One German Mother, One German Child
Angela Came From Mexico
This week, Angela my sister came from Mexico to see me, she wanted to know what I had decided in relation to the German Mother and Child. I told her that I had offered – in English – my services to Alexandra for a work contract with the Germans after inviting her to coffee and cake, and that Alexandra had responded in German and said she will accept. Also, that I was hoping Germany will take up a contract with Angela too and that I wished to invite her out as well to coffee and cake with brother. Well Angela told me personally that she will accept, and she gave me this reply in German, as Alexandra had done!
That is, once Alexandra’s offer to Germany is first established by way of an agreement, of-course.
Tyrol is the homeland of the Tyrolese, and these will never give up their German mother tongue and the good ancient traditions of their forebears or accept to be demoted to the rank of ‘Europeans’ in somebody’s failed empire – not when it comes to the Spiritual Mother of all the Germans and Her Child!
Please feel free to listen to today’s Party music-presentation here at this link.
Jerusalem in High
Alexandra knows that when the Ten Tribes of Israel passed over to the Gentiles, it was in preparation of many nations inheriting a place in heavenly Jerusalem. Jesus Son of God came to fulfil the prophecies of Redemption for the many races and ethnic peoples. Alexandra intends writing a tract on the holocaust, presenting its meanings from the biblical perspective, as the term is much older than many people believe. This will require a lot of research and I will be helping her in the laying out of books on tables, preparing quill and ink and bookmarking references in the Scriptures and in antique rabbinical texts even from ancient Babylonia. Doing mostly manual work according to directives, I can describe myself as Alexandra’s adjutant.
Then there is a grey area called karfreitag, which overlaps Alexandra’s sphere of expertise and that of Angela, so I guess they will be both working together on that particular subject.
The Hun wishes to remind our readers that my sister and I had observed some people claiming to be able to bring the Holy Spirit upon individuals through the expression of some formulae, although there was no evident proof for what they were saying. One day Angela and I entered a church in Valjevo and at some point she said the spiritual church calendar was gone. Later I found out that it was indeed gone, because she had taken it! Being a spiritual calendar, I imagine they never saw what befell them at that time. Using that calendar, we went back to Serbia one more time, at Easter, and that was it, there was nothing higher than that on Angela’s calendar, so we returned to England, she keeping what she had taken.
And Angela wishes to prove this in light of evidence when she does her studies into the German Church, which she says can be one only: of German Mother and Child. That is: die Deutsche Kirche. In old English, the Germans were called Dutch, whether from Antwerp, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Prussia or Bavaria. There is a place in Zion for the German Mother and Child, and that place is not underneath the ground as according to the anti-gospel of Phosphorus Government-Bondage.
The Demise of the EU
We have seen in recent editions that the European Union became embroiled in matters concerning our Fair Lady of the British Isles, trying to promote a fake kingdom here and a republic there and attempting to establish borders and protocols that only serve to divide people in Ireland and inflict despair on others in Britain. We can take for granted that, in the dispute between the Fair Lady and the EU, the latter will pull the shorter one and go stumbling down to its eternal ruination, while Our Fair Lady will earn respect and admiration for showing them the way out. So once the EU has crossed over into the abyss, the German Mother can finally assert Her own rights and those of Her own Child. That will have nothing to do with running after fifty-five states in south-eastern Europe trying to get into the EU, or getting mixed up in the affairs of the British Isles.
A Good Investment
Paying peanuts brings on monkeys, they might come along trying to sell the sacraments in order to enter the EU, but from there to attempting to sell Easter, the path is short. Alexandra, however, contrary to the desperados trying to hitch a ride on the EU merry-go-round, doesn’t deal in nuts and will need to be paid in advance in gold bars, because she owes quite a few of them to the Hun for work already accomplished on the Exorcism. It is the only way for Angela to become part of a work contract with Germany too, although at a later stage. That means the Germans need to contact the Ænglisc Rīce Chancellery, in England, where the Hun will accept the gold and hand over a binding work agreement between Alexandra and Germany once she is satisfied with the details to be signed up to. So if brother Hun is still about, now is the time for Germany to make good use of this prospect. Der Mensch lebt ja nur einmal.
Angela has something which no Phosphorus and no Bug can ever give Germany, no fake kingdom and no republic either, nor anyone else. Angela came all the way from Mexico to enquire, and so it is only decent that the Germans should send a representation to England to meet with brother Hun.
As for Ulster, no-one in their right mind could suggest that leaving a kingdom that died of syphilis could entail walking into a republic headed the same way. Jumping from the frying pan into the fire never was an option, and no-one should ever have expected sister and brother Huns to present such a thing.
They tried bringing disgrace upon Our Fair Lady of the British Isles!
Please accept today's last Party tune here.
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