Mädel Alternative Anglia

Engaged to the Hun

Readers at The Party will be fully aware that in early 2017, Mädel, on finishing school in England, had made an offer for work in her sphere of economics and wanted a binding contract, this being refused by Whitehall, which instead demanded she hand over her policies for free to the UK in return for nothing.

She never suggested working for free and handing her recipes over to the Tory party – or any political party infiltrated by the Tories and Bletchley Park commanded by Whitehall. She was aware they were working for their Italian adoptive fathers too, the ones who had tried stealing her manuscript some years earlier when we had gone on holiday to Italy. The UK reduced itself to flinging insults at Freundin and calling her a liar. It so happens she never intended working for the UK, but for Sovereign England.

Anyway, Mädel has decided – as explained in recent editions here – to cross over to Germany on account of the German Holy Mother. She chose the Hun, and the idea that she’d have exchanged me for Theresa May and Boris Johnson goes to show how arrogant and absurd those people are. Truly demented!

Please accept today’s Party song.


The Italians had sent Beelzebub and Moloch over to infiltrate England, and the UK was working for the Italian founding fathers of Europe. Had these people won the War, England, Germany and many more nations would be enslaved to the Communist and atheist EU, the satanic new world order would be imposed over many countries until the bitter end. There would be no Holy Mother and Child of any nation, even Serbia would have joined the EU, just as their leaders kept promising all the time while faithfully holding an EU flag in their hand.

At The Party, all we needed was for Mädel to cross over to us to make a complete company and now we can work for the alternative Victory of the German Mother over Satan and his army of demons.

Mädel has agreed. However, at the moment she prefers to wait for Germany to make an offer to her rather then make one directly herself, as this will avoid the Italian Illuminati and their UK adopted ones from interfering and sabotaging. She says it must never come to be that she made an offer to Germany but was turned down! This way, says Mädel, she’ll avoid bringing disrepute upon the German Holy Mother and prevent Phosphorus government bond-uk and their Italian godfathers responsible for their satanic education from committing sabotage.

No More Chances

The idea that the Prince of Wales could go riding through Germany, knocking her work offer down and then driving off back to one of his castles is structured on something that will not happen. Hence her choice to wait for the Germans to come forward instead. First of all, says Mädel, Germany needs to respond to Alexandra’s offer, and then to Angela’s.

She is aware that someone in the Balkans tried offering codswallop to the entire world in return for entering Europe and that the Italian Illuminati had baked it off with an additional sprinkling of icing sugar and handed it over to the Prince of Wales and the Whitehall brigades who swear an oath of allegiance to his mother.

Therefore, first of all it is necessary to allow Alexandra and Angela to have their work prospects respected by way of binding contracts before offering any cooking recipes on economics.

Madel aus Kurpfalz

Of Help

Thus far, Mädel has already been of great help to Germany by explaining why the EU is nothing other than a fallacy and a trap of Babylonian proportions, a place where an utterly bankrupt Italian state is set to receive sixteen times more ‘pandemic recovery funds’ than Germany, and three times more than Spain – over a five or six year period, and is probably looking at hooking on to Germany’s toil and labour through some joint tax revenue or other.

She has also given the alternative to Theresa May’s Divorce Bill, which is meant to uphold EU authority in a way that it may never be disputed, thus dealing a blow at Germany no less than at Ireland, both north and south.

But this is the framework, going beyond that would honestly require an offer from Germany at some point in the future, when first other obligations have been established by way of contract. It needs to be noted that these obligations involve Alexandra and Angela doing their work, as well as Germany making it possible, hence the binding part is reciprocal.

As for myself, the Hun has explained that he is not asking others to help him, but is waiting to get back to work with those who actually do help others! Phosphorus uk-bond and the Italian founding fathers are not those who help, indeed they can both demonstrate to have left over to society a state of sheer financial bankruptcy along with cluelessness on how to get out of the mess they created while trying to force others into it even more than they already have. These weird people even tried cancelling my name, Alexander.

Beelzebub and Moloch from Italy told them to!

Lastly, Freundin will never, ever work for the UK! That fake kingdom will never replace Sovereign England of which Jesus, Son of God, is the rightful King.


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