England and the Americas

From England to the Americas, the route to English economic prosperity can be traced in a straight line.

Dividing HM Treasury’s Debt

Today The Party is looking again at sovereign England’s future trade prospects with the Americas. First of all, let’s take a look at the financial situation. There will need to be a declaration of bankruptcy of the state of affairs left behind by the UK. Once it has been recognised that the UK passed away in 2019 and the treasury it was running has been declared bust, the public debt it left behind will need to be divided fairly between the four constituent countries that separated. Going by population, Scotland would receive about 10% of this, and that is the tenth part of 2.5 trillion GB pounds, amounting to £250 billion. The shares pertaining to Northern Ireland and Wales will also need to be established, and the remainder is for England to liquidate.

The question is, whether the public debt is of the common people, or of the entity to whom HM refers, who appears to be the official holder of the negative figures and therefore must be held accountable for paying up the grand sum of two and a half thousand billion pounds to the public in four separate countries. A court of law will need to freeze all assets and estates belonging to HM pending financial liquidation in favour of the treasuries of the four countries. City bankers who took part in managing HM treasury will also need to be held accountable for their part in bankrupting it, and so too will their assets and estates need to be frozen for the same reason. Requests will be made to other countries to repatriate any wealth these individuals may have detracted from Britain and hidden overseas. If what remains of the debt after liquidation of financial assets of the official holder (HM) and their banking associates are insufficient to cover the figures in red, and the remainder becomes public burden, then in the case of Sovereign England it will be necessary to decide who is part of the public and who needs to pay up from excess wealth towards these debits.

As mentioned elsewhere on Party space, fake debt such as owed to the Bank of England in return for fake-money circulation, also known as QE (queen Elizabeth or quantitative easing), shall not be recognised as valid and cannot be placed as a burden on the present and future generations of England to be repaid with real money while City bankers stuff their pockets with bonuses deriving from the hard work of common folks. Only treasury bonds that are owed to people who purchased them with real money can be taken into consideration. Further to this, the £50 million a day – minus that which came back – that were paid since the June 2016 referendum on EU membership will need to be returned by the European Union. These payments were the fruit of treasonous sabotage under the government of Theresa May who was deliberately working with foreign entities to cripple England and indeed all of Britain with the intention – often expressed by Theresa May – to reverse the referendum result. That money was to a large extent placed on the HM & public debt by selling even more treasury bonds and it needs to be returned calculating by the value of the pound at the time of payment. That could be tens of billions of pounds (according to the pound’s current value) counting up to when these payments ceased.

And on to America

Once the financial side of public affairs has been placed under regulation, England will proceed to establish a special trade relationship with Mexico. By extension, trade with other countries in North, Central and South America will be encouraged too. This of-course includes Canada and the United States of America. As mentioned in a previous Party publication, England will not inherit the £39 billion ‘divorce bill’ Versailles Treaty that Boris Johnson signed up to, and any demand from the EU to receive such money will be considered a hostile declaration against Sovereign England, resulting in the expulsion of the EU embassy from England’s shires, and from that point on England will only deal with individual countries on the European continent regarding any reciprocal relations.

The Party is not aware that any countries of the American continent have tried ripping money off England through extortionate means or indulged in negative acts enforced through a foreign parliament to destroy England’s economy, contrary to the EU. Any assets held by a country of El Continente in England, such as gold, shall be returned if required by the country that owns it. Stealing another country’s assets is not going to be taken into consideration.

The Case of Italy

Mädel and I once went on holiday to Italy, where she was able to express herself quite fluently – better than I can English – and mentioned a manuscript she had written on economics. They turned her offer down and indeed tried taking the manuscript off her. Since then she has also mentioned by way of Party space four years ago – I remember posting her offer on The Party – that she would still be interested in setting up The Administration for Italy on the assumption that Italy’s state of financial affairs needs to go into administration anyway.

At the time, it appears the Italian authorities were interested only in EU membership and turned her offer down. Mädel, however, does not deal with the EU and so Italy would have needed to leave behind all the eastern Europeans, the Brussels parliament and the EU commissars and all that. Should the Italians ever wish to approach Mädel by officially contacting the English Chancellery, I the Hun am the official postmaster there and can deliver any appropriate request to her office. It would imply recognition of Our Fair Lady Mother of the English Folk and Her English Child, along the lines of Holy Mother and Child, and any reference to “the UK of somebody or other claiming messianic titles as head of this, that etc.”, will be deemed invalid and receive a return-to-sender stamp.

The idea of trafficking Mädel’s work over to Italy by way of a third party intermediary, such as Bletchley Park or Phosphorous, will be dealt with by means known to Betchy Garden, our Intelligence Service. Anglia’s work doesn’t come from them and it will not be consigned to them or otherwise exposed in a way they can hack it and sell it on. Rather, they must move on, crossing over from Limbo, for they cannot repossess the deceased body of the UK.

Sovereign England


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