Mädel in Deutschland
She’s in Germany bringing an end to the European Union.
It’s Been Over a Year
Little over a year ago, Freundin left England and moved to Germany where she took up residence. She’s been working to bring an end to the European Union and its domination over German affairs. Irreconcilable with the German constitution, this alien entity of communist structure has no place in German Land and needs to go.
Working in a private school where she gives free lessons on liberating Germany from the EU commissars, Mädel has become very popular owing to her skills and her looks: people say of her that she has German character due to her no-nonsense approach, and they are also convinced that she must be German, with blonde hair and blue eyes and features that are typical of the German family.
If she is from East Anglia, they say, then her German family settled there at some time in the past and, as a good German, she returned home in the time of greatest need!
Happy Ever After
I have explained elsewhere that the decision also had something to do with her Hun who decided she actually belongs in Germany. It’s the law of conquest: seeing that I conquered Mädel’s heart, it was my duty to persuade her to make the transfer to Angela’s homeland, which is the land where the Rhine flows.
This way we will all remain together, I had assured her, because not only is it Angela’s homeland, but also the spiritual homeland of Alexandra in her quest to strive for Jerusalem on the Rhine.
By that time Freundin had forgotten what I had done to her English restaurant and was willing to move on to new horizons. And my reassuring words to her were: Be certain that all this I did for you!
I remember the affection that showed in her eyes on hearing these words and the fondness in the smile that appeared on her face, and I also recall how the sheet of paper on which I had written “I owe the British -£1795? - I’d rather leave them my last five pound note in black*” dropped from her hand and glided upside down on the table.
She had no more questions and no more explanations were required, it was those words of love that carried the day and won Mädel over to the German cause.
Lodz-Orientated Policy
– Wir wollten so gerne nach Lodz fahren!
– Von mir aus können sie sogar mit dem Segelschiff nach Batavia reisen, es wird eher nichts ändern: der Zug fährt dem Rhein entlang von Deutschland in die Schweiz! Die Deutsche Mutter hat Mädel nach Deutschland gerufen, also arbeitet sie entsprechend.
Recently I spoke with Freundin using a bug-proof line and made clear that Germany should not be sleep-walked into a war with Russia, and I enquired whether this was also on her agenda. She replied it was, explaining that in her lessons, the EU is depicted as a one-armed cryptoid which cannot move anywhere unless attached to NATO, which is its other arm.
Akin to a cyclops, the pair move forward with one eye in common, one day attending an EU summit, the next day a NATO summit, was her explanation.
Bad Decision
In spiritual communion, the Italian Mother recently showed me that the man who tried selling the Italian Church to Halloween Man is based in Asti. She is following every single move being made against the Italian spiritual Congregation which needs to find its origins in history, a task that Angela alone can accomplish – in Italy.
At Bletchley Park they don’t appreciate how they are being watched and monitored, as is the case with those they are secretly scheming and plotting with in the dark. These people still think the law of the Swamp prevails along with its betrayal.
This law however never prevailed in sister Hun’s books and so I limited my focus on Italy’s ecclesial affairs at The Party to briefly outlining the essential theme as per communion but without giving any further details. If Halloween Man gets to knowing too much of the communications being shared with me, he’ll desperately try changing the cards on the table, so it’s better to leave him in the dark so he can’t see the numbers and the suits on the cards. And yet, every single move he makes is being watched, and the exact same goes for his counterpart in Italy.
In Breach of the Italo-German Alliance
When She had made her offer concerning Angela and her brother in the latter part of last year, as mentioned at the time on Party space, the Italian Mother, aware that Mädel is in Germany, did not make leaving the EU a precondition for Angela’s return to Italy so as not to interfere with Freundin’s work which requires time and patience.
The only condition was that my sister Angela returns from Mexico and researches the Italian Cornerstone. In fact, the funds were supposed to be paid in euros, some for me, some for Angela’s studies on a pay-as-she-needs basis, but, as I have recently stated, the Italiana’s offer was rejected by the Italian State. Meanwhile, we know that the sabotage has been operated from a place in Asti, this being what was shown me the other day.
What has been done there did not correspond to the Chivasso Axis alliance and was therefore unlawful in the Eyes of the Italian Santa Madre, who, as we know, prevented the Italian Scroll from being taken out of Italy and trafficked to the west by Britannia.
Here is today’s Party presentation.
*Not in red because, before dying, I refused to take on a debt for HM Revenues: now compare this to the public debt left by Westminster which can never be paid back but only goes up all the time!
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