South China Sea Chicken Run
Global Britain is a dream of the Whitehall Tory party, thankfully it remained that way!
Global Boris Johnson
At the beginning of August 2021, the carrier strike fleet sent from the island of Britain exited the South China Sea by rounding the strait of Luzon, bringing the ships into the Philippine Sea. The Humpty Dumpty and its escort vessels wisely avoided contravening the rules given by China, which were not to look left nor right but to just go straight ahead very quickly and with no dallying. Fortunately no attempt was made to approach Taiwan on one side or any coral reefs on the other, and the Chinese carrier Shandong waiting in the distance stayed put.
Considering Boris Johnson’s track record since entering 10 Downing Street of achieving the opposite to what he promised in every public aspect, whether it’s building forty new hospitals, importing tens of thousands more nurses, finding the money to lay out an unwanted high speed railway line, financing new nuclear power stations, sailing too close to Crimea, supporting the English football team against Italy … it was with a sigh of relief that the admirals decided not to take any chances with global Boris. They would have had a lot of explaining to do if they had pandered to any more of his bragging and boasting while in dangerous waters. While it’s extremely unlikely Uncle Sam will ever forgive Boris & Co. for this, it's another matter!
Global England
We need to consider England’s benefit from the failure of global Boris in the Black Sea and the South China Sea. After Boris Johnson had obediently offered up to China a semiconductor microchip factory in Wales before the fleet entered the South China Sea, it was clear he wasn’t really thinking of provoking Peking, and it’s unlikely at this point that the USA will be duped again by Westminster and Whitehall into believing anything they say. But from England’s point of view, it was better it went the way it did.
Sovereign England needs a future special trade relationship with Mexico, and by extension good trading relations con todo el Continente. Disputes on the other side of the Pacific Ocean are not for England to get involved in when sovereign countries in that area view these disputes from differing angles, that is from points of view that do not directly concern England.
Whitehall’s Disputes
As for Boris Johnson, he already has inherited from Theresa May and Whitehall disputes with Scotland, with Northern Ireland, with Ireland, with the European Union and with Russia. Adding China’s disputes with other countries to the context would be sheer insanity to say the least. So, with the Humpty Dumpty and accompanying fleet sailing away with the tail between the legs, we can start looking more closely at our future relationship with Mexico and how to import products from there – and from the Americas in general – which we cannot produce here. As it stands now, even the disposable face masks are imported from China, and in this case it is better not to bite the hand that covers your face! England used to produce textiles, so we know how to do it, even if that means using watermills to create yarn hand twined in England. Rather an English barge transporting English products along an English canal in England, than an unwanted high-speed railway track funded by China that bankrupts England!
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