Mother Rus and the Kyivan Child
According to the spiritual Rus Matriarchy, Constantinople tried transferring the Kyiv ecclesial baptism a long time ago to the Third Rome…
The Child
… then they came out centuries later saying: Oh we’re sorry, we’ve changed our mind!
Brother Hun received a few months ago the duty to make sure the Ukrainian Child does not fall. With that he had enough to bear and didn’t need any weights placed on his shoulders. Consequently he won’t even bother here repeating a list of old lamentations.
It’s enough to state that Angela’s brother didn’t owe Germany or Switzerland as much as one word, this having been made clear in The Party’s 7th July 2023 print The Script for the Rhine Church. Not one word from the sheet of paper was given me to understand either by reading or by hearing, only my sister could have interpreted it. All I did was to work out foreseen expenses on my part to fund her. So that’s that. Tally-ho!
Preparatory Work
Then the Ukrainian Child made his appearance a few months ago, for Angela had already taken up contact with the Greek Mother and was given a new mission. On telling me of this she didn’t need to go far in convincing me, for in the past, when we were still in Italy, the spiritual Rus Mother had come to me in communion with a Son, we had given each other our hand and She had spoken to me with a Rus accent saying: You can stay with us!
Having been acquainted with the Kyivan Child not more than a few months ago of the current year, brother Hun carried out preparatory work to make it possible for his sister to receive a work contract enabling her to start studies into the ecclesial affairs of the Lady In High of whom is now being written here.
He considered it important to detach papal supremacy theories and Stalinist-Bolshevik glorification from the equation so that they do not get to undermining or otherwise conditioning die Hunnin’s future work.
A Helping Rus Hand
Of absolute importance is to comprehend that the spiritual Mother of the Rus has one alliance only, and that is with Srpska Majka and in continuation of Valjevo, and with the Greek Lady owing to the original Orthodox Apostolic Church that predates the papal institutions of both Rome and Constantinople.
Taking all this into consideration, the question is whether others have the authority to sweep under a carpet the Ecclesia of Mother Rus. Currently I am in the transit room next door to England waiting to see how events unfold. Once brother has been given the occasion to depart from the British Isles with a working contract, Angela will turn up in due course and join him. There are no other plans on the table and so, as far as I have been informed in communion, it’s for a friendly Rus hand to sort out.
Here is today’s first Party musical presentation.
Helping Sister
In order to be of help by preparing the way for Angela’s future work for the spiritual Rus Mother, and knowing how she carries out her studies, I have made clear there is no place for the communist liberation theory of atheism, induced famine, deportations and mass executions.
Also, that there is no need for human papal institutions that either do not recognise the original ecclesial baptism among the eastern Slavs as canonical, as is the case with the Vatican, or ceased doing so centuries ago only to change their mind hundreds of years later.
Their predecessors having been diplomats submissive to imperialistic agendas of their day who already abandoned the original Kyivan foundation, and having applied human holy father overlordship to overrule the original spiritual source, why would a nation exchange the spiritual Mother of that One Child for the latest imposition of human imperialistic agendas*?
The Holy Spirit from Heavenly Jerusalem
It has been brother Hun’s choice not to blame the Russians for what foreign human holy fathers, while wielding sentences supposedly enshrined in invisible holy spirit, accomplished when attempting to cancel or alter the original canonical law relating to the preaching of the Gospel: this spiritual baptism came unto the eastern Slavic Peoples in the name of the Son of God and therefore under guidance of the Heavenly Spirit from Zion’s Altar.
In this respect I made clear that at the maternal school of the Serbian Mother, Angela was taught to abide to the foundational first century Apostolic Church as per true Orthodox belief, a teaching that was originally adhered to for at least three centuries before the foundation of Constantinople.
Cowards and Heroes
Angela has been liaising with her brother and told me what not to attempt writing here, as there is plenty of research that she needs to do and it has to be in the correct context. This cannot be done in the British Isles and will not be carried out unless by way of a contract and funding. She says I have presented the case sufficiently and should not go any further.
Therefore it’s now up to others to make a decision: whether to simply hide away and allow the British to do what they do best and sweep under a carpet another Church, or stand up for the spiritual Mother of the Rus.
Here is the second Party musical of the day.
* I have decided not to waste one further word on the recent inane appearances and declarations of EU commissars and former commissars aimed at Ukraine and which are completely void of meaning and bear null value.
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