The Doctrine of the Third Rome

This doctrine has been a bone of contention between Russians and Ukrainians owing to its use as a means to dislodge Kyiv from the historical and spiritual position the city holds among the Rus nations.

From the Third Rome to Schism

Not having ever abandoned the Serbian Child and the Mother he is so dear to, sestra, as seen in recent publications, has revealed her latest plan. All we need bear in mind is the foundation upon which her research is predicated: the Apostolic Church known as Orthodox was founded in the first century Anno Domini, and Constantinople, which was built in the fourth century, is not the city of its origins.

Angela has said she wants to work with the Ukrainian Child in order to establish how the division came about within the Church of the spiritual Rus Mother. The teaching imparted to her by Srpska Majka through the church in Valjevo does not recognise the city on the Bosphorus as holder of supremacy over the Serbian Church. Rather, the original Greek Apostolic Church has its origins in the first century coinciding with the establishment of the written Gospel.

Papal Supremacy in Moscow …

If the Muscovite principality was right, then papal supremacy must have taken shape in Rome during the first century and been subsequently transferred to the Byzantine city some three hundred years later in order for it to eventually pass on to the Kremlin within the realm of Muscovy.

Therefore, if the equation upholding the passage of spiritual and temporal supremacy to Russia was watertight, then we must necessarily exclude the Greek Apostolic Church as the original source of evangelical light to the Orthodox national churches, and instead of the first century Hellenic ecclesia we would need to attribute spiritual origins to papal overlordship in Rome. This, however, contradicts Angela’s stance, which stems from the maternal Serbian school.

It also contradicts the essence of her Serbian matrix, whereby a national church is traced back to its very origins, these being defined by the spiritual baptism that came about when the Gospel was brought to – and accepted by – a nucleus of a national community who then spread the word among their own brethren by way of ecclesiastic assembly.

The Matriarchy

In Angela’s faith, the spiritual Mother of a national church will not submit to a human patriarchy but will only ever recognise One Heavenly Father. Together with the Child of the nation, the Paternal and the Maternal constitute the Holy Trinity from whom comes the Holy Spirit along with the angelic beings dedicated to that particular nation.

Bearing in mind the modus operandi employed by my sister and how the steppingstones are laid out, it’s no surprise that she once revealed how her script, which was formulated in Serbia, when applied to the Rus, does not lead to the Moscovia.

Firstly, the Kremlin’s doctrine is centred on the principles of human patriarchy as taught in Rome and in Constantinople, and secondly, the Rus Baptism came about some centuries prior to the foundation of Moscow.

According to the spiritual Rus Mother who Angela entered into contact with, the Kremlin’s Third Rome doctrine would lead to the destitution and submission of the Kyivan Child and the replacement of the original Rus Baptism with the Roman theological doctrine of human papal superiority combined with temporal dictatorship.

Here is today’s Party Cossack presentation.

The Serbian Way

We can see that Angela’s Serbian blueprint would have worked well also for the Italian Mother and was readily accepted by Her as the means of tracing back to the ecclesiastic origins of the Italian national Church.

Had they not turned down Angela in Italy, it would have become evident already then – going by that which she had already discovered and presented in writing in Italian – that Roman papal supremacy was not the founding stone. So if it wasn’t the spiritual progenitor of the Italian Church, then how could it have passed on to becoming the spiritual matrix in Constantinople?

The logical conclusion is to ask how then did Moscow receive its spiritual and temporal authority from Rome when the Vatican does not even attribute any importance on how the Italian Church originated in history.

A Different Sacerdotal Lineage

The presentation of the Italian founding stone would have offered to the world a view on who the true successor of Saint Peter is, the outcome differing entirely to the lineage presented by the Vatican. This in turn would have dispelled the theory of the Muscovy becoming the Third Rome as well as the idea that the Vatican replaced the Hellenic ecclesia applying the Second Rome theory. In fact, the Italian Church, going as far back as the first century, coincides in harmony with the Greek Apostolic Church of the same period.

It’s only that Angela’s written presentation in Italy entered into conflict with the powers that be who were hell bent on expanding the EU Empire east in the name of another patriarchy: the founding fathers of Europe. Her script along with its content was all swept under a carpet in the way already described here on Party space.

Caring for the Nation’s Child

Should one day sestra manage to start her studies into how the schism came into the Rus spiritual assembly – assuming her brother departed from the British Isles, she can later continue to the original source of its foundation. Even then, this will not bring one jot to the Rhine, just as presenting the English Church by its true historical identity did not contribute in any way to opening the Italian door nor to filling in two empty spaces – after all sister Hun was in England.

Angela has a one Child only policy, and the law she abides to is: Be nice to the (spiritual) child in the train you are on or are about to board and care for his needs!

She didn’t manage to get back to German Land and this will explain why the Child of the German Mother remained in the lower house whereas the English one made it to the heavenly – his ecclesia being fully researched and presented, albeit in public domain.

If hermana were to leave Mexico and reach the British Isles to undertake studies into how the Third Rome agenda reached the Kremlin and split the church of the spiritual Rus Mother, it would all be swept under a carpet and this would equate to sacrificing the Kyivan Child.


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