An English-German Agreement
The British need to surrender unconditionally to the German Holy Mother
From Sovereign England to Germany
Mädel and I had an agreement: I will never forsake the German Holy Mother and she will never abandon the Fair Lady who is the Spiritual Mother of the English Folk.
When Mädel was satisfied that the English Holy Child, after going from the Corner Stone in Folkestone to his German spiritual brother in the German house, was then taken up to the higher Heavenly House, she agreed to relocate to Germany, making the journey together with Alexandra.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
An Offer to the Scots
Angela in Mexico recently informed me that she had not completed her research into the foundations of the Scottish Church. Alexandra, several days earlier, had suggested that the Scots could decide to send a delegation to Aachen to meet with the Hun once I am living in Germany. This meeting would be to arrange an agreement with Mädel on economics.
Angela’s point a few days later was: the Scots might as well also seek an agreement in Aachen for Angela to complete her research into the origins of the Scottish Church. This needn’t be considered as a surrender as the German Lady, out of respect for the Scots, did not show an empty white flag in relation to Scotland, She only showed me two white flags concerning Ireland and Wales. This means the Scots can keep their head high and maintain dignity when dealing with brother Hun, for, after all, he and Angela did care for the Scottish Child too.
It is of-course clear that the Thug lied also to the Scots when calling the Fair Lady ‘a liar’. The dignity of the Spiritual Mother cannot be tarnished by a thug through whom Satan worked. Holy Mother and Child of a nation always need to come first, and this means accepting the Holy Father, not the father of the Lie.
Going by the Fair Lady’s Law of Priory Train Station, the Scots need to care for and be nice to the Child on their train, as Alexandra and Mädel, who are both English, along with sister and brother Huns cared for and were nice to the English Child.
Ultimately, it’s the duty of the Scots to make this decision, not mine or Mädel’s, one being German, the other English, just as it's not Alexandra’s decision or Angela’s.
In Germany
Freundin moved to Germany with Alexandra because she wants to help the German Spiritual Mother. Her Hun had come from Germany all the way to England to help her raise the English Flag over her castle in England, and he and his sister Angela remained faithful to the English Holy Mother so that the English Child could make the ascent to safety In High. Without Angela, this could not have come about.
In our last Party post A Letter From English Mädel, I announced: “A letter came to me by S-mail from Freundin in Germany. It starts with: HAIL THE GERMAN HOLY MOTHER!”. Freundin is in Germany and is preparing the way for the end of EU domination. There is no way the British are going to impose Theresa May’s divorce bill on Germany.
The German Spiritual Mother will not surrender to EU Communism, and She was fully aware that the British sabotaged both Alexandra and Angela’s requests in 2018 for work contracts with Germany. She knew then that if they had gone to Germany in 2018, Mädel too would have gone there, for the British had already turned her down here. Instead they tried sending Moloch in place of Angela, and we know what happened. That was the same Moloch the British later sent to scoff at the Fair Lady after the English Child had gone to the Cornerstone in Folkestone.
If anyone thought the German Holy Mother would surrender to the British, they thought wrong. She won’t! Instead, the Irish and the Welsh should surrender unconditionally to the German Spiritual Mother. The British are the ones who lost the War, not the Germans.
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