own nose, in her own land, in her own house?


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