The Transfer Agreement for the Promised Land

The Transfer Agreement of 1933 opened the door to significant Jewish migration to their ancestral lands.

Saving the Jewish Homeland

In continuation of our last publication entitled Fascism and Revisionist Zionism, The Party is looking into the Transfer Agreement, known in Hebrew as Ha-avara. In August 1933, following a period of detailed discussions between the German National Socialist government and the most influential Zionist organizations in the world, an agreement was reached to help save the Yishuv – the Jewish body in the Promised Land – from terminal extinction at the hands of the British government based in the City in London and the Arab oil monarchies, in particular King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia.

Appeasing the Arab Monarchs

Going by Jewish narrative, terrible things were being carried out against world Jewry, in total disregard for the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine that had been assigned to the British government on behalf of the international community. Since the outset of the Mandate in 1920, the first British High Commissioner for Palestine, Herbert Samuel, himself a Jew, sabotaged Zionist migration to the Jewish Holy Land by imposing severe restrictions, apparently in order to appease various Arabic monarchs who were contending with each other in the Arabian Gulf for supremacy over the Arabic-speaking lands from the Arabian Gulf all the way to Syria and Mesopotamia. 

Each of the potentates pledged friendship to the City government in London, and somewhere out there under the desert sands were lying undiscovered oilfields – apart from those already in production in the area of Mosul in northern Iraq.

The Situation Prior to the Transfer Agreement

According to Jewish testimony, between 1920 and 1933, the British authorities in Palestine (often comprised of Jewish elements sent from London) had been allowing large numbers of Arabic-speaking people to enter Palestine illegally from neighbouring regions and to settle there, thus reducing the amount of arable land available to prospective Jewish settlers.

Adding to this, the restrictions on the number of Jews who could migrate to Palestine starting in 1920 limited the total to around eight thousand people a year for four consecutive years. In 1924, the number of Jews emigrating to Palestine was allowed to increase to around 14,000, in 1925 to 34,000, and in 1926 the number went back down to 14,000. But from 1927 to 1931, the numbers fell to between two thousand and five thousand a year, an average of around 3,500 Jews per year allowed to settle in Palestine, and around twelve thousand in 1932. 

Adding to that, in the first part of the 1920s, the City government carved away Transjordan (modern Jordan) from the Mandate for Palestine and handed it over to the ruling family of the Hejaz after their defeat at the hands of Ibn Saud in 1924. This meant that about 80% of the designated Jewish homeland had been detracted and given over to an Arab king, leaving only the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the river Jordan for Jewish settlement.

Concentrated, and More Concentrated

As if this wasn’t enough, and with most of the arable farmland being given to the Arabic-speaking population including those who emigrated there illegally, the City was suggesting that the actual land given to the Jews as a homeland could be reduced to little more than an area around Tel Aviv, a kind of concentrated strip where a few hundred thousand Jews would be allowed to live. In fact, from 1919 to 1932, no more than 130,000 Jews had been given permission to settle in Mandatory Palestine, adding to the around 80,000 already residing there at the end of the First World War.

World Zionist Organization in Search of Jews

It had become clear to the leaders and the members of the various Zionist groups around the world and in Palestine itself that, without the numbers, the Yishuv was destined to fail, for it was being deliberately crippled by the British Mandate authorities, who in turn were taking orders from Whitehall. They knew that the Arabic-speaking population was getting close to five times more than the Jewish component and that within time the entire project would be called off. Simply put, the British government was working for the Arab kings, and in particular for Ibn Saud who had American oil prospectors in his house searching for oil in the name of Aramco, the Arabian-American Oil Company. Basically, the City was working for the Company, not for the Jews!

Along Comes Adolf Hitler

As leader of the NSDAP and of the German government, Adolf believed in the values of folk and homeland, and he had sympathised with the Jewish desire for a homeland for the Jewish nation. When he came to power in Germany in 1932, and later managed to form a governing majority the following year, the Zionist Jews in general, therefore not only from the Revisionist Zionist movement, saw in Hitler the man who might help them out of their dire straits. 

While some of the Revisionist Zionists, led by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, were calling for a world boycott of German exports in an attempt to bring down the German economy as it was confronting the Great Depression, other Zionist Jews chose to gather around the German Chancellor in the hope he might help them big time. Their goal was to promote and enable Jewish settlement in what they called Erez Israel – the Land of the Jews, the Judaeans descending from two of the original Twelve Tribes. Consequently, they chose to oppose the Jewish boycott of Germany that was being promoted by Jabotinsky and established the Ha-avara, or Transfer Agreement, with the National Socialist government of Germany. 

Whereas Jabotinsky’s call in early 1933 for a worldwide boycott of German products had led to the one-day-only German boycott of Jewish shops out of protest, the Transfer Agreement, on the other hand, was demonstration of collaboration between mainstream Zionism and National Socialism. Many Jews, in particular in eastern Europe, were eager to migrate to Palestine, they were systematically hindered by adverse policies coming out of the City established order in London, and now one country was prepared to help them in a spectacular manner.

The NSDAP vs Ibn Saud

Hitherto, King Ibn Saud and other Arab monarchies had relied on the British government to sabotage the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine and cripple the Jewish dream for a homeland. But now, the German National Socialist Workers Party was to reverse all that! They made an alliance with mainstream World Zionism that would not only allow for unrestricted Jewish emigration to Palestine from Germany, but create the basis for a prosperous Jewish economy that would allow hundreds of thousands of Jews to migrate there from many other countries too, and perhaps even millions within time. Indeed, had it not been for the Transfer Agreement, it is likely there would be no Jewish state. 

The effects of the Great Depression were wearing down the Jewish economy in Mandatory Palestine, and the City government was allowing Arabic peoples to emigrate there and buy or otherwise occupy the limited farmland which was meant to be available also for Jewish settlers. Only limited numbers of Jews were actually allowed to settle there, the restrictions and bureaucratic hurdles to overcome were immense, and the likelihood of a remnant of land around Tel Aviv as a last Jewish outpost under the control of a hostile British military commander was clouding the horizon with all its ugly implications. Babylon the City Whore was after petrodollars from the Al Saud oil company, the Jews were to be sacrificed, and only National Socialist Germany could help now. It must have seemed like a Godsend.

Details of the Transfer Agreement

The plan was as ingenious as it was simple: Jews residing in Germany who wanted to move to Palestine would sell their estate at the market price, for example house and furniture and whatever else they may have possessed in the form of non-transferable property, such as land, and place the proceeds in a special Jewish bank account of which the Jewish establishment in Palestine was the beneficiary. 

They would emigrate to Palestine and find accommodation with the aid of the Zionist institutions there, who in turn would use the money deposited in the special account to purchase German products and import them to Palestine – and to an extent to other countries where they had connections, and sell them on, in turn getting the original sum back plus any profit. They would use this money to pay back to the Jewish immigrants to Palestine the original sum they had deposited in Germany in the purpose-made Jewish bank account and which corresponded to the value of the estate they had sold there, such as house, land, furniture etc.

The institutions involved in this agreement on the Jewish side were:

  • 1: The World Zionist Organization by way of its operative branch the Jewish Agency.

  • 2: The Anglo-Palestine Bank, owned by the Jewish Colonial Trust which had been formed decades earlier in 1899 by members of the Zionist movement to promote industry, construction, agriculture and infrastructure in the Holy Land of the Jews in order to promote Jewish emigration there.

  • 3: The Zionist Federation of Germany, which was the largest of various Jewish Zionist organizations on German soil and had opposed Jabotinsky’s 1933 call for a world boycott of German products.

Consequences of the Ha-avara

As German-produced industrial infrastructure came pouring into Palestine between 1933 and 1939, and to an extent the proceeds made from the export of German products to other countries by way of Jewish connections and in accordance with the Transfer Agreement, the economy to which the Yishuv had been accustomed from 1919 to 1932 suddenly made a dramatic upturn.

The effects of the Great Depression and of deliberate sabotage operated by the Mandatory authorities under orders from Whitehall were reversed. Large sums of money were flowing in Palestine and the basis was created to buy more land, irrigate it with German machinery, fertilise and farm it and reap the produce. Factories were constructed and German production mechanisms were installed inside them, and the machines were running hot with plenty of orders coming in. Houses were being built and more settlements were being founded, and this attracted widespread Jewish immigration to Palestine, not only from Germany, but other countries too, in particular from eastern Europe.

As a result, between 1933 and 1939, around quarter of a million Jewish people emigrated to Palestine, of which 60,000 were from Germany. The Jewish population there more than doubled in just seven years! Finally, the numbers so dear to the World Zionist Organization were going up, and soon, perhaps by around 1944 or 1945, there would be at least as many Jews living there as Arabic-speaking people, thus opening the door to an independent Jewish homeland. Adolf Hitler was the rising star among Zionist Jews and was about to bring into shape a functioning Jewish homeland.

Sadly, the City’s Uncle Ibn was looking on from the distance and listening in, and because in March 1938 the Arabian oilfields were discovered by the American prospectors of Aramco who he had invited into his house, King Ibn Saud was able to play his trump card – which led to the White Paper of 1939.

From Balfour Declaration to Party Declaration

In one of our next editions The Party will be looking at the sudden end of Jewish prosperity in the Judaean homeland when the City pressed the button and launched its White Paper cancellation of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, and the treacherous acts which led up to this event. But prior to this, The Party wishes to make clear by way of a declaration that the constant and insistent description of Jewish people going to Palestine between 1933 and 1939 as ‘refugees fleeing persecution’ is unfair and biased, no doubt within the context of the ‘eternal victims’

These people were living the Zionist dream, they were lifted up on the wings of German production and the income it brought in through exports, and guided straight to their beloved ancestral homeland, even transferring the value of their assets with them. No-one forced them to, and it was in defiance of the City’s appeasing policies to King Ibn Saud who was playing all his trump cards to deny the Jews a homeland and terminate the Balfour declaration. 

The Transfer Agreement was the medium and the Jewish Zionists the beneficiaries. It was a fulfilment of exactly that which World Zionists had been vocally calling for over many decades. Without the numbers, they could never become a majority there, and no majority meant no independent homeland.

Planned Jewish Revolt

What we need to understand is, the ire that the Transfer Agreement stirred up in City circles dreaming of oil revenues and in the palaces of Arab monarchs vying with each other for religious and nationalist supremacy among the Arabic-speaking region from the Arabian Gulf all the way to Assyria and northern Mesopotamia, and the consequences this anger had when triggering the White Paper of 1939. It is perhaps little known outside of the sphere of those who photoshop history that the White Paper of 1939 was leading to a Jewish revolt in Palestine planned for October the same year and masterminded by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, in which the Polish state was to take part by arming and training Jewish militia in Poland to send to Palestine. 

The revolt and ensuing British military crackdown in Mandatory Palestine – had it unfolded – would have led to uproar among Jews in western Europe and in the United States of America. This could have terminated the City’s dream for unlimited oil revenues if Jewish protests around the world had forced the United States and the League of Nations to intervene to stop the City and rebuff King Ibn Saud.

And so we may ask ourselves if the City had any hand in the triggering off of World War II in September 1939, just one month before the planned Jewish revolt in Palestine. In fact, the governments of Poland and France started mobilising their armies in August 1939 with the declared intention of invading Germany and annexing large areas to the east and to the west.

Germany paid a very heavy price for WWII, with many cities totally destroyed and huge areas of land taken away and many millions of German people chased out of their homelands. What the City had planned in 1939 to appease Arabian oil monarchies, well they never told the world! It could be helpful to remember that Winston Churchill was one of the major policy makers on the Middle East during and directly after World War One, he knew about borders there as he himself took part in tracing them, and he knew about the oil there too. He was anything other than a Mr. Nobody when he replaced Chamberlain as City prime minister in May 1940: he was fully aware what was going on, who did it and why. He was probably the mastermind!

In our next print we look at Jewish relations with Poland in the period leading up to 1940.


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