Angela’s Ongoing Dispute With Italy
The dispute is ongoing, it’s destined to reach its climax.
Italian Rogue Agency
As we know, there was a dispute between Angela and the Italian State: she claimed to have worked for the Italian spiritual Mother whereas the Rogue Agency denied this, calling her a liar instead.
Hermana had wanted to return to Italy with her brother on a work contract, and somebody equivalent to Halloween Man with high-up connections and whose latest fingerprints – according to the Italian Mother – were left in Asti, rejected the offer.
It was in Autumn 2022 when this happened going by what the Italiana showed me, for She came out and spoke up for Angela denouncing the Rogue Agency for trying to sell the Italian Church to the above-mentioned Sacrifice Man – who is also the person who was trying to exchange the English Church for something else.
After being publicly exposed for trying to sell out for thirty silver sterling, these people in Italy again challenged the Italian Mother, calling Her too a liar. So!
Demonic Pantheon
Working together with their British acquaintances, this group of people in Italy is trying to separate the national church of any nation from the heavenly Altar and bind the Christian Faith into one super-national entity run by a human organization. The expansion of NATO and the EU is their primary goal.
These are the same people who, years ago, wrote on a public forum frequented by the local authorities that the English Church is irrelevant and later flung a pot of paint at what Angela had presented as a portrait of Fair Lady’s Church. But as we know, the English Child would later be saved by the German Mother.
Rejection Rejected!
Going by what has been shown me in the last communion not many days ago, the Italian Santa Madre rejected the Rogue Agency’s rejection of my sister’s renewed work offer in the most absolute of ways. At this point I’m waiting to see what will happen in Italy, it will be interesting, as clearly the Italian State is plagued by someone still working for Halloween Man and intent on bringing about the spiritual ruination of the Italian nation.
Considering the sheer gravity of the betrayal that is taking place, I told a shocked Angela not to worry about the ingratitude the Italian State showed, but to just let the matter be sorted out by the Italian Mother in the most appropriate of manners. This response of mine has in fact been made clear in recent Party pages.
It’s up to the Italian State to act upon the matter if they don’t want to be in a situation of competition with the Italian spiritual Mother. Without a specific work contract at State level with guarantees attached, including the destruction of all blackmail files this person connected to Asti has been sharing about, brother Hun, who has duty of care for his sister, assures Italy that they will not get anything from her, as she herself made very clear.
Angela Said So!
Calling out the spiritual Mother of the nation as a liar will not bode well, and that is exactly what Halloween Man did in England too, when he called the Fair Lady a liar and tried sacrificing the English Church.*
We need to remember that it was Angela who made clear so soon as she and I arrived from Italy to England in her quest to start researching the English Church, that the Italian door cannot be unlocked and opened in England, in the same way as two of the four frames of the union flag will remain empty – that’s the Welsh and the Irish frames.
And because she later fled to Mexico, these delusional people living in their dream world still think they can hold her brother to ransom in a British prison and oblige her to return and be imprisoned.
Of-course Angela isn’t coming back, whereas I already died anyway and, seeing that the English Child made it safely from the German House to the Heavenly, I don’t need to worry about him.
The German Situation
A British-compliant agenda predicated upon the train to Lodz has nothing to do with Spiritual Jerusalem on the Rhine. The Hun is German and if this can’t be accepted, then sorry I’ll just have to wait till a better occasion comes up.
Freundin is in Germany working with eisernem Besen cleaning up in preparation for her place in the Wirtschaft, as promised her by the German Mother. When she was in England, Halloween Man said Out of an abundance of caution we killed the Hun by leaving him to rot, and then he said: We later tried resurrecting him, but he told us to … off!
Which is true. And not only, I closed Mädel’s English restaurant and sent her on to Germany. By that time the German Mother had come to make Her offer, which Mädel, after some thought and assessing her available options, accepted. After all, I had left her only one option, and because she isn’t stupid, she gladly grasped it.
Here is today's first Party musical offering.
Ethnically German
Those who follow Freundin’s lessons consider her to be German: She looks German, she speaks German, she embodies the Teutonic appearance, they say. Being Mädel’s Hun, I did this for the German Mother, for I wanted to make Her happy.
I’m writing all this for Her greater honour to prevent Halloween Man from claiming he had humiliated the Holy Mother of the German Folk, and in order to maintain intact Angela’s reputation. People with cheap ideals may have misjudged the determination of a Hun to even give his own life for the German Mother. Which is what I did here in England. It was necessary in order to prevent Her Child being sacrificed, for by then I knew that the English Child was safe – the one who Sacrifice Man tried exposing at the very Cornerstone in England to rot in the name of his own image and the fake promises he made to others.
The Five Pound Note
As said, he never managed to imprison Angela, I her brother took her place, and this was essential and vital. The whole controversy started when somebody had claimed to be able to exchange the Spirit in Serbia with the Swamp and the human empires it had sold out to.
They had said they’d use a five-pound-note choking policy, and that every time their will was not respected, they’d pull the cord and choke, saying: No money!
Now I worked hard for any money at my disposal – including my silver Reichsmarks, I was never funded, it all came through hard work, but the British pulled the cord terminally and choked the Hun when he had no money left. The rest we know.
Just Stay in Mexico!
Since then, Angela has never been able to receive more funds to study, and without a State-guaranteed contract she never will get back to researching, because it’s as Alexandra assured her: Even if I gave you a million pounds to carry out more studies and present them on your brother’s websites, the powers that be would just rubbish it all off and you wouldn’t get one page-view!
This is true. Either that, or they would just present themselves in front of the house and demand the pages be handed over to them just as we’re about to leave the door, catch a bus and present the work to a potential publisher. Then all the work would be hidden away in a shoebox under a bed in a State office, and Halloween Man and his partner in Asti would walk off, paid and satisfied to have served those who sent them.
When, as presented in the 25th December 2022 page In Communion In and Out of England, it became clear the Hun was actually no longer in a British prison but inside a transit station waiting to catch the train from Germany to Switzerland, any idea of a deal with the British on Germany’s part was no longer on the table.
But Halloween Man laid down conditions and a weak and feeble German State would have chosen to throw away the Gold for fourth place and receive not silver, not bronze, but wood: a wooden cross to be crucified upon! And Spiritual Jerusalem on the Rhine would have been flung at Lodz in a frenzied sacrifice directed from behind the scenes by Britishes marching through into Aachen followed by a cuckoo who would replace the German Child!
Therefore …
This is why, going by all the cards which the German Mother had already shown me and later confirmed, and going by what the Italiana showed me, I had chosen the Chivasso Axis and wanted to get back to Italy first, followed by sister Hun from Mexico, and then later, once the Italian work was done as requested by the Italian Mother concerning Her national Church, catch the train together with young Angela and proceed north-east to Tirol and into the Land of the Rhine.
I would have been seated to her right with revived brown bushy hair and looking seventy-five years younger, she to my left with a satchel on her lap and looking out of the window smiling.
Here’s our second Party presentation.
This is why I’m keeping true to the Italiana’s Rejection of the sacrifice, with reference to the unholy offering that’s being orchestrated by somebody sitting in Asti. Her interests are perfectly compatible with those of the German Mother!
*We need to keep in account that whereas Angela researched the English Cornerstone and presented it in writing on a website set up by her brother, thus bringing it into public domain, she has never researched the Italian Church, meaning Italy’s spiritual situation is extremely perilous, contrary to England’s.
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