From Greece to the Rus Church

Tam na Hori

When Angela crossed over to the Rus, this was preceded by her contacting the Greek Mother who informed her of a new set of instructions and, the course of direction having now changed, made sure the foundation upon which her future research rests is clear from the very start – before the studies actually commence.

Undisputable First Ecclesial Law

That which had been taught by Srpska Majka many years ago in Valjevo was confirmed, the law that has been challenged by a pantheon of EU ‘founding fathers of Europe’, human holy fathers, human ‘heads of the church’ and Italian godfathers bearing gifts. This teaching states that the Orthodox Church of Hellenic source was founded in the first century Anno Domini, Amen.

She bade Angela open the spiritual calendar that the Serbian Mother had given her, turn another page and read what is written, assuring my sister that a Spiritual Mother awaits her, the Lady of whom is the Kyivan Child.

Second Ecclesial Law

Within time I was introduced to him in communion – some months ago as can be detected in the content of Party pages. When this happened, and needing to dedicate his strength for him alone, the weights on brother Hun’s shoulders became a hindrance, the buckles loosened, and down went the rucksack from his back.

Through our video connection my sister and I discussed how to proceed, and I was given the task to make clear here on Party space a second fundamental law that follows up on the first mentioned above: the Gospel that was brought to the Rus came by way of the original Hellenic Church from the Greek language and translated into the local tongue of the day, this being by divine authority of the heavenly Priest, Jesus Son of God, working from the heavenly Altar.

No Obstacles

Brother was told in no uncertain terms not to breathe one inkling of his sister’s intended course of research connected to the Church of Mother Rus, but only to clear out all unwanted obstacles that otherwise will get in the way and even prevent her studies from starting, and precisely this is what I’ve done over the past months here on Party pages.

This included exposing Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin’s atheist liberation theory along with papal doctrines of various cities that centuries later were inserted as wounds into the original Rus ecclesia. As is with the aforementioned communism, they do not stem from traditional Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian culture nor from the original Greek Apostolic Ecclesia.

Here is today’s first Party musical theme.

Preparing a Path

In preparation of his sister’s new mission and in direct relation to the two above-mentioned undisputable ecclesial laws, brother therefore accepted the order to make clear that latter-day interventions from human beings introducing new canon laws should be examined very closely, in particular if these people are purporting to be in possession of spiritual power that overrules the original church foundation.

This is of existential interest to the Child who I came into contact with that is of the spiritual Rus Mother. In fact, in the past, human patriarchs pandering to the imperialistic geo-politics of their day tried taking away what the Ukrainian had and transferring it to another.

Huns Don’t Surrender (including to the Scots)

Human empires arrogantly claiming the status of 'too big to fail' for many years are trying to sweep under a carpet all that my sister plans on studying and presenting, hence the absolute necessity not to let them know any information about what she intends writing in relation to the Rus Church before her brother has managed to obtain a legally binding work agreement and leave the British Isles. 

By cheating means they attempted shutting down Angela’s Serbian matrix from the Church Presveta Bogorodica in Valjevo and have tried silencing into oblivion all that she has done ever since. Then, dedicated to their empires, they entered into direct opposition to the spiritual Mother of the Kyivan Church around early 2022 and tried sacrificing Her Child, and now brother Hun wants to see how much a British uk Government Bond is really worth.

The stakes are very high now and we can safely state that Angela made her very last stand together with Mother Rus!

Here is today's second musical Party presentation. 


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