The Spiritual Rus Matriarchy
Angela turned a page in her spiritual calendar and, looking up, said: Brother, not can hang around, must work!
The Maternal Alliance
The alliance between Srpska Majka and the Rus Mother is in continuation of Valjevo, and going by other communion events in that period immediately following this revelation, it was shown that there are various Rus nations each of distinct entity, but having in common one Church.
Angela, consulting with her calendar and seeing that the time for her previous work obligations had expired without ever seeing an incoming contract, informed me in 2024 that she intends working with the Ukrainian Child whose capital is Kyiv. This was shortly after she had, in her description, made phone call to Greek Mother and, spiritually speaking, left Italy behind for the Ionian Islands just west of the Peloponnese – while remaining in Mexico.
The Ukrainian
Soon thereafter I became acquainted in communion with the Ukrainian Child but cannot write on the details at this point in time, the orders coming from my sister.
Knowing that there are occasions when a nation is called ‘the wrong people’ (see the events concerning the Serbian Mother and Child and the Serbian People), and that this has to do with the ideology of others, and going in general by past personal experience, brother Hun took it upon himself to present the case of the Ukrainians, whose Child I described as a Cossack.
My sister not harbouring sentiments directed against Russia, I did my best to present the case along historical grounds based on external influences not actually of Russian provenance (communist atheism, papal supremacy) and also in line with what the Latvian brother and sister had once told me, as rendered evident in the page The Latvians Visit the Hun dated in real time as it happened to 22nd June 2022.
The Latvian did not harbour anti-Russian sentiment either but noted the distinction between the Russian and Latvian languages and, to put it blankly, showed me the readiness of a People to defend itself if need be. I could see nothing threatening towards Russia in what he made clear to me.
No Surrender!
Concerning the Ukrainians, the case I put forward was that denazifying a people on account of their having refused to submit to the Bolshevik ideology and all the horrors it brought with it is not an option.
Denazification can be a codeword for genocidal elimination at spiritual, cultural and national level, a name to which one can attribute whatever one doesn’t like. My conclusion is that we are dealing with a war against a brother nation of Cossack spirit who, if considered guilty, is so simply for being who they are: Ukrainians with capital in Kyiv and speaking their own language.
In brother Hun’s eyes, this does not constitute guilt, as much as the Serbs were not guilty for being who they are.
Here is today’s Party hymn.
Human Popes and Patriarchs
Meanwhile Angela’s case concerning the status of the original spiritual Baptism relating to Kyiv and the Slavic peoples of the region has been made manifest. To promote her cause I set about underlining her desire and the need to one day commence investigative probes into how an ecclesiastic body that had come into being a long time ago was later changed into another version. She says it was operated through application of First Rome and Second Rome doctrines of papal and patriarchal* deliberation inspired by political motivations of the day.
Drawing on my knowledge of how she operates, it was necessary to highlight the matriarchal Serbian school of teaching whereby the spiritual Mother of a nation recognises One Holy Father only and does not give way to political and imperialistic agendas of human patronage. Moreover, going by the rules of the Matriarchy, the Child of that nation is meant to reach a heavenly place and be representative of the people within the national spiritual assembly.
*If there’s a difference between the two terms, it’s only in the expression, the meaning being identical.
The Maternal Concern for a Child
The Ukrainians and the Russians should be sharing the same Church but as separate nations, this having been made clear in communion. That I know of going by these spiritual communications with the spiritual Matriarchy of the Rus, a schism was introduced at some point in history by way of various human patriarchal interventions, be it from Rome or from Constantinople, or from both. Consequently, these papal authorities did not do justice to the Ukrainians and instead instigated a process of demoting, humiliating and delegitimising the Ukrainian nation at spiritual and at cultural level.
Keeping attentively in mind Angela’s intentions and what she’s been telling me, I have avoided blaming the Russians for something that was inserted from human papal offices of foreign cities and bearing the seal of foreign human patriarchal hand – foreign to both Russian and Ukrainian.
A Spiritual Mother Can Never Be Replaced
We need to consider whether human foreign fathers from times past who attributed to themselves the power of spiritual intervention and alteration, should be considered a binding authority when the divine Mother clearly holds to the original source of spiritual baptism that came with the advent of the Gospel to the Eastern Slavic Peoples.
The prospect of helping sister in the new mission that came up brought with it a new set of priorities and prerogatives. All I need do is leave the British Isles and this means waiting to see how the departure comes about – such a decision not depending on me now.
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