A Decision Concerning Angela
Recently I contacted my sister in Mexico using our video connection to inform her of my decision regarding her future.
Fraternal Duty of Care
The case put forward by brother Hun in relation to Italy is as follows:
In the sequence of the recent three communion events between the Italian spiritual Mother and me, She made it clear that the only one legal way accepted In High is that the very first time Angela and I went from Italy to Valjevo in Serbia, we passed through Ancona on the Adriatic coast and returned through Ancona to Italy, after which we took up abode in Liguria.
And it goes on:
After Angela had journeyed to Serbia the last time with her brother from Italy to Greece in order to avoid the Swamp, we returned to Serbia at Easter to then make our return to Valjevo where she put to script her Serbian blueprint on national Church origins. Then we returned to Italy again and Angela started researching the universal foundations of the Church. She also wanted to work for the Italian Cornerstone that is built upon these foundations.
This is the only legally valid route and set of events accepted In High and the Italian Mother is not giving up on this regardless what the EU or NATO or the ex-uk want to make believe!
And furthermore, according to the Italian Mother, someone in Asti on behalf of the Italian State sold out for thirty silver sterling and tried scrubbing Angela’s history from existence claiming it must all be cancelled. The Italiana assured me this will never be accepted and the person who has been doing this must be deactivated from his position of betrayal.
Until such time, I told Angela, just forget anything at all about going to Italy: because so long as this person is operating and his misdeeds have not been rectified, it will never happen!
In England, the British establishment appointed Halloween Man – let’s call him Sacrifice Man – to try and whitewash Angela’s past, not because it is incriminating, but to cover up all the betrayal that has been committed and his own part in it. He is the one who tried sacrificing the English Church, and yet I have explained on Party pages that Angela’s return to England depended wholly on her having been with her brother in Valjevo and that there was the direct connection from Valjevo to Folkestone Road.
And yet, Sacrifice Man tried binning this and converting the enterprise into his own monarch’s name, who, however, never contributed one dime towards my sister’s work nor was ever designated In High as being in a position to replace the Fair Lady Mother of the English. He, however, claimed his monarch was ‘god almighty by divine right’ and ‘funded everything’ (he probably meant his own monies), and then he made some fantastical promises about the Welsh and the Irish which he cannot keep. And he still thinks he can imprison Angela and torture information out of her – while being paid.
That anyone could think the Italian spiritual Mother would accept somebody in Asti quietly selling out Her national Church to this person in order for him to sacrifice it, goes beyond belief, but evidently these people did challenge Her, and so my fraternal final word on this matter was spelt out to my sister with Leave it to the Italian Mother to sort out!
And Further …
Then I went on to inform Angela that until Freundin has guided Germany out of the EU, any thought of hearing from the German State should be considered a waste of spiritual energy. I told her: Your only legal way back to German Land is by way of the agreement between Serbian Mother and German Mother.
This agreement came about shortly after our last return from Serbia to Italy – the one following Easter. And looking sister Hun sincerely in the eyes, I added If they cannot accept this in Germany, then forget returning there any time soon!
Angela sat there looking back at me listening to what I had to say, she was unusually quiet, and at the end, nodding once in approval, she said I understand.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
Listening In
Later we talked about Mädel and her work in Germany, about Wolfgang the Army captain who makes sure she cannot be detected and followed by the British, and Alexandra’s eavesdropping into British affairs using her mind-reading channelling expertise. Being able to detect thoughts, Alexandra is informed, although she doesn’t necessarily say much about it to me. She does however relay any relevant info to Wolfgang when Germany’s security is involved.
Angela attentively listened to how events are unfolding in German land and grinned at me when I rounded up with Alexandra’s role as an informant.
Our talk went on into the night hours, some drinks were consumed as we sat there chatting, and eventually it degenerated into laughter when I told her of my words to Freundin a few days earlier by phone, when I had said to her: Listen Mädel, wherever the Polish border is nowadays, just make sure it’s as far away as possible and that Ivan and the Germans don’t come to blows: we can’t afford another war between Germans and Russians, it’s not in our interests!
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