Britannia: the Truth About Ireland
One Holy Mother
In today’s publication, The Party is returning to the situation of Ireland as an island inhabited by its own ethnic populations of Celtic origin. In a recent edition, I the Hun announced that I always used the personal name Britannia for the Holy Mother of the British Isles, out of personal affection. It was never any bother to me what foreign powers might say out of envy towards Her or out of hate, because it was never any of their business from the start. In fact She was for me always Celtic Britannia, Mother of the four lads, ever since I found out. Interpreted, that means Mother and Child of four sovereign nations of the British Isles, where the Spiritual Mother is the same, but each Child is unique and different. Therefore, a Spiritual Mother of four nations. Each of these four nations would proclaim Jesus Christ Son of God as their one and only rightful King – in eternity.
A New Union
The obvious outcome of this constitutional foundation is a union of four sovereign nations, one of which being England, where the Christian Faith is founded upon the original Church of each of these countries going by the time when the Gospel was introduced. In England’s case, there were two such foundations, one in Kent, the other around fifty years later in Northumbria.
In Kent, the Church in the south started with King Ethelbert and his Christian consort Queen Bertha of Frankish origin. The Kentish king converted to her faith and founded a new church in Canterbury the capital of Kent, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the pope and Augustine, who arrived later. In Northumbria, Celtic missionaries were invited over by King Oswald, who had already converted to the Christian Faith while at Iona and later returned to his capital of York. Kent and Northumbria later united with other areas of Britain to form England, and both Canterbury and York were the seats of the two main English dioceses on account of the original ecclesiastic foundations prior to the unity of England.
The other three countries each have their own ecclesiastic foundations which are separate and independent from those of England. And considering Ireland as one of the four countries of the British Isles, research into Irish ecclesiastic origins is a study unto itself. However, England and Ireland, as Scotland and Wales, can never exchange each their own Kingdom dedicated to Jesus Christ our Saviour for a fake kingdom of a private family whose origins go back to the Tanner’s son, or for a republic.
The UK Establishment
From the day the Hun returned to England, he never stood a chance on his own, as the authorities in Whitehall swearing an oath of allegiance to their ‘queen’ always sought to be rid of Our Fair Lady and each and every Child to which She is Spiritual Mother, and to be rid of God the Father and of his Son our Saviour. The Holy Trinity is that which they vehemently opposed, while at the same time working for foreign entities who were hell-bent on making our Spiritual Mother fail, no doubt proclaiming some fakery of their own in matters concerning the Holy Spirit.
My sister Angela though was never deterred by their bullying and always kept well out of their way too, working according to her own means and relying on her brother to publish her work on church foundations on some websites I had opened.
It was always brother Hun who took the onslaught from the UK establishment, and as I took, I meted out accordingly. It became apparent they were always working for Italian supremacy and had planned on simply cancelling Our English Spiritual Mother and replacing Her with their insane private family worship and with all that is the fruit of Whitehall-Westminster betrayal. Their deals with their Wahhabi Uncle Bin and his cousins in the Arabian peninsular, or with Communist China, or with the EU, their disastrous interventions in Libya and Syria, their asset-stripping strategy of English infrastructure to keep the City bankers in power, their lust for Sodom and Gomorrah – it was all flung on the scale in an attempt to outweigh Our Fair Lady and English Child.
Deus Vult!
In the end the UK died, on the 31st August 2019, and what remained are the ghouls of a dead entity claiming to be in power, when in reality everything they undertake fails. Clearly, that is not ‘being in power’, but rather being in contempt of Destiny. Even their ‘queen’ is confined to house arrest since March 2020, in hiding in some remote castle terrified to come out because of an invisible virus.
This brings us back to the title concerning Ireland: I the Hun obeyed orders when I locked the door from within, as my English girlfriend Mädel wanted me to do, and left the UK Establishment out in the garden to rot. Ultimately it is up to the Irish in general to decide if they want to believe Our Fair Lady of the British Isles and recognise Her as the Spiritual Mother of the Irish, as She is also of the English, or believe in the rot that imposed the ‘Divorce Bill’ in collaboration with foreign and alien EU commissars and are ruinously bringing Ireland to the precipice of hate and inter-communal violence, and creating hate between the Irish and the English.
Neither EU commissars nor those who swear an oath of allegiance to a fake monarchy have any place in the affairs of the Holy Trinity, for Our Fair Lady will only recognise One Holy Father, the Heavenly, and will not submit to diabolic institutions. It was never in Angela or brother Hun’s intention to tell the Irish to submit to the Satanic order imposed by Theresa May, her Tory party and Whitehall. In fact we never did!
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