Video Conference Between Mexico and Germany

News From Wolfgang

Today I received a letter from Mädel through our S-mail service. She informs me that there has been a conference by video between Angela from Mexico and Alexandra and Mädel herself in Germany. She has written down the minutes of the meeting and sent me the transcript.

The topic of the occasion was the news conveyed by Wolfgang that the Westminster regime is about to come to an end owing to its immense unpopularity.

They will be sending another person to Buckingham Palace to be invested as prime minister and it will not be someone from the conservative party” was the message that came through.

Being a captain in the Army, Wolfgang has his contacts, although he didn’t give a timeline for this event or delve into technical details. He didn’t say everything he knows.

Anyway, wrote Freundin, according to Wolfgang, “you have to be prepared to get the hell out of there” and you need to cross over to France so soon as you get your German documents.

She added don’t hang around, don’t wait at the quay, but just go!

Here is today’s Party song.


On her part, Angela stated at the conference that El Santo Padre Mexicano had met with me in a house in Italy in order to establish that Angela had gone to Mexico and the Italian godfathers of the British cannot change this no matter which orders they give to their British godchildren.

During this communion event presented in our Party edition El Santo Padre Mexicano Ignores Italy’s Posture, Angela first, followed by Alexandra and Mädel, came to me in the house while He was conversing with me. Hermana Angela who resides in Mexico had made her own interpretation of this event owing to her spiritual contacts. Going by her explanation, the dispute between Mexico and Italy was resolved as there was nothing the Italians had to offer to counter the evidence.

The British had placed Boris Johnson in 10 Downing Street, and what he managed we all know and it needn’t be mentioned here in this page. He tried rubbishing off the Mexican Lady and this is why Angela then decided in Autumn 2021 that we’re going to Germany. In our last Party number Angela Hun’s Reputation, it’s clearly stated: “Regardless what the British say, Angela will not turn back and her work will not be undone”.

He Started a War Instead

Alexandra, who listens in, announced at the video meeting that Boris Johnson started a war in Europe and that the British police came to this conclusion themselves several days or a few weeks before the war actually started.

She stated that at Westminster they are now incapable of undoing what they accomplished and that if they hadn’t insulted the Mexican Holy Mother and sent their Moloch to scoff at the Fair Lady of the Cornerstone in Folkstone, it would have gone differently, but they did and therefore they are responsible for their actions – after all they sent Moloch as one of their official agents.

Alexandra insists that as Angela’s work cannot be undone, neither can the actions of Westminster be undone, they chose a road and this led to Angela’s decision in Mexico to move to Germany, thus redefining Party policy. There is nothing anyone can do to change any of this, she concluded.

Ignoring the British

On my part I just ignore the British and consequently all that is known to me about British news is what I see in the headlines when passing the supermarket kiosk – about five words of the headlines twice a week. Any links to British headlines on search engines are equally ignored and reference to British events in articles I read concerning other lands are skipped over.

They have a prime minister called Boris Johnson of the Tory party and recently made a City budget in an attempt to keep the London stock market from crashing, which, if it happened, would wipe out private pensions and other financial institutions that invest heavily in shares.


Having invested in Swiss francs and believing the German-Swiss Lady to the word, I made sure they cannot deport me in an iron cage to Italy. If they did, I would jump out and claim asylum in Switzerland on reaching the border, that is, if the Germans did not contact me here in England as presented here on Party space.

Wolfgang says that only the German State could do that, and if they don’t, it’s because the State chose not to. And this is why Angela is safely in Mexico and I her brother kept my Swiss francs as my last parachute to prevent a crash into Hell.

I don’t have Italian documents and so the Swiss could not allow me to pass into Italy. I’d show my francs and make clear I have no British money and say I have a sister in Mexico who works doing research into national churches, that the British hated her and wanted to hide away all her work after possessing it, to then deport her too to Italy but that she escaped. The British are trying to prevent her ever researching the German Holy Mother’s Church and tried infiltrating Beelzebub and Moloch into Germany instead.

The German-Swiss Lady was right!

Here is our second Party presentation.


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