Working for Holy Mother and Child

The Holy Trinity is the highest Treasure a nation has, divine, and free from alien diktat.

The German Holy Mother

Today, The Party is presenting the case of the Spiritual Mother and Child of the German Folk in relation to Angela Hun who is waiting in Mexico to return to her German homeland.

In previous Party pages we have made clear that the Holy Trinity will always come to a nation in its own likeness and will never be subordinated to foreign and alien supremacy of any sort, whether Italian from Rome, Byzantine from Constantinople, British from Buckingham palace, NATO and the EU – or from anywhere for that matter.

As a good Hun I obey orders from my sister Angela who fled to Mexico to escape a British prison. She had told me last Autumn to make known at The Party her public work request to Germany, just as I had done in 2018 in the previous Party version that got cancelled on 1st September 2019.

She didn’t tell me to do anything else other than wait for Germany to reply officially and positively. My orders are to wait in prison till such time comes as the Germans decide at State level to serve die Heilige Mutter des deutschen Volkes and allow Angela to come back home to dedicate herself to researching the origins of the One German Church that is under the Full Moon of Heaven.

This Is Serious

Party pages are no lottery tickets that are waiting to be pulled up as winning numbers, they are pages of which the German State is aware and has been also in 2018. In our last Party print Angela’s Irrevocable Decision, we find: “Decisions that are knowingly made to humiliate Holy Mother and Child can become final owing to a counter move that changes the equation”.

There were only two choices, and Angela was either going to choose England or Germany. When she chose England on the 1st September 2019, the British rubbished her off, and that left only die Deutsche Heilige Mutter and Germany.

The road between North Camp and Rheindahlen was open to being followed in two directions, the German Spiritual Mother once showed me this and She always left the door open for me and sister Hunnin. Angela knew about it and made her most final decision here in England in the Autumn of 2021 while visiting us for a week in Mexican dress.

As I understood it, La Santa Madre Mexicana had a word to say in this decision owing to the dignity of a Lady In High who is within the Holy Trinity. When the British tried humiliating Her, and the Mexican Holy Father, and the Mexican Child, and Angela, and Alexandra, and Mädel, not even a visit by Uncle Sam to Buckingham Palace such as the one carried out by Donald Trump in seven helicopters was going to cancel Sovereign England of the Fair Lady, or cancel the Mexican Lady, or cancel the German Lady – or the Holy Mother of any Nation!

Not a Lottery

If this had all been a lottery ticket, the British would have bet everything and lost. However it wasn’t, it was much more than that! Although, as stated many times here at The Party, the English Holy Child went his way and made it to the higher heavenly House. This is known here on Party space as the English Event, and it is English only, not British, not Commonwealth, or anything else. There is no wealth in common in these matters! The Fair Lady had enough oil in Her lantern, She waited, the light did not go out, and there was entry for one Child only, the English one.

This has been achieved and accomplished, and it is the reason why neither Mädel nor Alexandra, both of whom are English, bothered waiting around much longer but went on to Germany. Neither of them have ever been British and so they don’t care about the British, seeing that no-one else cared either – and I’m not talking about the English Child here, let that be clear! But, apart from him and the Fair Lady for whom they cared, they do care for the German Holy Mother and Child too.

In regards to this German Child, saying to him You don’t even exist, is the same as saying to the English Child You don’t exist anyway. Be careful what you wish for!

The only difference between the two, is that one was taken up to the higher House, the other remained in the lower house, in Germany, and he is the one in our thoughts and for whom we are dedicating our efforts: sister and brother Huns, Alexandra and Mädel.

If this were a lottery, there would be only one ticket available to draw: the German Child. However, this isn’t a lucky dip, it is Life of the One German Church under the Full Moon that is object of discussion and dependent on Angela’s future research in German Land.

Irish and Welsh

Whereas the Scottish Child is neither here nor there, partially immune to the Antichrist but not completely owing to a partial but not complete antidote, this leaves the Irish and the Welsh to mention briefly here.

Well, as far as I the Hun am concerned, Uncle Sam is more than welcome to fly in seven helicopters to Buckingham Palace and proclaim that ‘Ireland and Wales ceased to exist and are now called the “uk”, and that the Hun didn’t take part in the Normandy landing and is not famous for anything’. In fact I didn’t, I was on the other side!

However it wouldn’t change a jot for the English Child who is fully Antichrist-immune and in a safe House. But as we know, the uk police commander said he would rather sacrifice the Irish and the Welsh so as to hide his own cowardly misdeeds – which is too bad!

Freundin’s Decision

Being the expert in matters of Wirtschaft, Mädel had wanted to work in England, but she had already been turned down by the British, and meanwhile Angela was waiting in Mexico and telling me that she waits and waits … and the British found it better to follow Boris Johnson instead. By that time they had already sent the Thug and no doubt they still thought it was funny.

You know what, I said to Mädel, for you I’d do anything, but this time the answer may not be the one you expected.

Continuing our conversation in the lounge over breakfast, I explained I came all the way back from the land of the Rhine for you, I helped you raise the English Flag over your castle in England, they turned you down, and I’m doing what I did back then in Italy. I’m pulling you out of here, you’re going to Germany and will wait for me there. This time it’s your turn to do as you promised and help me raise the German Flag in Germany.

Mädel agreed and went, but only after she was sure that the English Child had made it to the higher House in Heaven. It was her decision, ultimately, and not before the German Mother had offered her the place in the Wirtschaft corresponding to her skills, loyalty and dignity.

The Confession

Freundin and I often wondered what it was she really said in the communion event revealed to me when, in the spirit, she spoke with the German Holy Mother and suddenly said to Her: My boyfriend … the rest of the sentence becoming inaudible to me – let’s remember it was a confession between the German Holy Mother and Mädel.

At the time as I sat there in the restaurant where Mädel had served the German Mother I thought This boyfriend must have done something really big! It was only after the communion event that I realised it was Freundin and that she was talking about me.

Here is today’s Party tune.

The German Holy Mother, on hearing her words, was disappointed and, turning to me, said Gehen wir! I got up and left with Her while She was pushing a pram with a child inside. That was when Alexandra, who had also been there, ran after the German Lady and said She must stay a while.

A few days later, as recounted previously on Party space, the issue was solved and the German Lady went east along the road, I with Her, but not before finishing a meal which Mädel had prepared. In this communion, she had accepted the offer to work in the German Wirtschaft.

My plan B I had made in Aachen years earlier had flowered! Back then I knew it was possible because the German Spiritual Mother had shown me that the door would remain open for me to return along that same road – from North Camp and on to Rheindahlen. We mustn’t overlook that Angela Hunnin started her mission in Germany, where she spoke her first words: in German.


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