German Mother Against Babylon

Mädel: Friend and Helper

In our opening chapter today at The Party I can reveal that Freundin is happy to help the German Folk understand why the Holy German Mother cannot accept the UK-EU imposed Treason deal known as the Brexit-related Divorce Bill which Theresa May and EU commissars, under the directives of the Italian founding fathers of Europe, cobbled together.

Theresa May and the majority of the Tory MPs, as also the vast majority of other MPs in parliament, were in favour of remaining in the EU, and the parliament notoriously went out of its way in the years following the June 2016 referendum on EU membership to sabotage and attempt to revoke the result, including seeking the courts to illegally intervene with judicial sentences to undermine democracy. It was a clear case of a prime minister, backed by a cross-party majority in parliament, working in collaboration with foreign entities in order to prevent the EU from becoming damaged as a consequence of the referendum and deliberately making Britain become the damaged party.

This has a lot to do with Germany, as the UK parliament’s Divorce Bill was designed to assign perpetual and indisputable power to the EU parliament and its commissars and thereby block any idea of other countries choosing to quit with the European Union.

According to Mädel, the diabolic result of this private agreement, dictated by the founding fathers of Italy who assume to be the patrons and owners of the destiny of many nations, is that Germany is trapped in a system that claims the Twelve Stars of the Heavenly Mother and attempts to destroy Her Child – see the EU emblem.

Here is today's Party song.

Attempt at Destroying German Church

Mädel has explained that she will not undertake anything that could prevent the Germans from contacting the Hun here in England regarding a binding work contract with Alexandra and later with Angela – who otherwise will not return, but she is making clear that her economic policies can never be used to further the cause of Babylon.

Freundin is aware that the Church in Germany standing under the Full Moon in Heaven and once shown me by the German Mother – the one Angela needs to research, is a designated target of the EU second generation founding fathers, including those in the ex-UK. She knows that the Marriage in Heavenly Jerusalem is directly challenged by Theresa May’s Divorce Bill and its attempts at perpetuating the European Union to the detriment of Germany – and indeed of many other nations too.

The Divorce Bill is a UK masterpiece and there should be no doubt that the Prince of Wales is sitting in the background waiting for his chance to come forward and proclaim himself the head of all faiths. Apart from shutting down every national and sovereign Church, all he needs is Mädel’s cooking recipes on economics to challenge Jesus, Son of God and rightful King, to then promote himself. We may safely assume he has been working behind the scenes for some time now, and that the Italian Illuminati chose him as their Prince of Darkness – someone working on an international scale to take control over church and faith in many countries.

English Church

The Crown With the Twelve Heavenly Stars

An organization such as the EU is exactly the kind of system he would need in order to operate, and with its claim to the Twelve Stars of the Heavenly Mother, this empire run by the Illuminati makes no secret of its efforts to devour the Heavenly Child. This is the reason why the German Mother made clear that once Angela does return, she is not to be separated from her brother Hun, for she cannot be forced into anyone’s agenda, nor must she be put to flight once her work for the German Child is ready for being made public. Her work must not be hidden away.

The Holy Mother of the German Folk cannot afford any demonic infiltration or deceit being offered by the defunct UK or by the Italian Illuminati. While Italy may have a case running against the Prince of Wales, however this does not concern the German Mother. Her business is none of their concern and so they should keep to minding their own.

A Pact From Hell

Mädel understands the importance of an agreement first between Germany and Alexandra, and then Angela too. In a similar way, a future German contract with her as well – at a later stage – needs to be conditioned upon loyalty to Heavenly Mother and Child. Germany cannot afford to be led astray by those who betrayed the Holy Mother of the English Folk, for those are the same ones who, together with their adoptive fathers from Italy, are trying to cripple Germany with EU membership and submission to Satan.

Having made a pact from Hell with the Italian Illuminati specifically in Italy, the UK and Italy have been systematically trying to shut down the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk. Their hellish conspiracy is being used to lie to Germany as one lot and the other of the same diabolic double-entity plot their next move: and they have decided to cripple the German Church that is under the Full Moon in Heaven.

It is up to Germany to put an end to this foreign attack against the Child. Until that time, Angela cannot return, because she works with him and without a binding contract her work would be condemned to ruination, Hell and torture, the satanic ones looking on and grinning. And because we know who they are, they need to be avoided and not given credence to.


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