The Principality of Wales

A King for a Prince

This evening, 2 November 2021, The Party is giving an account on why Wales remained a principality of Charles, Prince of Wales, descendant of the Tanner’s son, instead of becoming a Kingdom dedicated to Jesus, God’s Son.

Originally, Angela Hun would have looked forward to researching the origins of the Welsh Church, possibly even in connection with some of the ancient British ecclesiastic foundations during the time of the Roman Empire – if there were any such foundations at all in connection to Wales. This is something that only she could determine, not brother Hun. For all I know, the Yellow Plague may have wiped out entire communities, causing many people in some areas of Britain to relocate and rediscover anew the Word of the Gospel. There were also pirate invasions from Ireland and emigrations to Brittany in Gaul, and in days of yore some saints may have uprooted tent and moved on, leaving behind desolate and destitute villages with pagan stone pillars or wooden oaks.

Whatever the research could have led to, were it even King Arthur and a round table, it certainly wouldn’t have ended up with Edward Longshanks substituting this with himself, and Charles trotting along out of Buckingham palace proclaiming himself as ‘the king, but not of Wales’, which would have remained a principality.

Angela works with grace and dignity and she expects her work to be sponsored accordingly. She isn’t the person who would fling a manuscript at some pantaloon to be then told to ‘go away to Italy, and wait and then come back again’. She isn’t aware of ever having lived in Italy or of having any masters there to obey.

The idea that some shill working for Humpty Dumpty could try sneaking Angela’s work from her while telling her she ‘is irrelevant’ and then hiding a manuscript away in addition to any other manuscripts tossed under a seat and sat upon – and being paid for this too – never was an available option on the table. Let’s say the Bug insists that Mickey Mouse is ‘the anointed one and god-almighty by divine right’ and tries hammering this into Angela’s head: as one may imagine, it would not bode well.

Please feel entitled to listen to today’s tune offered here at The Party.

From Valjevo Back to England

Brother Hun took his sister Angela to visit Belgrade once, we enjoyed our visit, but our spiritual base was in Valjevo. On several occasions we had been told to ‘go to Belgrade’, and having done that once under false pretence, Angela later said: Sister get down in Valjevo, and brother get down with her! What want do in Belgrade?

Angela had taken the spiritual church calendar in that town, in a church dedicated to the Holy Mother, and because she had kept this treasure and used it all along, she and brother travelled one last time to Valjevo – after we had gone back to Serbia at Easter – and then she took the spiritual calendar back with her to England. As I later explained: if there was anything good there to take, well she went there and carried it away. One doesn’t mess with Angela!

It is as Mädel explained to me on several occasions: if people want to go crucify themselves, let them, but don’t ever let the pigs trample down Angela’s work!

They are very good friends from their childhood days, and so I the Hun don’t have any qualms about people believing the Bug and deciding to ignore Angela my sister. All that counts is that the Bug never gets his diabolic grips on her work! So no, I don’t have any offers to make, the onus is on the Welsh to seek out Angela. As a good Hun, I have often enough in the past brought up the topic on Wales, but Phosphorus was working for his ‘queen’ and turned it all down on her behalf.

High Church


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