The Child in Bethlehem

Alexandra the Guiding Star

At The Party we have explained that Angela is waiting to begin her research into the German Church. She wants to work with German Holy Mother and Child and currently is away from England to avoid arrest. Those who seek the ruination of the German Child are in the depraved Tory party, they are placed in Whitehall, and lower down in the chain of command in some places of local administration.

These people have identified the German Mother and Her Child as the target, they want to make Her fail and to achieve this they know that the German Child must be denied his ecclesiastic foundations. They cannot find Angela, who they understood is the one who works with the Child, they are unable to reach her as she is in another jurisdiction after going west, and so their ambush of the German Child cannot happen as she is not here to do her work. They cannot bug her and take her work away once it is ready.

And so it is necessary that the Germans do not allow them to prevail over the Child. A representation needs to arrive in England to meet the Hun. The German Child is waiting with his Mother to receive those who have the duty to promote him once the work is accomplished. Alexandra expects the party of Germans to bear gold as part of a contract for future work with her, for only then will Angela be prepared to return to England and offer her own agreement with Germany.

Tonight The Party presents a Christmas song.

Herod’s Police

At one point, a unit of Police came in the house, and their commanding officer, without ever looking at me, approached while repeating in a menacing tone: he said he would join us. Suspicious as to this claim, I said nothing, as clearly he was avoiding looking me in the eyes or even seeing me at all, and I deemed the intent to be unholy in purpose, and so they departed. It has already been mentioned that Angela returned west again after visiting me, and consequently they could not arrest her. But they are waiting for her to return, believing she will lead them to the German Child. They have orders to silence him off so soon as he is revealed, hence my sister’s absence because after coming to visit me, she returned to Mexico.

Herod’s people swore allegiance to their queen, and they know that if the German Child prevailed, so too would the English Child, and his Church too would be promoted on the front pages of the national press. Thus their realisation that they need to find German Mother and Child and shut them down into silence.

Only the arrival of the German representation in England, where Alexandra and the Hun await them, will put an end to Herod’s ploy to replace Jesus the King of the English Folk with the Prince of Wales and his line. By seizing the German Child, they would cut off Jesus as King of the German Reich too. This is also within the agenda of the Italian Illuminati, those who call themselves ‘fathers of Europe’ and to whom the UK had pledged allegiance by way of an unholy alliance. See also Theresa May’s Divorce Bill and how it is designed to negate by way of hypnosis any hope in Holy Mother and Irish Child, and presumes that the EU empire of Babylon can never be challenged in any other country either, including Germany.

Church Door

The Church With the Full Moon

This beautiful ecclesiastic building was once shown to me in a vision near the Rhine in Germany, where it stood at the end of a pathway in the countryside, and over it was the Full Moon in Heaven. One day in England a number of years after this, the German Mother showed me a map with designs, and on it was the road from Rheindahlen to North Camp. The German Church was situated along the part of the road between Dover and North Camp, because She expects Angela and her brother to accomplish the research in England, Land of the Fair Lady, the One I affectionately know by the Name of Britannia.

Here is tonight’s second Christmas song.


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