Germany After the EU Is Gone

The Background to the EU’s Last Attempt at Domination

In accordance with evolving reality, it is time to look at the future for Germany following the end of the Communist EU dictatorship. First, let’s look at the background leading up to the current situation which sees the European Union attempting to dominate the destiny of the British Isles.

As we have seen, Theresa May, as prime minister of what was then the UK, prepared treacherous plans that would cripple the economy of Britain by imposing a £39 billion Versailles Treaty bill to be paid to commissars of the EU and furthermore allow unlimited fishing rights in English and Scottish waters to European vessels as well as create animosity between the communities of Northern Ireland. All this put together was meant to bring about devastating retaliation from other countries should her Northern Ireland protocols not be adhered to or if opposition arose to paying illegal tributes to the European Union and giving up sovereignty over territorial waters around Britain. Clearly intended to be designed on the notion of the European Union prevailing and Britain failing, her Treason Bill did not take into account that the Divine Purpose has different plans.

Before we reach the case of Germany, let us look a moment at how Treason was plotted towards the countries of the British Isles.

Theresa May’s Treason Deal

It isn’t difficult to imagine that, as well as European governments – whose only interest in Northern Ireland is to maintain the Communist EU empire by punishing Britain for leaving that institution, the United States of America too could be drawn into the fray owing to historical ties of many American citizens with Ireland.

This was all done deliberately, consciously and with premeditation by Theresa May while acting with foreign commissars representing foreign governments in Europe. According to the former top adviser at 10 Downing Street who was sacked around the end of 2020, Boris Johnson did not understand a scooby doo about what he signed when agreeing to the ‘Divorce Bill’, whereas one of his top ministers has recently confirmed this in as many words by declaring that the deal with the EU was made out in bad faith. This only increases the treasonous motivations behind Theresa May’s dealings with foreign powers which were intended to cripple Britain economically in order to potentially prevent a civil war breaking out in Ulster as a result of how this deal was orchestrated in the first place. This appears to have been the plan, according to which the three pieces on the chessboard were: the EU Politburo, HM Humpty Dumpty (and her government) and the Republic.

A Holy Mother Is Divine

In recent editions at The Party, I have mentioned how Bletchley Park’s agents dismissed as tosh all I ever wrote about Our Fair Lady of the British Isles including that She is the Spiritual Mother of Ireland too. However, people who work for Communist China Gateway International, for the Communist EU and who are beholden to the Wahhabi dynasty of Saudi Arabia and neighbouring family dynasties and their petrodollars, don’t care for a Holy Mother and Child.

These people also underestimated the German Mother, who they wrongly assumed would accept ruination for an answer coming out of the twisted minds of Bletchley Park’s agents. For all that they have tried to replace Our Fair Lady with their ‘Queen & Establishment’, they also undertook to shut down the Holy Trinity in relation to Germany by assuming the Germans will blindly accept the EU as their inevitable destiny (see Theresa May’s plot).

A Church for a Nation

Once it dawns on the Germans that a church comes to its own nation in the times established at the Heavenly Altar in Zion, preaching the Gospel in the folk’s own language and erecting places of congregation on its own soil, and that a Mother In High will come as a perfect representation of Spiritual Mother in the folk’s own image, then it will also become clear that there can be only one national church. This body of communion will not be subdued to any foreign nation, empire or diktat, but will be under the Holy Spirit that comes from High – from the Throne of God and from the Heavenly Altar.

In this respect, establishing the foundations of the German Church is of fundamental importance, and for this to come about, the empire of Babylon must fall. And with it must fall Sodom and Gomorrah. For so it is written in the Scriptures.

Angela was aware of this. She had taken the spiritual church calendar, knew how to use it, and had understood from early on that the karfreitag of crucifixion is the situation Germany is currently in.

As a good Hun, I her brother was given instructions to make this clear.

Pathway Out of the EU


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