Angela and the Magnifying Glass

Return to Mexico

Keeping our readers up to date, today The Party announces that my sister Angela has made her return to Mexico after visiting me in England for about ten days.

As we sat and talked late into the night about our work affairs and how events have been unfolding, she took out her magnifying glass to examine the situation, much of which was certainly known to her already. Yet on consulting together face to face as between brother and sister, we were able to establish some facts and draw some red lines that may never be crossed. This concerns Angela’s future work prospects and mine too, as we have an agreement never to let ourselves be ripped off by the thugs that be, whether in the EU or in Westminster.

EU Bullies

While in Mexico, Angela hasn’t failed to notice how the bullying commissars of the EU, who had worked together with Theresa May to commit Treason, have been threatening to inflict terrible consequences on the island of Britain – which means the sovereign nation of England too – unless their foreign authority is asserted. As we know, Theresa May has already made sure that her pretend-successor Boris Johnson of the ‘UK’ handed over significant amounts of money to the EU as a Versailles Treaty tribute.

The EU is an organization that was never voted for in the first place but was imposed on many countries owing to a second referendum result in the Republic of Ireland. At first, in June 2008, the Irish had voted against the creation of the EU, they were then promised money and told to vote again, which they did in October 2009, but this time in favour. As a result of this large amount of money given by the EU to the Republic of Ireland for cancelling the first referendum and having a second one with opposite outcome, the Irish Republic caught bad indigestion through the rapid devouring of many pies and cakes. They went into a development bubble triggered off by the fabulous and fantastical EU promises and which caused their economy to crash as they fell prey to the spasms, thus causing the same EU to then step in and bail the country out.

So now the EU bullies have been taking money from Britain handed treacherously over to them by Boris Johnson and his cronies in Westminster, a sum that is supposed to reach £39 billion and be paid over a period of decades in sign of humiliation, even though no-one in Britain ever voted in a democratic referendum to join that institution in the first place.

Anyway, the EU has said this is not enough and that they will be prepared to cut off gas and fuel supplies and inflict horrible suffering through some sort of embargo that would mean making trade with or through Europe impractical. They are using a weaponised instrument called article 16 that is based on the ‘Northern Ireland protocol’, which however has nought and nothing to do with England. The same is the case with the crucifixion agreement otherwise known as the ‘Good Friday agreement’, which is supposed to be used to crucify England and set Germany up against both England and Scotland.

In May 2005 in France, and in June of the same year in the Netherlands, both countries voted against becoming part of the European Union. In each case, the result was overturned by the self-proclaimed commissars of what had been the European Economic Community and prior to that the European Community. Common people have never been allowed to elect these commissars, as this would have meant choosing between alternative candidates, including those who might campaign to abolish the EU, or might even have prevented it being created in the first place from its predecessor organizations.

No-one at The Party Asked Germany for Asylum

Now I was explaining all this to Angela, and she looked at me and said: What make EU think they can bully and crucify Germany into not contacting Alexandra in England?

Alexandra, as we know, has offered to write a book on holocaust, as intended of its biblical origins, and has asked to be paid up front in gold bars as she needs to pay the Hun for work he has done for her on the Exorcism and which couldn’t be paid in advance by Alexandra.

Angela added: Irish republic sold off and vote again for EU, what make believe Germans must obey republic and declare war on England?

She cannot understand how people can take Germany for a ride and tell the Germans to dance to Boris Johnson’s tune claiming they don’t need either Alexandra or my sister Angela. As we know, she wants to work for the One German Church, and Alexandra’s work on the historical significance of holocaust would serve as a very good introduction to Angela’s intended project of research.

As we talked this over, I explained that perhaps the German authorities think that Alexandra is a prospective asylum-seeker trying to enter Germany for the free ride, and Angela replied: She no do these things! Alexandra offer do work no-one else knows how do, and demand be paid in gold bars by Germans who come England to sign contract.

Please feel free to listen to the track provided here by The Party.

Crying Many Tears

Once we had sorted out all the red lines concerning our dignity and that of Party members in general, my sister and I talked about how the UK establishment had turned down my English girlfriend’s offer to work in early 2017 in the field of economics, how they demanded I send her work to Phosphorus with no contract and for him to pass it on to Italy and the City bankers, and how she had told them in as many words to get shafted! In fact I locked them out into the garden and left them to rot. Angela was laughing and with many tears cried: Mädel, she make fist, then stretch fingers and say: fist full of flies, and now all flown away!

The two are the best of friends and my sister gave a descriptive sign imitating her by waving a hand three times over her right shoulder and saying: Mädel, she no care!

I spoke about how a failed agent had publicly stated in writing that every word I had written about Our Fair Lady of the British Isles was tosh. Angela replied: That too bad! He work for Bletchley Park and want get face printed on fifty pound note!

According to Angela, the Fair Lady doesn’t need to worry because the failures who know no laws but their own cheating ways are destined to follow one particular law, and that’s the law of gravity, when they head down to the abyss. Angela is a person who won’t ever be bullied into doing – or not doing – what she so proposes. She reckons the Germans will be contacting me in England in order to approach Alexandra for a contract, and also for one with Angela herself. She added: But then, Brother come México too!

My sister wants to work for Mexico as well, and she showed me again the map and reminded me: Brother come solamente y directamente Inglaterra-México, no look left and not can look right, just from North Camp to Land’s End and then straight over

The Church Calendar

Clearly, she doesn’t have any intention of changing her plans concerning Britain, and she said: Scotland in north, England south of wall, Germany East and Mexico West.

Readers will know that Angela has done extensive studies into the origins of the English Church and of the Scottish too. She took the spiritual church calendar away from Serbia and does not work for crucifixion, but for Easter. At the time she said no-one can sell the sacraments, Holy Mother and Child and Easter, not even to the EU. She will not be told by anyone to cross the name of a nation from her calendar, or to insert one where it has no place. It so happens that Germany had a top place on her calendar some years ago, as written then at The Party in its previous version. Only, her offer was turned down. However, they did not have the permission of the German Mother to do so, for She refused to surrender to bullying. Angela knows this, and because she knows it, she has good cards in her hand.

I reminded her about Phosphorus and the burnt leeks, and a tear rolled down her cheek! She said: Brother not can cross ditch, King Offa was right!

Magnifying Glass


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