Deciphering Coded Messages at The Party

Events have often been predicted in the form of messages presented each in a descriptive code.

Part 1 of the coded messages series.

Roads and Crossroads

At The Party we give information in real time regarding important events, and this may explain why some pages written earlier are no longer in context now, not because they were wrong, but times and situations evolved.

Party constitution requires that we move not in circles but in straight lines, usually from east to west, or from west to east.

These lines can be followed in one direction or the other and will always have a precise destination, and occasionally there is a crossroad indicating several directions. That is where one sequence of events either continues or comes to an end, and one or more other sequences start.

Every instance has been heralded by coded messages that can even go back many years, and deciphering these is something that can only be done at The Party.

One important factor in Party constitution is that Angela’s achievements cannot be undone, and this is the password to the key unlocking our codes, none of which could make sense otherwise.

Trying to change the password would lead to the downfall of the churches of nations, and, ultimately, those who try it are Satan’s servants.

Written Texts

Written texts are never revealed other than in the rightful place, infiltration from other countries never being permitted. Within the realm of a national church, a divine Lady’s house can never be infiltrated and robbed, nor may the local bugs and polices traffic Her estate over to another. Written scripts from Angela are not there to be stolen, secretly transmitted between rogue intelligence services using cheating methods, manipulated or hidden under a bed.

Yet an estate has limits which are defined, as is given in the example of the Latvians who have similarities with Slavic peoples including the Russians but remain Latvian. Trying to artificially extend these limits has extreme consequences, and this is what happened to the British establishment hell-bent on getting rid of the English.

Going by the rules of the House, destroying a national church, spying operations and theft are not allowed, and therefore everything the British institution held dear to, namely cheating and spying in order to take over, collapsed, because the City of Babylon does not get to taking over from heavenly Jerusalem.

If the City Babylon had been able to illegally forge a key, they’d have opened doors that should be shut, and closed doors that need to be open. The British would have hidden the light under the bed and shut down national churches to replace them with brothels. They would have called the road to Sodom and Gomorrah good, and the road to Redemption bad.

Limited Estates

Even though these people, years ago and at institutional level, flung a pot of paint accompanied by satanic graffiti at a portrait of the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church that young Angela had just presented in England, she still completed her work for the English.

There was only one law available concerning her work in England, and it came from the Fair Lady: Care for and be nice to the child on the train you are either on or are about to board!

There were two trains, on each was one child, one being English, the other Scottish. Both had a high temperature – which was a coded description, one higher than the other, and this one must be the Scot, as Angela never completed filing the Scottish key, leaving a part of it missing. There were no other trains and there was no other child, reason for which Angela’s union flag has two empty frames, both of which are now hanging in limbo in Germany.

Waging War on Mother and Child

Just how diabolic the British establishment was can be seen by the one example cited above, by no means the only one. The British establishment never respected the Law of Priory Train Station.

Even today they are trying to bait Angela into a British prison, and they officially consider her brother to have died back in 2018 after falling from a ladder to reach a chimney. In reality it was because he refused to worship Humpty Dumpty and told them to go up their own chimney and breathe in the soot themselves. The local council, working for Bletchley Park, replied You’re dead!

They were hoping Angela would surrender, but she escaped to Mexico and they couldn’t get her work. To protect her, I went to prison in her place while the uk made false bugging promises they could never keep. In the meantime they sent Beelzebub and Moloch to infiltrate Germany with all the credentials of the uk bug services – while sister Hun remained in Mexico.

Here is today’s Party music.

Our next Party edition will be dedicated to More on Coded Messages at The Party.


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