Hellenic Testimony on the Rhine

The Greek participation in the Gospel should not be made vain, it’s an essential part of Angela’s work.

A Greek Victory Should Not Become a Defeat

Once Angela has returned to Germany, she will be studying – and preparing for presentation – the Hellenic testimony in the Scriptures known as the New Testament, which originally was written in the ancient version of Greek.

While these writings are already known since the first century of our Lord’s era and have been translated into many languages, my sister will be presenting them within the context of the original ecclesiastic foundations in the days of the Apostles.

Having gone east across the Ionian Sea to Greece years ago in order to return to Serbia at Easter and reach Valjevo again where she prepared her Serbian blueprint, die Hunnin isn’t going to allow the Sinking Sands to cancel her achievement which came about using the spiritual calendar she had received in Valjevo from the Serbian Mother*.

Here is today’s first Party presentation.

Or Five Euros for Joining the EU

If, however, the origins of her spiritual calendar were to be silenced off and thrown away, from Angela’s perspective the entire concept of the Spirit within the Orthodox Churches would be flung away with it, for she upholds testimony to the spiritual Mother of an Orthodox Church and the Child of that particular nation: the Serbian nation. And all this in return for expanding the EU empire east across Europe and joining NATO for five euros!

Anyway, the fact that the English Child made it to the heavenly House owing to Angela’s Serbian matrix is proof that my sister will not fail: she will never surrender to the prison and she isn’t coming back at all where the British are – precisely in order not to enter the prison. That’s why her brother took her place instead, and he guaranteed can’t surrender. Didn’t he leave them his last five pounds when he died?

A Kosher Supper

Alexandra on her part will be applying her knowledge of the Scriptures known as the Old Testament, or, among Jews, as the Five Books, the Prophets and the Writings leading up to the New Testament. She and my sister will be working each in their own sphere and, whenever they feel the need arises, cross-referencing.

Indeed concerning Angela, in our last page On Returning to Jerusalem on the Rhine, I wrote: “all the research she did in Italy on universal Church foundations needs to be repeated and she’ll be accomplishing this one day in the Land of the Rhine together with Alexandra”. The issue was, the pages remained in Italy where they were hidden away, hence we have no access to them. In Italy they chose the quicksand even after Angela had gone to Greece and returned to Serbia at Easter. I had invested a lot of money in our residence in Liguria, but this was for my sister and I bear no regret, only sorrow that they made her unhappy.

Urbi et Orbi

All this will only ever be possible once there is a contract with the German State that is binding and guarantees the promotion of Alexandra and Angela’s research once completed. Anything less than this is not an option and thus Mädel is in Germany bringing an end to the EU empire in an absolute fashion.

For sure Freundin knows one basic truth: the Church comes first and the State must not act against the Congregation. If the two are in conflict whereby the secular is trying to bring down into ruination the Spiritual, then of the two, the State must be humbled, not the Church.

The Brief

One of my recommendations to Mädel before she departed for Germany was: Remember how I shut down your English restaurant and that the German Mother then came to England and saved the English Child: the Church came first!

My right arm stretched out to the east, I added: Go now and shut down the EU and bring its empire to an end! Then Angela will return to the Land of the Rhine and research the One German Church as of its origins.

Freundin believed and with joy in her heart set out to accomplish the task given her, Alexandra at her side. And taking a leaf from Alexandra’s book, I further had said to Mädel: There will be no sacrificial offering, the German Child must prevail, saving the EU in his place is not an option.

Here is our second Party tune of the day.

*In the church of Presveta Bogorodica.


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