Angela’s Irrevocable Decision
Decisions that are knowingly made to humiliate Holy Mother and Child can become final owing to a counter move that changes the equation, and so it was when Angela decided upon a final solution to solve a problem.
They Scoffed at Holy Mother and Child
Hoping to be able to return to Germany to continue her research free from the people who tried undoing her return to Serbia at Easter, and needing to care for the German Holy Mother and Child, Angela had hoped her brother would be signing a work contract in England on her behalf, but no-one from Germany came forward and no German travel documents were received along with gold bars. Instead, only the usual people working with Government Bond came along – see Phosphorous Bond in our previous Party editions. Whatever these ‘British’ people falsely promised to Germany was a lie.
After attempting to infiltrate them into Germany, they kept Beelzebub and Moloch in England and continued sending them to attack the Holy Mother of the English Folk (please don’t read into this any other nation). They had imported this combination from Italy and even managed to send them to scoff at the Fair Lady of the Cornerstone in Folkestone. These two entities are instructed by the British institution for whom they operate, which in turn takes full responsibility.
When the uk establishment and those working with them from somewhere abroad sounded off insulting La Santa Made Mexicana, that was when another chapter finished and a new page was turned. In Autumn of 2021, Alexandra asked me to repeat at The Party her 2018 work-proposal to Germany, which I did, and shortly thereafter Angela came from Mexico to visit us for a week. The British police did not recognise her as she had dressed as a Mexican girl and so she passed through England unobserved by Phosphorous’ people.
Angela proclaimed we’re going to Germany and asked me to repeat her 2018 offer to Germany on Party space as I had done at Alexandra’s request concerning her own offer that also dated back to 2018. There was no turning back.
After a short stay, Angela went back to Mexico and the British kept Moloch who the German Spiritual Mother banned forever from Her affairs together with its diabolic Beelzebub. This meant that She banned the British from Her affairs.
I know from Angela that one day she will publish her book on the foundations of the English Church in Germany, and this won’t be before having dedicated her research to the German Church.
English Event
At The Party, I have explained that the English Child from the Cornerstone in Folkestone went to Germany to his spiritual brother in the German house and later from there was taken up to the higher heavenly House. This is the English Event.
It wasn’t long after this that Alexandra and Mädel moved to Germany, in early July 2022. This was in alignment with what the Serbian Lady had shown me in communion before sister Hun and I had moved to England following Serbia.
There is nothing the British will ever manage to achieve to change this, or the foreign institutions working with them, and it doesn’t matter what they claim as a superior motive, whether EU and NATO, Rome and Byzantium, it is final, irrevocable and not up for argument.
Where Angela goes, Alexandra and Mädel will also be, and it was either England or Germany Angela was going to choose. But following the insult launched by people working for an alien power against the Mexican Lady and the Mexican Holy Trinity in general, and their admission that they work for the uk secret police, the German Lady inherited Prosperity because of someone trying to inflict Irish law on Sovereign England.
But please believe me, the English Event regarding the English Child ascending to a higher House concerns only the English Child, not Irish, Welsh or Scottish. Goodbye!
And now it is the German Lady and German Child who inherit Angela’s dedication, and consequently that of Mädel and Alexandra too.
The Hun wishes to taunt the British.
Madel's Kreuz |
As in Serbia, So in England
They want to destroy the Serbian founding stone in Valjevo to bring down every stone Angela is building upon and therewith the Holy Trinity for any nation.
As was then in Serbia, so too in England there are alien powers at work who dictate agendas and so in June 2022 – see our publication A Video Conference From Mexico, my sister Hun defined the matter after identifying the problem. Having spiritual contacts that go way beyond what I her brother know of, that which Angela decides is Law, and I know she tried to be decent and find an honourable way forward.
However, there is an alliance of institutions that is hell-bent on cancelling the Serbian Holy Mother from Angela’s vocabulary and on locking my sister up in a prison instead. They want to undo absolutely all that die Hunnin has achieved and needs to accomplish, and this means that they want to present the Serbian Spiritual Mother as a liar simply through cancellation in order to give victory to those who, through lies and deceit, betrayed Her and the Serbian Child to an alien cause while operating for foreign powers interfering where they shouldn’t have.
War Is War
Sure, I her brother had to carry the humiliations they inflicted upon us when they always only ever tried drying my financial reserves out which I needed to fund my sister, but by assuming that they can cancel the road outlined by the Serbian Lady and thereby cancel Serbia, Sovereign England and Germany too, and all in return for Beelzebub and Moloch, these powers chose the path of War which they waged on Spiritual Jerusalem.
But that’s too bad, because as a good Hun I need to obey orders from High to protect the interests of my sister Angela who was chosen. Being of the German Holy Mother, her very first words were in German and they were: Heute ist Karfreitag! This sentence was followed by a shudder.
Only the utterly arrogant who are dedicated to sheer evil think they can cancel Angela’s return to Serbia at Easter and all that followed, including her move to the Russian Church.
All my financial investments and the hard work I put into them were spent on sister Hun’s travels and work, including my last five pounds which I left to the British on being declared dead, except my Swiss francs that remained as a parachute to avoid Hell.
Needless to say I don’t take any responsibility for what alien institutions did, my duty was to defend sister Hun from their War against her and prevent them cancelling her accomplished work and all that it stands for. These people went to War against the Resurrection of God’s Son, they did so at an institutional level and working for a satanic empire.
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