Racial Nationalism Among Germans and Jews
Racial identity was being preached no less among Jews than among Germans.
Racial and National Identity
In today’s Party publication, we’re offering a partial reprint of a 2017 edition going by the same title and no longer available for public view since the disqus deletions which wiped out all Party prints too. At the time, we were looking into racial nationalism as promoted in Germany and among the Jews in the first half of the twentieth century as a means of identity. Not long after our 2017 research, somewhere in the following year, we also came across Arabic racial nationalism as promoted by Ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia during the 1920s and 1930s, and discovered his role in the White Paper of 1939 concerning the British Mandate for Palestine.
From Northern Ireland to Judaea to Iran
The people calling themselves the “UK government” are currently talking of belligerent intervention in the Persian Gulf in a dispute that has been ongoing for many years between Iran and the state of Israel, with one side constantly accusing the other of sabotage in a controversy which is based primarily on religious and ethnic identities. At home, The Party considers it of public interest that society is made aware of the underlying questions of racial and ethnic identity that pit Iran and Israel against each other, which is also undoubtedly within the context of Palestinians too.
We believe that it is not fair to involve England in this confrontation through military means when the whole question is beyond the scope of English people. Every day the English are being made to pay a price for policies of the European Union over a border question between various communities in Northern Ireland to which Boris Johnson signed up and later reneged on, with the government of the Republic of Ireland also being party to the quarrel. But where does England actually come into any of this? Whether it is Northern Ireland, Judaea or the Persian Gulf, what is it that those people in Westminster keep thinking when they inflict these ethnic identity issues of other peoples onto the English with the beat of war drums? What makes them believe they have any right to involve England in a war in the Persian Gulf over other countries’ racial disputes? Did they ever ask English people for an opinion?
So here is the part of our 2017 article that referred to some basic aspects of Jewish racial nationalism as laid out at the beginning of the twentieth century, ideas that were already rooted in society among people calling themselves Zionist Jews by the time National Socialism came along in Germany:
Anglia Of England
@angliaofengland (2017)
In today's edition, The Party examines some aspects of Jewish racial nationalism while keeping an eye on German National Socialism. We will be looking at the most celebrated man in modern Jewish history and how he defined nationalism for his own people, and what measures he was prepared to undertake in order to bring his nationalism to the fore.
Ze'ev Jabotinsky
Born in Russia in the 19th century, Jabotinsky was a Jew who was involved in what is defined as "Zionism": the migration of Jews to Palestine. He was a contemporary of Adolf Hitler.
Having served in a Jewish unit of the British Army in WW 1, he was among the soldiers who entered Palestine in 1917 when the region was wrested from the Ottoman Empire. Within a few years of the establishment of the mandate for Palestine under British military supervision, the British authorities suspected Ze'ev of involvement in provocative campaigns that led to the first Arab uprising in Palestine. He later became the founder of the Jewish armed militant organization Irgun. In 1930, during a trip abroad, Jabotinsky was blocked by the British from returning to Palestine.
Jabotinsky’s Stance on Jewish Nationalism
One of the quotes coming from Ze’ev Jabotinsky is: “The nucleus of his (of a Jew's) spiritual structure will always remain Jewish, because his blood, his body, his physical-racial type are Jewish”.
On assimilation, he stated: “It is impossible for a man to become assimilated with people whose blood is different from his own. In order to become assimilated, he must change his body, he must become one of them, in blood”.
On mixed marriage, he went on to state: “An increase in the number of mixed marriages is the only sure and infallible means for the destruction of nationality as such. A preservation of national integrity is impossible except by a preservation of racial purity”.
On homeland, he affirmed: “We are in need of a territory of our own where our people will constitute the overwhelming majority”.
With regards to German National Socialist views on the Jews, we need to present a separate edition in which we will be giving insight into the Transfer Agreement.
End of 2017 text.
As stated above, Ze’ev Jabotinsky is a highly celebrated man in the state Israel, where his ideas are held in high esteem. The Party does not dispute Jewish settlement in the Jewish homeland, but we do not recognise as legitimate the attempts being made in Westminster to physically involve England in an armed conflict in the Persian Gulf between the Jewish state and Iran. They did not ask the English Folk for permission!
Our next edition looks into Fascism and Revisionist Zionism, with a glimpse on King Ibn Saud's racial policies towards Jews and his petrodollar ties to the City.
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