Defending England From Sheer Desolation

Going from England to Mexico and nowhere else ...

The Church Calendar

Today’s Party publication is a reminder to our readers that when Angela went with her brother the Hun to Serbia, we went to Valjevo and to a church dedicated to the Holy Mother. Here Angela took the church calendar in its spiritual version because she is capable of this, and it was because of her wish to go there that I went along too, as my sister was far too small then to travel on her own.

After initiating her research, we both received an offer to stay on and were offered money in return for her writing a book. However, people from a place whose name I refuse to mention tried sabotaging Serbia, the Serbian Holy Mother, the Serbian Child, the Serbian Church and the Serbs as a people, they had contacts in Belgrade and they turned out to be malefic liars.

Angela kept the church calendar which she had been using and applying ever since she took it, we departed and eventually left for good and never went back. We returned to England from where we had started, and Angela has been working for the Holy Mother of the English Folk and for the English Child – for Holy Mother and Child.

From Sodom to Gomorrah

There isn’t a chance in Hell that other people from other lands are going to undo this and take away English Prosperity and in return offer Sheer Desolation. Regardless how much the City Whore of Babylon represented in the now-dead UK try offering their version of “a kingdom” to the whole world in place of the Kingdom of Jesus the Saviour who is the rightful King of the English Folk, they are never going to take Angela’s spiritual calendar and traffic it over to anyone, or any work she does.

These people are malefic liars who decided to ignore Angela and all the work she has done for the one and only English Church. They are only interested in prostituting themselves to foreign powers who have much money to refinance their bankrupt treasury, and it is why, for example, their biggest concern at this point in time has been to desperately supply weapons to their Uncle Bin in Saudi Arabia to launch aerial bombardments on Yemenis in their own country, knowing that if their uncle fails to succeed, he will be in trouble and won’t be able to invest more petrodollars in the dead-UK.

When the Germans ignored Angela’s offer to work for the German Holy Mother and Child, she went to Mexico. She has no intention of replacing England and Mexico with the dead-UK and the LGBTQ banner which they tried defining as ‘English heritage’, HM Humpty Dumpty and anything else that the Westminster throng hold dear and cling to.

They hate Our Fair Lady and Child of the English Folk, they tried replacing Her with the LGBTQ on 31st August 2019 and the UK died that same night. It never saw the next day. Eventually these characters will succumb and will need to cross over from Limbo to the beyond. They cannot hang on trying to repossess the dead carcass of the UK. Their UK-time is over and we are talking now of Sovereign England, the English Church, the English Folk and true English Heritage.

From England to Mexico

England is clearly defined by land and sea boundaries, and hermana Angela said to the Hun: Brother, he come directamente Inglaterra-México, no look left and no look right and not can turn head round, but come solamente Inglaterra-México.

Having taken the Church calendar in its spiritual form, she has the capability to decide who she wants to work for, and why. And that is by and large her decision, along with Those In High with whom she entertains spiritual contact. She will never hand her calendar or her work over to Phosperous of Whitehall, the failed spy-master of Bletchley Park! If these people – and anyone who they may be working for abroad trying to make Angela fail and deny her work for the English Church – were ever to prevail, it would bring sheer desolation upon the English Folk, and this is why neither she nor her brother will ever surrender! Otherwise, those who lied and lost would win through no work of their own, and those who told the truth and worked and won would be robbed, beaten and discarded into a corner.

Rather the lying losers sit out in the dark and rot!


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